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Zebedee Tring

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Everything posted by Zebedee Tring

  1. I see that Humdinger has been "deactivated".
  2. Humdinger, judging from a quick review of your posting history, you may well qualify for troll status.
  3. Like Foxy I loved those good old days in LL when you could enjoy 15 pints in one of those lovely boozers and enjoy a nice punch up outside afterwards. None of them poncy gastro pubs serving guacamole and the like. Then you could have a good chinwag with Mad Frankie Fraser and his mates. Those were the days. At least after Brexit we'll be getting our country back with pounds, shillings and pence again.
  4. Natty01295, how can you suggest that the *whole* of the NHS is in a terrible mess? My family has had some poor experiences of the service but very many experiences have been first rate. Would you prefer to have a totally privatised health service akin to that in the USA, something that the likes of Jeremy Hunt has suggested?
  5. The Council would be potentially liable for the actions of their employee in the course of his employment, at least in civil law.
  6. Sorry Ronnijade but it was you used the word "nonce". Nobody else can change your posts - only you can. I would suggest that it would be in your best interests for you to apologise to the poster that you insulted or you might find yourself on the wrong end of a writ. Insult me like you have insulted everybody else, but when you're in a hole you should stop digging.
  7. The poster who was accused of being a paedophile could potentially sue Ronnijade for libel. There are recent precedents for this. Administrator please note.
  8. Aren't there only one or two Boris buses on the 176 route? Or have these buses only been put on this route recently?
  9. Uncleglen am I right in assuming that you are not a socialist and that you voted Leave? Please accept my profuse apologies if I have got this wrong.
  10. Humdinger, it's not easy for everyone to hop easily from one bus to another. A year ago I was about to have a hip replacement and found it difficult to get on and off a bus. I am in much better shape now but there are masses of people who would struggle to do what you suggest.
  11. I remember those days when I used to walk barefoot to school in six feet of snow and was regularly flayed alive by my teachers. But it made me the man that I am today, unlike all those snowflakes growing up today.
  12. So, VB, you agree with Trump's attack on Khan on the basis that he is short. You said that Trump was completely right. So being over 6ft tall makes Trump an OK bloke, does it? As I am 6ft 1in tall, no doubt you would approve of me too!
  13. Ed-pete, I started using self service petrol stations more than 50 years ago. You can't compare the simple task of purchasing one item and then paying a real life human being with buying a multitude of items and continual attempts to find and then swipe barcodes accompanied by beeps and the monotonous, patronising voice of a VR woman saying "unidentified item in the bagging area", or whatever phrase they have been programmed to say when the system doesn't work. But if you're happy to do the supermarket's work for them without receiving a discount for doing so, then that's up to you. Once again, what about elderly and disabled people who need help from supermarket staff? Aren't they worthy of your consideration?
  14. Uncleglen, do I take it that you are a supporter of Trump and all that he stands for? Please enlighten us.
  15. Why the hell should we do Sainsbury's work for them? I refuse to use self checkouts. If asked why not, I ask for a 10% discount for doing so. If pushed, I would say that self service shopping was against my religion and would ask them to respect my diversity. More importantly, what about elderly and disabled people who need help from supermarket staff?
  16. I remember them good old days when you could have a gander down LL, have a bit of banter with that diamond geezer Mad Frankie Fraser, have 16 pints at one of those great old fashioned boozers, followed by a punch up outside and then a lovely big bag of fish and chips. Now all them boozers are gone and replaced by poncy gastro pubs filled with middle class hipsters who have moved into ED as recently as 1995. You can't get any bread and dripping but are forced to eat pesto until it's coming out of your years. What next? Passports for working class people who want to enter LL? At least when we leave the EU, we'll get our pounds, shillings and pence back.
  17. About ten years ago my wife and I attended a Sainsbury focus group meeting. The virtually unanimous view expressed at the meeting was that we wanted better customer service with more staffed checkouts. The meeting was clearly a waste of time and money for Sainsbury's since very soon afterwards self checkouts started to proliferate. The situation has of course become much worse since then.
  18. You hear more cockney accents these days not only in Outer London Boroughs like Havering and Bexley but in towns like Basildon and Southend. This is because the white working classes have progressively moved out to these places in the last 60 years while Inner London Boroughs (and indeed several Outer London Boroughs) have become much more multicultural.
  19. RichH, so you think that bus passengers are "garbage"? I suppose that you agree with Margaret Thatcher that anyone over 30 who uses a bus is a failure. If so I am glad to be a "failure" in your eyes.
  20. It's even worse than that. Local elections are once every four years, not three.
  21. KidKruger, I wonder why you replied. Perhaps you recognised a description of yourself? If the cap fits ... Previosly I was a "simpleton". Now I'm a "prick". Heaven forfend!
  22. I had another bad experience this morning. Some bloody fool in a souped up boy racer car objected to the fact that I was driving at the 20mph limit and cut me up. He almost crashed into a car coming the other way and I was nearly involved in a three car collision. What goes on in the minds of such idiots? Are they the kind of people who post unnecessarily insulting comments on social media and then complain about being insulted when the insultee responds in kind? Do they have very fragile egos and lack of self esteem issues? I really don't know.
  23. Thank you for your kind thoughts, KidKruger. I love you too. Now that you have got all that angst off your chest, perhaps you could address the issue raised by the OP and let us know whether you deplore the conduct described in the OP or whether you approve it. We would all be most grateful to hear your views on this.
  24. Fishbiscuits, I think that you should examine your lack of self awareness as well. My comments above about Sixth Form debating society behaviour (not "behavior") apply to you as well. But thank you for sticking to the topic for once and enlightening us with your views on bad driving. We are all extremely grateful for this.
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