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Everything posted by steveo

  1. Hiya!
  2. There are still too many
  3. steveo

    It's back.

    Still, it's a place where the unemployed can meet up to indulge in cod philosophy and take lunges at financial analysis I suppose it keeps them out of the library
  4. steveo

    It's back.

    But nothing's changed The printer is still broken. Butter is still expensive
  5. steveo

    Brexit View

    De rigeur humourless offence taking
  6. steveo

    Brexit View

    If you've ever tried to do a deal with an Irishman over a car, tractor, house, horse or gram of speed, you'll be familiar with all the posturing, bullying, leaving the room, coming back in again, foul language, threats of violence and general wailing and gnashing of teeth with which it is accompanied. What you don't do is quickly agree a price, shake hands and leave the room happy... either of you. There's a very long way to go yet
  7. steveo

    8 June

    Vince for PM! He seems like a decent sort of cove
  8. Who said that? - A woman
  9. 'maidents. Nonsnese' Have you been drinking?
  10. 'Large Sauvignon Blanc please.' 'Red or white?' Jesus H 'White please.' 'And a pint of cider please.' '?13.40 please.'
  11. steveo

    8 June

    It was all appalling marketing. The so called 'dementia tax' was actually a good idea but the Tories couldn't be bothered to explain it and the people couldn't be bothered to understand it. It was a huge improvement on what we have at the moment and would surely have made the lives of those with dementia and their families a helluva lot better. But don't let the truth stand in the way of a catchy headline or propaganda point.
  12. We used to nick each others kit
  13. Are we finally to be rid of the smoke belching, window rattling 176-ers? Hang out the bunting.
  14. steveo

    8 June

    516 = ampersand
  15. I feel a wave of apathy
  16. steveo

    8 June

    'TM's stance on Brexit which is specifically designed to kipper the economy...' Could you explain to us why she wants to destroy the economy? Is she a KGB agent?
  17. What did the air look like?
  18. 'I jumped off the garage roof with a towel tied around my neck like a cape, arms out to make a wing.' Good story S Bag and full marks for refusing to take gravity seriously. My brother jumped off the garage roof and went through the coal bunker lid. Like you, his tongue bore the brunt of it
  19. steveo

    8 June

    'until it lets them down' I wonder when they'll twig: when we give Brussels 100 million Euros? When we have to go to the IMF? When a Russian aircraft carrier slips into Faslane?
  20. steveo

    8 June

    Of course you're right but the two yoot I had a chance to interrogate knew less than my cat about the ishoos, and my cat bangs its head every time it goes under the coffee table
  21. steveo

    8 June

    I don?t hate young people much more than the next bloke but I am having trouble with this ?Great Labour triumph? and their part in it. Clearly, we should never have had a referendum in the first place but when we did the youth of the country should have risen up and put a stop to it all. They instead opted to not vote to Remain or vote at all. Some months later, they did struggle out of bed and as a consequence that nitwit Corbyn is being hailed as a potential prime minister. Meanwhile in the real world, no one?s driving the boat, Europe is pissing itself laughing at us, EU nurses won?t come here, Moody?s reckons our credit rating is in the shitter, High Street spending is down and no one can afford to go abroad anymore. I?m having trouble seeing any victory anywhere. 11% of teenagers think that fruit pastilles contribute to their five a day apparently
  22. steveo

    8 June

    Christ on a bike
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