I have had swarms of these little blighters over the years, in the woollen clothing, in the cashmere, in the carpets, squashed all over the walls (in frustration and anger...)... However, either they've all vanished from south London, or I've found a solution - Moth Guard spray from Lakeland. I haven't read the label, so don't know what nasties are in it. However, one application on the carpets (the breeding ground) over a month ago, and I haven't seen a single moth since...nor has my friend who also tried the spray. It seemed a bit expensive at ?12.99, but has worked for me (unless the moths have moved on from this neighbourhood generally!). I think it's only available in Lakeland shops or on their website: http://www.lakeland.co.uk/moth-guard/F/keyword/moth/product/21383 Tx