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  1. The 'Tomorrow' series by Australian author John Marsden is brilliant; although the subject matter may not seem to be typical for a female (the books are about the invasion and occupation of Australia by a foreign entity), they are narrated in the first person by a female teenager, and are full of the usual teenage issues. I'm not sure what age group the series is aimed at, but know that everyone I have given the series too (it's a popular choice as a birthday/christmas present for friends' children and/or relatives), loves it. I don't know if the books are available in the Southwark libraries, but you could try getting the first book on Amazon and then investing in the remaining 6 books if the first is popular. The first book is 'Tomorrow, when the war began'.
  2. Were the toilets being cleaned? I don't understand why you wouldn't be able to use them otherwise? Seems a bit strange to me, and I have to say, I'd not be happy having to head home at that time of night (presuming it was late if after last orders?) with a full bladder!
  3. Hi, Am trying to organise a week-long break in Paris at the end of September. Any recommendations for a hotel or self-catering apartment? I've searched on tripadvisor.com and various other websites, but there are just so many options I've no idea where to start! Thanks EDIT: Sorry, just realised I posted this in the wrong section! Don't know how to move it, sorry!
  4. I have had swarms of these little blighters over the years, in the woollen clothing, in the cashmere, in the carpets, squashed all over the walls (in frustration and anger...)... However, either they've all vanished from south London, or I've found a solution - Moth Guard spray from Lakeland. I haven't read the label, so don't know what nasties are in it. However, one application on the carpets (the breeding ground) over a month ago, and I haven't seen a single moth since...nor has my friend who also tried the spray. It seemed a bit expensive at ?12.99, but has worked for me (unless the moths have moved on from this neighbourhood generally!). I think it's only available in Lakeland shops or on their website: http://www.lakeland.co.uk/moth-guard/F/keyword/moth/product/21383 Tx
  5. Oh, am so sorry to hear that! I too enjoyed the Oystercatcher oysters on occasion (although perhaps not often enough if they're closing down), and thought that Martin and his dad were lovely. What a pity for them, and us oyster-eaters!
  6. Well done! Don't know the distance, but if you go to mapmyrun and plot the distance around Goose Green, you'll be able to work it out. Tx EDIT: I've just worked it out on mapmyrun: once around the green is 0.35 miles, so three times around would be 1.1 miles. Tx
  7. I'm with gog on this one; have been into dr boo a few times and am always followed around like a potential shoplifter, despite asking for help/service from staff, and then piling up items I intend to purchase at the cash register while I continue looking around the shop. Although I have to say, last time I left there I wondered why on earth I'd bothered to buy anything, as I really felt I'd been treated like a potential thief- and was so angry at myself for buying products from a shop where I piled things up at the cash register so as to allay the staff's fears that I would shoplift them if I continued to hold them in my hot little hands. Have to say that I won't be going back, and am not surprised others have had the same unsavoury experience.
  8. I second *Bob*'s recommendation; we've had a panasonic sd255 for about 6 months and haven't bought bread, bread rolls or pizza bases during that time. It's extremely easy to use, in fact we probably don't get the best out of it as do tend to stick to the same old recipes (wholemeal bread/bread rolls). Flour, yeast etc can all be bought in SMBS foods - the dove farms organic range is the best flour we've found. The machine is quite large and heavy so does take up a fair bit of bench space when in use (3-4 times a week); but this is easily sorted if you've got a cupboard to store it in when not making bread. Tx
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