For me the arse fell out of it when Lip left, along with Kev and Veronica. It seemed that the writers tried to disassosiate the show from what was one of it's key crowd pleasers, living up to the reputation of how the taxpayer percieves dole cheats and the consequences that come with the lifestyle such as resorting to scams to make ends meet and visits from social services. Now there's too much sympathy for the characters that was over explored in Karen and Jaime's rocky marriage and the other, more entertaining characters were sidelined. Basically, I want to see Frank fall down a flight of stairs whilst drunk and hurt himself badly, or end up sleeping with a dog, which was often the sort of thing that made my ribs ache into the next day. From series six onwards I haven't made much of an effort to catch any episodes, where as before I'd often structure my evening around them.