I emailed the offices of the big issue regarding the gentleman seller outside the Sainsburys at CPFC as I was amazed to see two of the usual ladies that ply the big issue outside our Somerfield at Norwood Junction (along with the gaggle of kids that usually spend a fair bit of time trying to remove the clothing from the recycling bin in the car park)talking to him and then him giving them some money going in to the store and purchasing...... a box of lager and 3 packs of fags!!!!!! They too then left, chatted to him for another 30 seconds, and after fond farewells got in to a car that was holding up all the traffic. The guy driving it was one I often see talking to the old man, and on occasions I have seen money change hands, and not in the correct sequence if you know what I mean. Never got a reply from anyone at the big issue, this old boy is outside Sainsburys every day of the week, and has been for years, there is no way he is homeless, as the whole gang of them are well known on the thornton heath area, there are genuine homeless out there, Mr Bird needs to get back to basics and sort it out!!