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Knight & Sons. Waste removal. Recommendation.
citylover replied to domesticgoddess's topic in Reviews
They removed some large items from my place a couple of weeks ago, they got the job done efficiently and were pleasant from start to finish. Would def use again. -
Just a quick note Sepiroth- I can't be knee deep in Facebook because I've never used it. I have however been surrounded by obsessive Remainers for the last decade, that is the London experience unfortunately. Too many highly educated people who think their education fills the void where ignorance lies.
So, "To use a 'foreign' word is not a good look"? Obviously not if your endgame is a one world government but people of all nations use the word foreign to describe people not of their nation and perceiving it as, for instance, xenophobic is a subjective choice. I believe in strong nations and difference, not a bland global mish mash so I see it as a very positive thing that there is us as a nation and many other foreign nations with whom we will agree on some things but not on others. I only wish there were more, I think the US would be far better and far more democratic for instance if it split up into nation states. And our votes will count because our governments will start being responsible for policy decisions that affect us again, not the EU,and ordinary people will be able to influence those policies via the ballot box, something impossible with us in the EU. It's just the beginning though, over 40 years under the yoke has damaged the UK so much and it's going to take time to learn how to be fully independent again.
Well, I am just thrilled to now have a vote that counts instead of just a vote. The latter is of no value as demonstrated Remain voters calling it'advisory'. The best thing about the referendum is the exposing of our demicracy as a sham, A democratic system that's largely based on a presumption that we are still a cohesive society operating on good faith and respect for tradition and unwritten rules can't work where we have ruthless people with an agenda who do not respect any of those things and think nothing of exploiting any areas which aren't clearly defined, twisting meanings and manipulating the law and parliamentary process. In that sense Brexit has only won the first battle but at least it's a start. As for hate crime mentioned above, for sure it's increased a thousand fold, I have never in my life seen such vitriol and abuse directed at decent, ordinary Brits- and just because we want to steer our own ship rather than handing over control and influence to foreign powers. Those attitudes won't change but it's better to have it exposed as Leavers know what they're dealing with now.
Regarding 'ignorant people like you are prepared to risk the future economy of the UK and livelihoods of who knows how many people for that ignorance.'- the problem here is that the people you worry about don't want or need you to worry on their behalf, they're perfectly capable of doing their own worrying. If you like, Leavers can provide uou the same offer and worry about how little you understand why so many people voted out. Regarding 'If I was a leaver I would also ponder why, if it was such a good idea, other countries aren't picking up a similar baton'- this is an easy one, they simply don't understand what the EU project is about. A great example of this is Puigdemont, President of the very successful Catalan region, except ex-pres now. One can assume he"s clever, anyway, As a socialist he felt safe in the knowledge that the EU was his friend, until his party held the vote for independence. When it all went pear-shaped he went straight to the EU to ask for their support but naturally on a question of independence and autonomy they weren't sympathetic at all. They have, since the matter's so public, given him refuge but that won't be an option if anyone tries independence in the future, he just unwittingly shone a light on their superstate aims and they couldn't have given him up to Madrid without showing how dangerous and ruthless they are. Other countries like those in the Eastern block, think the EU is benign primarily because they haven't experienced a (used to be) real democracy like the UK to compare it with. Like a Bulgarian friend told me, "It's better than what we have at home" Re Italy, Greece etc, I cd go on but got to get back to work.
Who is keeping count of every law that affects us negatively? Personally I've lost count of the number of times politicians have said in response to a complaint about this "We can't do anything about x,y, z because it's decided by the EU". Can't wait until democracy is restored and finally people can be held accountable again, i.e. voted out like Grieves, Soubry, Lee etc etc If anyone's upset that their personal priorities are missing from the withdrawal agreement then vote for a party that wants them re-enacted, at least now you have a choice.
Have used Gary for years, for the simple (replacing kitchen lights) to the tricky (working out what the rubbish builders had done to the electrics and sorting it out so I could get my completion certificate). Never fails.
This is a separate issue to skips licences, this is an additional admin thing from Southwark- the need to suspend a parking bay which delays you for a further ten days. I got my answer from Southwark finally though- even if you want the skip on a Saturday when there are no parking restrictions you still have to pay to suspend the bay as if it were a Mon/Tues etc. Doesn't make any sense but I guess it brings in money for the council The extra ten day delay is more annoying than the extra cost thing. Thanks everyone for your input.
Hi, I have to get a skip, builder wants to take everything out on Saturday and the parking restrictions state Mon-Fri. You have to suspend a bay to put a skip there now in Southwark if it has restricted parking but is that only on the days that they have the restrictions? I am hoping not to have to suspend ghe bay because it requires 10 days prior notice. Yes, did call parking, pressed the 'Suspending a bay' option and the guy who answered had no clue, ditto his manager :(
A 'whitehall insider' describes the Brexit White paper as ludicrous? Well that's hardly surprising as they've all die-hard Remainers. While the likes of France just ignnore rules they don't like, such as on competition (re-naionalising one of their industries when an Italian company tried to buy it- the company complained vociferously, citing the rules, France ignored them) our delightful civil servants have made it their task to dot very I and cross every T on every single edict that emanates from the EU. The point being, Whitehall insiders being upset about Brexit is no cause to worry, it's just an expression of their bias. The only real worry of Remainers is that it'll all work out fine in the end and their superstate dream will slip from their grasp forever.
I cannot wait for Brexit and if it isn't delivered as it was meant to be, end of free movement, reinstating British Law as the highest law in the land etc us Leavers will fight on because it's worth it for our democracy. MP's are not there to decide what's good for us, as some Remainers like to argue,they are there to represent us and the sooner they do the better.All these arguments about job losses etc were fully played out during the referendum and Leavers considered, with all things considered, Brexit is the only acceptable way forward. There will be positives and negatives as with everything in life, Remainers prefer to play up the bad, which you can do, but all it does is harm the national interest, it does not get you a second vote. Why? Because then there will have to be a third, a fourth, a fifth ad infinitum and we are not Ireland, we do not vote until the little people finally give the 'right' answer.
Blabla- yes I do, and this country has always been split, it's a sign of how healthy we are with all our different opinions. A single family will even have splits and huge differences of opinion- what's the problem? It's so egotistical to try and force others to think 'your' (in the general sense) way. Would Leavers have demanded a re-run? I don't think so, it's more of a far-leftist trait, protesting against "wrong" results whether it's a general election or the ref, always seems to be due to people being 'misled' or similar nonsense.
This is now a full blown constitutional crisis....
citylover replied to WorkingMummy's topic in The Lounge
Note to JoeLeg- no, not on medication nor in total denial, rather a pragmatist who just gets on with the job, and knows we've been through worse. I would suggest that patronising comments such as yours from a supposed position of superiority is what had nearly 17 & a half million of us screaming for the leave button! Sigh.
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