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Everything posted by holloway

  1. does any know if the public consultation period on the ED cinema is now closed? can't find anything on southwark council website. james barber mentioned it would be over towards the end of may and providing there were no major objections, the council would give the official go ahead and building would commence.
  2. quite fancy Belgium though Germany look ridiculously strong
  3. how much does it cost to renew a passport?
  4. good on james barber, he seems a decent chap and always glad to see him engaging on this forum despite the vitriol that follows...
  5. Cameron must be sh***ing himself about the election next year. think labour are a shoe in...
  6. -- moved topic --
  7. loving the defaced ukip poster on the corner of elsie road! noticed it yesterday, the perps must've needed a ladder to get so high with the paint. can't think why ukip would advertise in ED anyway. am i right in thinking it's the second one defaced on the same board??
  8. i love the french house in soho, cidre breton is one of my top ciders albeit to the disgust of my west country mates. this new gaff on the lane is bound to be a bar though??
  9. probably shouldn't have singled out just pizzas, i mean food in general. i would feel so uncomfortable having a sit down meal surrounded by standing drinkers. i do realise that most pubs make there money through food however. sigh.
  10. i think that any pub recommended for its pizzas should be avoided like the plague. pizzas should not be served in pubs. fact.
  11. what's wrong with gamblers??!!
  12. I'd be well up for that. I love squash and play at hamlets, didn't actually know they had a league... I'm not very good but this sounds great, pm me if your' re happy to organise this help-ma-boab or need a hand.
  13. Italy 0 - Ireland 1; recall a statistic claiming this was the noisiest match recorded ever. as for England in this world cup, don't think we have a snowball's chance... will qualify to next round but likely to get hammered by Belgium.
  14. don't think the EDT was ever known as anything else. that cabbie's story sounds very fishy to me.
  15. thanks el pibe, i agree with you regarding jj abrams and thought the prequels looked like cartoons with so much cgi. i also rather thought this thread would take off, oh well...
  16. the cast for the new disney made star wars films have been released. john boyega from peckham is included. good on him i say. are there any sci-fi fans in ED with a comment on the sequels?? the less said about the prequels the better, obviously.
  17. forest hill has an overground station, just use that if you need the tube. camberwell would be the best place for a tube station but i always thought that south london's clay soil ruled it out altogether. failing camberwell what about dulwich village...
  18. The picture gallery is the best thing about Dulwich village hands down (even perhaps London I might add). Other than that there is naff all in Dulwich village, and it's a nightmare to get in and out of.
  19. Is that really how you spell 'absolutely'?? I've always spelled it 'absoloutely' You live you learn...
  20. heard a mother calling after her son in Camberwell... 'Keanu, KEANU!!'
  21. Hello usedtobebritish, Dulwich hospital is still just about there offering routine blood tests and community support, no inpatients anymore though. Think it's been gradually wound down as a health service and may well turn into flats. Sounds like a trip to Britain for you may well be in order!
  22. holloway


    does anyone else think 'gravity' is over rated? i just can't take sandra bullock and clooney seriously as astronauts. they are not intelligent looking people.
  23. is that the famously rude one where they ask you to move tables even on different floors mid-meal?
  24. Hello Supernanny*, Dulwich Hamlet's gym by the big Sainsbury's runs spin classes and you don't have to be a member to take part in them. I did a few a while back and thought they were great, tough but likeable chap running them. Good luck.
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