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Everything posted by panmum

  1. Thanks for the heads up aspidistra, I usually post on behalf of our community project (or about child and parent parking spaces...don't ask lol) so I wasn't sure if I had committed some terrible crime that is only known to community forums... I do know that members of the campaign for the cinema are going to be getting about a bit during the Dulwich festival to let people know what's happening, I believe there may be info on the what's on threads?
  2. I have just found my thread after being told by another forum user that it has been moved here, I had thought it gone completely and have emailed the mods to ask why? East Dulwich is not that far from Crystal Palace, I would have thought that many people living in East Dulwich venture there to visit the excellent restuarants and shops, this event needs to be brought into public scrutiny and people need to be made aware of the facts. Whether they live 2 minutes away, or ten minutes by car.
  3. Hello everyone There are some worrying developments regarding the Kingsway International Christian Centre (KICC) and the continued battle between them and the community (and indeed council) of Upper Norwood since they bought the former Cinema in Church Road. Some of you may know the story , but for those of you who don't maybe you would be interested to read it. The reason for my post is that the church are planning to hold an event at the top of Crystal Palace Park on Sunday 21st May at 1 p.m. The Cinema for Crystal Palace Campaign have not as yet been made aware of any permission for this being granted by Bromley Council, could anyone that has had a leaflet put through their door please please let the campaign organisers know, you can PM me and I will pass on the info to them, or post here directly, or post over on Virtual Norwood. Thanking you in advance for your help. Please view this thread. http://www.virtualnorwood.com/forum/topic/7500-cinema-in-the-area/page__st__2070 Also Facebook page is http://www.facebook.com/pages/Picture-Palace-Campaign-return-a-cinema-to-Crystal-Palace /169096823086?ref=ts
  4. All I said was that piece of Halibut was good enough for......
  5. Yes moos If everyone is thinking along the lines of the great Python - but as far as I'm concerned it seemed more like a personal insult to me - very rude to talk about people sucking their teeth in the culture that I live within - it is seen as being a very low class and ignorant thing to do.
  6. Sillywoman I do not make a habit of sucking my teeth - nor do I speak with a northen accent. I also do not make a habit of parking in parent and child spaces or disabled spaces - even when there has been times in the last couple of years that I could have done with being a little closer to the supermarket due to serious heart problems. Thankfully now under control. For goodness sake people on this thread are talking about 'covered walkways' if they have to take their precious darlings further than a couple of hundred yards into the shop. I never in all my years known any baby or child to melt because they got slightly damp from rain.
  7. For anyone interested please visit this site - scroll down to the section fines on private land and enjoy! http://www.appealingparkingfines.co.uk/ We raised three sons with none of this nonsense - get a pair of toddler reins when you child begins to be able to walk. Prior to this get a car seat that you can leave in the car and a sling if you want to have a very young baby go to the shops with you! I traveled to my eldest sons childminders with him in a sling 24 years ago - there were no spaces for buggys etc back then and I did this until I couldn't fit him in it anymore AND he was 8lbs when he was born!!(My back has certainly suffered for it though I'm sure lol!).
  8. I bet they have personal condensation in that camper van....
  9. Sorry.....Just had to...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GToE3mdkBc
  10. Is this him ? (I'll get me coat....)
  11. If you need a lively band then have a look at us we do all sorts of events and we can discuss terms as there is always something that can be done if it is a community event, after all we are a community project!!Just google Endurance Steel Orchestra we would be perfect for a summers day outdoor fair! Good luck with your idea. Panmum
  12. Can I ask if I can tether several teenagers to said post, will someone think they are lost and take them home with them?
  13. Seen on abandoned dented car during first lot of snow in South Norwood.......just one word....DOH!
  14. If you have the space and the inclination to prune once a year to keep things under control then berberis or pyracantha hedges around the walls or fence is a good idea, very thorny though and not fun to deal with as a gardener! or topping off with a run of trellis all round is good, most burglars should know it wont hold their wheight.
  15. I would like to offer the services of Endurance Steel Orchestra for next year, as long as we are able to negotiate with regards to a performance fee/allowing collections. We are at the Penge Festival Fete this Saturday, Malcolm Primary School Oakfield Road if any of the organizers would like to come along and have a listen, there may be other good ideas you can pinch for next year too!! If you can't make it then p.m me and I can give you more info. Panmum
  16. I emailed the offices of the big issue regarding the gentleman seller outside the Sainsburys at CPFC as I was amazed to see two of the usual ladies that ply the big issue outside our Somerfield at Norwood Junction (along with the gaggle of kids that usually spend a fair bit of time trying to remove the clothing from the recycling bin in the car park)talking to him and then him giving them some money going in to the store and purchasing...... a box of lager and 3 packs of fags!!!!!! They too then left, chatted to him for another 30 seconds, and after fond farewells got in to a car that was holding up all the traffic. The guy driving it was one I often see talking to the old man, and on occasions I have seen money change hands, and not in the correct sequence if you know what I mean. Never got a reply from anyone at the big issue, this old boy is outside Sainsburys every day of the week, and has been for years, there is no way he is homeless, as the whole gang of them are well known on the thornton heath area, there are genuine homeless out there, Mr Bird needs to get back to basics and sort it out!!
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