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Everything posted by wouldloveasnooze

  1. Hey Tara - just reading through this thread it is so apparent that we are incredibly lucky to have such great schools in the area. So much love for all of them it seems! I've got three children, two of which, my son and daughter are in years 4 and 2 (respectively) at Goose Green, and both started in Nursery. It was lovely to read your post that speaks of the school with such positivity, as I know that all of the parents I have grown to know there all feel much enthusiasm and love for Goose Green! The sense of community, great music and art (would you believe these aren't lessons in all schools these days), great staff, plus the way parents are welcomed into the classrooms regularly were all a draw for us. My children have flourished there and grown to be confident, caring children, with a strong bond to the school. You're right that there's been quite a lot of change over the years we've been there, and that had an obvious effect on the last OFSTED and also the confidence of some of the parents at times I'm sure, but one thing that was constant throughout was communication with individual teachers, particularity those that have remained in leadership roles at the school. Personally, I don't think that any of this change affected my children's learning or enjoyment of the school at all. The whole GG community are really excited about the future under Simon Wattam's leadership (along with the rest of the Goose Green leadership team of course!). We love it, but pop in and find out if it's for your family too - the PTA (FOGGS) are always happy to chat!
  2. Hi, I just posted on another thread about Goose Green - our children are there and we think it's a great school with a fantastic new head, it's also just partnered with John Donne school, who are outstanding. I won't bore everyone by posting again, but I wouldn't hesitate in recommending it! There's an open day on the 5th Dec, pop in and have a chat to the PTA (FOGGS) to see if its for you! Totally agree with 'scareyt' that attending a school fair/event is a great way to get a real feel for a school, and they're fun too, so it's a double win! (We were put off a local school - I won't say which one as it was a long time ago - by attending their Christmas fair, mainly - but not purely - based on the dreadful manners and behavior of a large group of the older children).
  3. We've a son and daughter in years 4 and 2 (respectively) at Goose Green, and both started in Nursey. They've always been really happy there. We moved out of the area for a while before my daughter started and a place came up at an outstanding school in the area we were moving to. We hesitated in taking the place because we were still within travelling distance of GG, but in the end took it, then regretted it instantly! I saw the decline in both my sons enjoyment of school and in his learning. We were really lucky that an opening came up back at Goose Green and we moved him back pretty swiftly! The sense of community, great music and art (would you believe these aren't lessons in all schools these days), great staff, plus the way parents are welcomed into the classrooms regularly were all a draw for us, and my children have continued to flourish there. There's been some change over the years we've been there, and that had an obvious effect on the last OFSTED, but I don't think it has affected my children's learning or enjoyment of the school at all. There's a new head there now, and they've also partnered with John Donne School who are outstanding, so the whole GG community are really excited about the future. It's a great school, with kind and enthusiastic teachers that in my experience have always made an effort to get to know the children individually. We love it, but pop in and find out if it's for your family too - the PTA (FOGGS) are always happy to chat!
  4. What a BRILLIANT idea! I will post again when the weather picks up (or becomes more stable!) for a Superhero picnic! Optimus Prime might be a little lost on my two, is Transformers still on TV, I'm thinking your Optimus Prime is more likely to be over 30 if not!
  5. I was thinking of giving this a go last week, but couldn't as we ended up having people round for dinner, I popped up as it opened, just to have a nosey round, and have to admit I thought it was a bit weird too... your stuff was lovely Lindsey <3, I know my mate picked a few bits up off you for her little girl. There were a few sellers that were regular car booters just selling your average junk, but if more people from the local area start selling, there might be more stuff that people actually want!!! Anyway, I'm going to give it a go this weekend I reckon - will be selling lots of baby/toddler gear and toys - (Some Katvig, Molo, Lots of H&M) along with some adults stuff (Next, Topshop), a lot of it new and unused. Hope everyone is up for giving this a chance as I think the area needs it! Everything is so expensive, and I'm sure we all have lots of stuff that could be loved by someone else just hanging around in our cupboards!!!
  6. Hehe, I forgot to mention my 1 year old Robin - she doesn't know she's Robin yet though... Fuschia - Thanks so much for that, we went to Discover last summer and the kids loved it, But I'd totally forgotten about it! Didn't know about the superhero play, but have just checked it out online and might take a trip up there tomorrow as the weather is so rubbish!
  7. Ah, stick fighting counts as a superhero activity I reckon, although we weren't at Goose Green on Sunday, there must be another boy Masquerading as Batman! "I'm the real Batman" "NO! I'm the real Batman!"
  8. Ah, stick fighting counts as a superhero activity I reckon, although we weren't at Goose Green on Sunday, there must be another boy Masquerading as Batman! "I'm the real Batman" "NO! I'm the real Batman!"
  9. There's a little fish place (lol, sorry, dunno crreoct terminology!) in the indoor market area in Peckham - the lady there is really lovely, and sells everything you might need - she's been brilliant for advice on our fish too. Head down Bellenden Road towards Peckham Rye Station, then turn right down Holly Grove - you can park there if you're driving - you will see the entrance under the flats on your right hand side across the road/grassy area.
  10. Ha! My ad was defintely not meant in that context... but who knows what may blossom!
  11. Any age superhero who wouldn't mind playing with a 3-year old batman would be more than appreciated!!!! Will PM you Vickster, and thank you Pebbles, I do to... we just watched Superman at the weekend, shocked! its funny how you don't pick up on the innuendo as a youngster!
  12. I have a problem... quite a nice one, but a problem all the same. I have lost my 3 year old boy, and in his place, since November, is Batman. Even when he doesn't have on his outfit, I am advised that he is 'not Archie' but 'am Bruce Wayne!' Anyway, to the point of my post. He also loves Spiderman. He doesn't want to be Spiderman as much as Batman, but that's probably down to the fact that he doesn't have a Spiderman suit. Anyway, on a recent visit to Goose Green park, Spiderman was there!!! The only thing was, Spiderman was about 5 years old, and my Batman is 3 in a few weeks, so Spiderman wasn't really interested in playing with him, and pretty much ignored Batman following him around the park and trying to copy everything he did - totally heartbreaking, (but am I allowed to admit quite funny) for me. Anyway, I would love to find a 2-3 year old Spiderman for my Batman, just for general 'baddy fighting' opportunities, bat or spider-picnics and the like... Please help! Jane
  13. mine are always asleep then! boo!
  14. Yep, Tuesday's only, but there are lots of others locally if you're looking for groups around the area. We used to like:- Monday - not much going on Mondays... would be a good day for someone to start a group! I think Red Post Hill might still be going, if anyone knows please post! Tuesday - Copleston 10-12 (This is ?1 per child, not 50p as stated on EdTots) Wednesday - All saints church, Peckham 10.10-11, 11-12 (I think this one is my favourite, there are two sessions, but we used to stay for both and do two lots of singing!) Thursday - Salvation Army, Camberwell Green 10-12 (this also runs on wednesdays and Fridays I think, check their website!) Friday - Cheeky C's near to JAGS also runs a few days a week 9.30-12, but works out quite expensive if you have more than one child and a penchant for coffee and nice cake! (It's ?3.50 per child, plus ?2 for a sibling over 1)
  15. Hi all, I've been going to this group since my little boy was about 12 months old, and always took my baby girl with me when she was born 6 months after I started going! She's now 16 months old and has pretty much been every week since then... It does say Parent & Toddler group on the sign outside, but there are always lots of babies there, and plenty of baby toys. I might email Paul at the church actually and ask him to change it. The time is officially 10-12, but tidy up time always used to start at around 11:30 in order to allow time for singing, it just depends on whoever is tidying up on that particular day.
  16. Hiya, I used to run this group with a friend of mine (by default I might add as we had no other volunteers!) but have since returned to work, where I've been desperately trying to keep the group going by keeping in touch with the few people's contact emails we had who were happy to volunteer... I'm really sorry that you open up, my mother in law has had to do it a couple of times too when people havent shown up, but we've just not has the response we would have liked from mums and dads who use the group that would be happy to spare a little time. I posted on the forum a couple of times to, but didn't get much of a response. (Thanks to those that did if you're reading this btw!!). Anyway, I've just had a text from Paul at the Copleston who tells me they have finally got someone from the church to co-ordinate, so everything should be back to normal as of next week! Thanks again to anyone who has helped out over recent weeks, it really is much appreciated. Jane
  17. Hi all, just a quick note to say thanks to the few ladies who have responded, and to let you all know that group is on tomorrow from 10-12 as usual (thanks to Tara & Bea!). I will be there from 09:30 if anyone who would like to volunteer would like to call in (anytime from then upto 12), and I would be happy to show you round and introduce you to some of the other mums. Hope to see you there, Jane
  18. My faith is restored! People PM'ing already, please keep coming! More people = less work = more benefit for all mums, toddlers and babies who use the centre! Forgot to mention - when it's your turn, you obviously don't pay the ?1 suggested donation to the centre, and take the money you spend on snacks from the donation money. The rest goes to the upkeep of the Church. It's lovely and warm in the centre during winter too, despite it's size.
  19. Hi all I'm resurrecting this thread in the hope that there are some volunteers out there that can help keep this group going! Tara posted asking people to contact any of us at the group if you could help out, and although there were a few people mentioned that they might be able to help, nothing actually came to fruition, and so following my return to work (boo!) Laurie has ended up having to open up every week... not easy some days with toddler and young baby in tow! It would be fantastic if we could get a few local mums - either regulars at the centre, or newbies, to help out getting out toys and doing snacks (rice cakes, fruit, biscuits) as Laurie will sadly no longer be able to do it in the new year due to toddler starting nursery. It really worked well in previous years when there was a bank of about 10 mums who rotated the responsibilty - it would be great to get that going again. Sadly, if we don't manage to get any help with it, we might have to close the group :( and it's one of the few groups which keeps going all year round! Please, please help! PM me if you might be able to spare a Tuesday morning a month! We usually do it in pairs as it makes for light work, so feel free to volunteer with a friend. Jane
  20. Depends what u want but peppermint in Balham have the mountain buggies (incl the new duet) and the city mini baby jogger...
  21. Hiya, the Copleston Centre on Copleston Road has a great playgroup between 10am and 12noon on Tuesdays, ?1 per child - they're looking for volunteers who can help put out the toys too, it's run by mums with all proceeds to the church. Biscuits, tea, coffee and healthy snacks for the little ones. I'm back at work now so don't help out there anymore, but it really was my favorite group... it's a huge space for the kiddies to let off some steam, my two always had a great nap afterwards! Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 10am - 12noon, salvation army in camberwell also has an ace group, with the best singing and noisemaking session at the end!
  22. My friend just said to me 'there is no perect buggy' and I feel like we should know... between us, we have had 10 in 2 years!!! I've been making do with P&T e3 with dash reclining double seat since my 2nd was born 10 months ago, but there are lots of things that irritate me about it... I've had 4 popped tyres, the change bag situation annoys me as I like to be prepared for every eventuality (even harder with toddler potty training) and there's just not enough space in the basket below for everything I need without it ending up dragging on the floor and ruining the fabric! And with two at different ages, making them comfortable sleeping at different times of the day is difficult. Don't get me wrong, I think it's a great buggy, but it's not perfect... which brings me onto the new Mountain Buggy Duet... I think I might have to have one... I have a few concerns, am hoping u guys can help! (snowboarder... u seem to be resident buggy guru!) 1. Have you been on the bus with it? Was it easy? 2. Does it feel heavy? I'd read it is 14kg, but I've only ever had an old Maclaren sidebyside so im not sure how the weight feels as opposed to a tandem. My Mother in Law will be using it 3 times a week, so it's important that she is able to push it. She hates the P&T. I really want to be sure I'm getting the right buggy for us this time as I'm going to have to sell my stash to pay for it! I'd been considering the baby jogger mini and it may still be an option, so any comments on that one relating to the two points above would also be appreciated!! Thanks all in advance.
  23. Just wanted to say thank you for making me and my baby gatecrashers very welcome today, it was a really nice afternoon and a great idea having a playgroup outside for a change! we will definitely be there next month and promise to bring biscuit contributions! Jane, Archie & Emmy
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