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Everything posted by tortor

  1. Hello- I?m helping organise a street party in September. We really need some trestle tables. Does anyone know where we might borrow some from? Happy to pay a contribution but don?t have a massive budget. Thanks so much!
  2. What do people think of this plan? Strikes me as a bit of a cop out. And the worst news for people living in southern Melbourne Grove, Ashbourne and Chesterfield Grove, who will now bear (even more) of the brunt of cars "displaced" from northern Melbourne Grove. If the argument for restrictions is that it's to stop commuters parking (which seems to be the case) then they need to cover all the roads where it's feasible for commuters to park and still reasonably walk to the station. It really seems the worst of both worlds to me, but maybe I'm just being pessimistic!
  3. Of course the other way of looking at it is that Southwark are trying to hard to raise revenue to reinvest in parks, despite massive budget cuts from central government. If an area of park isn't being used for bowling, why not use it for something else that is likely to be popular, and help them restock the coffers. If there is genuine demand for bowling, fair enough... but that seems not to be the case. I think we are extremely lucky in Southwark, with some of the best (and well maintained) parks in London.
  4. Hello I'm looking for a gymnastics class for my 5 year old. Does anyone have any recommendations? I looked at one in Camberwell but on its website it says it has closed its waiting list as demand is so great. Ideally I'd like her to go to one in East Dulwich/ Peckham. Any suggestions gratefully received! Thanks
  5. This has become an issue again because things have got worse. The lorry deliveries seem to be far more regular, and are starting earlier in the day. The problem is that Chesterfield Grove is a perfect storm, so to speak... A popular shop, next to a popular car wash in a street that is used as a cut through and is already full of cars, many of which are not owned by residents. So if cars are parked badly at the Lordship Lane end of Chesterfield Grove, delivery trucks can't get into M&S, cars back up and can't get past each other, and everyone gets very grumpy. I realise I have conflated two slightly different issues here, but the frequence of the M&S vehicles, and their timing, does seem to be more of a problem now than it has been for a while. And writing as someone who well remembers the Iceland days, whilst the trucks were big, they were far less frequent and disruptive.
  6. Sue- thanks so so much for your very kind and helpful response! I really appreciate you taking the time. We have agreement from the council so it's the more practical aspects that I'm now focussed on. Ultimately if all we do is have a space to get us all out meeting each other and the kids have an open space for once, I guess we will have achieved something! Thanks again and all the very best.
  7. Hello We are holding a street party in early September, and somehow I appear to be organising much of it. So please can you offer me some advice? What works? What to avoid? How best to communicate with residents who may not be tech savvy? Also specifically bouncy castles.... do we need special insurance? And how did you go about funding it (ie collecting cash for extra costs)? And music-- did a house speaker work or do I need to hire/ borrow something bigger? We're not going all-singing all-dancing, but obviously want people to have a lovely time! Thanks so much- any advice greatly appreciated!
  8. Hi klh I found King's and associated midwives to be extremely helpful when I was trying to decide whether to try for a VBAC after EMCS. They basically said any decision was up to me. The only thing they were less positive about was the idea of a water birth. Basically said I shouldn't do it (because of monitoring concerns). However a good friend of mine was adamant that was what she wanted (at home) and was well supported once the decision was made. I also didn't have continuous monitoring until I had my epidural. I ended up having another EMCS, but felt good that I had tried a VBAC, and was far less traumatised by the idea I had "failed" (daft I know) the second time round! Sorry for long post... main point is ask for what you want- I think you will be well supported. The Obstetrician I saw was also amazing btw... Good luck!
  9. I understand concerns about the introduction of a CPZ- not least the cost. However there has to be a discussion about what to do about an increasingly difficult situation... It is getting harder and harder to park around East Dulwich- in lots of different areas. I can easily be driving around for 20 minutes looking for somewhere to park... it's not just that there aren't any spaces on my street, but there are no spaces within a 10 minute walk, which with 2 young kids/ shopping etc makes things very difficult. (Let alone the environmental issue of driving round unnecessarily). But it's also difficult for some local businesses. One hairdresser told me long standing clients are just going elsewhere because they can't deal with the parking situation. Things have changed a lot here in recent years with more popular restaurants, shops which attract people from further afield with cars (eg M&S) and more people doing more building work with associated tradespeople. In many ways that's all great, but to simply say "no CPZ" without other suggestions of how to help increased parking congestion, there'll be no improvement. So what might work instead?
  10. Sorry! Digbina is absolutely right- a typo... Agree the pay agreements in GROSS terms. We verbally agreed a net rate with the nanny, established the tax liabilities then got the PAYE people to work out the gross pay figure. Bit of a faff but made all parties happy!
  11. Hi We paid a nanny with significant experience ?13.50 per hour NET, which equates to about ?17 GROSS. The advice is to do the pay arrangements net, for tax purposes. You also need to add in National Insurance payments. We did a nanny share for 3 days a week, and 1 single care day (which cost about ?11 per hour net) all for 11 hour days. It worked out about ?2,000 a month for us. An expensive option but we had a fantastic experience. Good luck!
  12. The rates obviously depend on the experience you are after. We have a wonderful nanny but she doesn't come cheap. We do a nanny share and on joint care days it works out about ?12.50 p/h net and ?11 p/h on single care days (for ease of calculation). But you have to factor in the tax on top of that. Those figures with tax work out at about ?15.80 and ?13.40 per hour accordingly. Also don't forget you'll be paying national insurance on top as well. As Digbina says above, don't agree a net salary- make sure it's gross. Otherwise you could be left having to pay more depending on the nanny's tax situation. Hope that helps
  13. Hi- the admin is dreadful but I hear the care is very good. As with all nurseries the demand is huge. I've just had an email from them telling me there will be no nursery places available in September 2015, despite being on the waiting list already for about 8 months. I honestly don't know who is getting the places but it's crazy. Given the demand round here I'm surprised there aren't existing providers seeing an opportunity for expansion! It's hugely frustrating the lack of communication- I'm afraid the only advice is keep getting in touch! Good luck!
  14. Hello I registered with 4 nurseries in the East Dulwich/ Peckham areas about 4 months ago, paying fees to all. One was very honest and said there was a 2.5 year waiting list (!) However the others were all quite positive about me getting a space for my baby in mid June. BUT.... since then, despite repeated phone calls and emails I have heard nothing. And I am at the stage where I have to confirm to my employer which days I will go back to work. I am waiting to hear about availability of nursery places before doing that. It's a nightmare! So my question is- does anyone have any advice on how best to get a response? Any magic solutions?! I don't want to name the worst offenders on here, but I do find it hard to take that the nurseries are happy to cash our cheques and yet don't even have the decency to respond to perfectly legitimate queries regarding a place. I'm sure they're busy, but if there are that many people on your waiting list you can't cope, close the waiting list. Sorry- didn't mean to bang on but it is so infuriating (and v stressful when you're wondering what the heck to do about going back to work!) Thanks for your time.
  15. Thanks everyone for your responses. I'd sort of reached the conclusion that a nanny was our only realistic option, but thought others' experiences would be useful. I will also look into nursery and drop off/ pick up. My main concern is the longer hours we will need, but you have put my mind at rest! Now I just need to establish how soon I should start looking for a mid June start..... Thanks again everyone.
  16. Hello I'm due back to work in June after maternity leave, and am looking for some advice re childcare options. I'm contracted to work 10 hour days with varying shifts (incl. v early starts and v late finishes). It means I will be out of the house for 12 hours a day, and my husband also can't leave work before 6pm. Can anyone suggest what my best option might be- nanny/ childminder/ nursery? Ie is it realistic to ask a nanny to work 8am- 7pm, say 3 or 4 days a week? Or do I need to look at nursery, then get help with pick up (given most nurseries close at 6pm). Or does anyone know of any nurseries with longer hours? (Although I'd probably have to join a 2 year waiting list!) I really want to go back to work, even if it's just for 3 days a week, but the way things stand I can't see how I am going to make it work! Any advice greatly appreciated if you are in the same boat. Or if you have a nanny who works longer hours and fancy a nanny share, that'd also be wonderful! Thanks in advance for your help or advice.....
  17. Thanks so much for booking... I will be there. Have only been to 1 so far (am due in early July) but would love to catch up with people again. Look forward to seeing some of you there.
  18. Great! See you all there.... I guess you'll be easy to spot! Victoria
  19. Hi there... I have just come across this thread and am keen to join in! I'm due on July 10th with my first, and I'd love to meet some people in similar situations in the local area. Is it ok if I pop along on the 19th March? What time will you be gathering in the EDT if so? Thanks
  20. There is definitely a problem. I'm an extremely rare user of the GP surgery. But yesterday I tried to book an appointment for a non-urgent (but still worrying) problem. The next available appointment? 3 WEEKS away. It is absolutely not good enough, particularly if daily work commitments mean you can't sit by the phone for 15 minutes at 8am, or risk getting to work late still WITHOUT an appointment. I'm afraid I was confused about who to complain to... is it the practice manager or the (equivalent to) PCT? Thanks.
  21. Let's not get another chain supermarket. Shouldn't the focus for the council be getting more independent shop keepers into the empty shops along Lordship Lane? And shops that AREN'T estate agents??
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