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The Minkey

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Everything posted by The Minkey

  1. After 16 years of snubbing my lap, my elderly cat has finally realised it's an excellent source of under-paw heating. *happy sigh*
  2. Lullaby
  3. I witnessed a similar incident on Barry Road some time ago. The culprit was a No 12 bus whose driver didn't bother stopping. At least we were able to tell the owner what had happened, the time it happened etc - hopefully helped her with her insurance claim. Hope someone is able to throw some light on this recent incident.
  4. symphony
  5. "she was starting to well up at one point so she did seem desperate, even if the story was rubbish - she didn't have an obvious drug vibe though." Unfortunately, that's all part of the act. It was quite common when we lived in Brixton a few years ago - maybe they've burned out their welcome there. Some other scams: Distraught woman, crying fit to burst, claiming to have been attacked, bleeding from where she's picked at her scabs. Smartly dressed person claiming to need money for petrol - can't remember what the excuse was. Asking for money for travel ticket to get home, to Brighton or similar, because they've been robbed. Man asking for ?1 in exchange for a handful of coins, when you get your coins out to see whether you've got one, he swiftly scoops the lot and makes off.
  6. Planning permissions etc aside, while the Concrete House may well be of architectural significance and worthy of listing as a rarity, it's a disappointing example of its type. There's nothing at all to differentiate it from a bog-standard brick built large house of that era, apart from the fact that its proportions are possibly more lacking in elegance.
  7. delivery
  8. The OH and I were mooching about up that way a couple of years ago. We were imagining what it would be like to live in Lubetkin's Six Pillars, which was up for sale at the time: Six Pillars modernist house There was a downside to living there, the OH explained, the lady who lived next door had collected an enormous pack of dogs, some of which occasionally got out and bit people. You just wouldn't want to live next to her, would you? One wonders if this was the reason the house next door was empty and up for sale. So sorry to hear what happened to your daughter, Joom. I was mawled by an Alsatian guard dog when I was about the same age - luckily it never put me off dogs. I hope the same for her.
  9. Shannon's Garden Centre in Forest Hill sell dangly mirror mobile things which look quite attractive hanging in trees and will do the sparkly thing to deter birds. Alternatively, you're welcome to encourage my sparrow hawk over to yours.
  10. Oh for a cattle prod when you need one ;-)
  11. Pebbledash & crazy paving.
  12. Human poo used to appear on a regular basis at the bottom of our road, opposite the Tube, when we lived in Brixton. That was really unpleasant. 'Dog' poos deposited in odd places such as the utilities covers could well be due to foxes. They like to mark their territory in unusual ways - like in my bird bath.. Thanks, Mr Fox.
  13. There's nothing to beat the pleasure of picking and eating one's own tomatoes. I grew Gardener's Delight last year - wonderfully flavoursome. I also grew a heritage variety, I'll have to look up what they were as the name completely escapes me. They were very large and meaty, excellent cut into steaks and fried - a perfect addition to a plate of bacon & eggs.
  14. "Also, the greater spotted woodpecker appears to have found a mate. He's been hammering on all the TV ariels in the road, broadcasting for company ? Never seen this behaviour before. Has anybody else ?" Lol..! No, in answer to your question - how strange - though last year we had a heron hanging out with the TV ariel. Our GSW's spend their time hammering away at the fat feeder.
  15. Yes, great views from up there. Brenchley Gardens is a great spot to watch the New Year fireworks over the river, for those, such as myself, who don't fancy the schlep into town and back.
  16. Noooo - they haven't started nesting yet, have they? Haven't seen any twig gatherers in my neck of the woods - relying on them not having started as I have grand designs to reduce the height and depth of the hedge out back favoured by the robins, dunnocks and wrens. But if they've started, then it's a no go.. Last year we collected some sheep wool, while out walking one day, and put it into what was supposed to be a globular peanut feeder. It went down extremely well with the coal tits - their chicks must have had really cosy nests :-)
  17. Aw - he must be really good-natured. I'd gladly share him with you but my elderly cat would keel over with shock. Really hope you find someone to share the love ;-)
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