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Everything posted by carolb

  1. Thank you for asking singalto. Unfortunately George didn't make it.
  2. Found thanks to the person who called the RSPCA. He was found in Horniman Drive and taken to the RSPCA hospital in Putney last night. He is chipped - the RSPCA called us this morning and we went to visit. He was unresponsive, hypothermic and dehydrated when he arrived at the hospital last night. He is now breathing ok and responded to us but he is very thin and weak, hoping he recovers. Anyway, a big thank you in case the person who found him reads this. And also a big thank you to the RSPCA.
  3. Photo added
  4. Hello, George has been missing for a few days now. Medium size, cloudy right eye. He is getting a bit thin as he is old. I don't think he will have gone far so I will put some notes through doors today - we are in Wood Vale, Horniman end. Thank you Carol
  5. First car test. Came out of the test centre with the examiner but I had forgotten where I had parked the car. We eventually found it so I got in and started checking mirrors, checking seat adjustment, doing seat belt only to discover that the examiner was not in the car ? he was standing in the road tapping on the passenger window. I had forgotten to unlock his door (before the days of central locking). First motorbike test. Fell off doing a U turn. Went back to the motorbike school for more lessons and the instructor said ?So what did you fall down on then??
  6. Commiserations to everyone affected by these crimes .......... and just felt the need to share..... The ignition on my husband's bike was broken. We don't know when it happened because the bike hadn't been used for a couple of months, but on trying to start it up - it wouldn't start. Also noticed that the cover on the chain had been pulled back. Bike workshop confirms that ignition broken by someone trying to steal it ..... ?300 to fix :( We have off street parking and a ground anchor - otherwise I expect the bike would have been gone. Carol
  7. Hi B, We have 2 chickens - we're in Wood Vale. If you would like to arrange to visit please PM. Carol
  8. Hi, has anyone managed to get a same day appointment at the DMC recently? I was told by the receptionist on the phone to get there at 8am tomorrow but I was wondering if anyone knew realistically how early I need to be there. Thanks in advance for any advice. Carol
  9. I have not driven or cycled at this junction recently so cannot comment on this particular junction - this is a general comment about these narrow roads and consequent tight turns. I find tight left turns are a complete nightmare because any vehicle which is longer than a hatch back ends up going over the middle white lines of the road that they are turning into. (Either that or they drive over the corner of the pavement.) I encounter one on my cycle route to work where I have to turn right into the road that the vehicle is emerging from turning left ? very scary if you have positioned yourself for your right turn only to see a vehicle approach the junction and you know it is going to have to come out into your path. You can be decked out like a Christmas tree and still not be seen in such a situation. And while I am at it ? related topic ?.. there is another right turn on my cycle route to work where I used to feel quite comfortable waiting in the middle of the road for a gap in the oncoming traffic to do my right turn ???. until Southwark narrowed the road. Now I am too scared to wait in the middle of the road because the traffic on my left passes too close so I get off the bike and cross on foot at the nearby crossing. Another example, I used to feel comfortable cycling into Peckham (I?m referring to the stretch of road from the East Dulwich Road/Peckham Rye junction heading towards Peckham) ? again until Southwark narrowed the road. Since the road was narrowed the traffic is passing much closer (it?s not going any slower) ? it feels more dangerous. I don?t understand why Southwark are narrowing all these roads. As a cyclist it has not made me feel safer. For drivers it causes unnecessary hold ups as a vehicle with a long wheel base has to wait for a gap in both directions before executing a left turn. I can?t see the benefit of this endless tinkering ?? and it must be costing a fortune. There seems to be an endless supply of money for road changes of dubious benefit while at the same time we have talk of cuts to front-line services such as discontinuing food recycling bags and charging for waste collections.
  10. I have lost a pair of old (at least 20 years old - not valuable but huge sentimental value) Ray Ban Wayfarers with prescription lenses. I am pretty sure I had them when I came out of the house ...... so if I dropped them they could be anywhere along Wood Vale or Forest Hill Road or Peckham Rye. There is just a chance that someone has found them - and they may even be in one piece :) Here's hoping! Carol
  11. I have just filled in the form and an quite annoyed about it. Any person reading the headlines and the questions (and not having time to study the maps) would assume that 30 minute parking is being converted to one hour parking, whereas in reality lots of unrestricted parking is being restricted under the guise of doing us all a favour and "helping" local businesses. Thank you various EDF members for pointing this out. This is not a consultation ..... we are all being treated with utter contempt. I don't know the full details of the shambles that is the 20mph limit but I suspect that a similar level of "consultation" was undertaken. That's an aside as I think we are probably too late to do anything about the 20mph limit as it is currently being implemented and the money has already been spent on it but there is still a chance to save the parking situation. When you do the form please take note of first mate's post above as the questions are designed to give the result desired by the council apparatchiks. The consultation is also very clever in that you can only select one parade and there are 4 on Lordship Lane. This tactic spreads the dissenters thinly. So I selected one parade and in the box below said "in addition all the other parades on Lordship Lane"
  12. If they put double yellow lines you would get a ticket for parking in front of the dropped kerb to your own house. I occasionally park in front of mine when I know I?m going out again soon. I also parked in front when we had a skip in the parking area. Come to think of it - are you allowed to put a skip on a double yellow line? If not where would people put their skips - not all off-street parking areas are big enough/accessible enough to put a skip on.
  13. I think dropped kerbs are an overall improvement to the parking situation for the residents of a road ?? without 2m of yellow lines I hasten to add. One, or more cars off the road plus space in front of the dropped kerb for visitors, neighbours, tradesmen, neighbours? tradesmen, neighbours? visitors and deliveries. Of course, it is a pain if you are not resident and are doing a spot of shopping and can?t find anywhere to park because of all the dropped kerbs!
  14. We have a Jack Russell and three cats. Cats were already with us when he arrived as a puppy and he is now two years old. They all get along fine. Carol
  15. Hello, my daughter and a friend also mugged in Gallery Road early yesterday. The muggers were looking for phones - one of them ran up to my daughter holding a "sharp looking object" above his head shouting "phone, phone, phone". My daughter had forgotten the phone was in her pocket and started looking in her bag for it and he just grabbed the bag and ran off - so he didn't get the phone. Meanwhile her friend had thumped one of the other muggers and there was a tussle. The other two ran off. Police were called. Anyway, one of the reasons for posting (apart from feeling the need to share) is that the contents of the bag can't have been much use to them - oyster card, rail card, debit card, house keys and a beloved pair of shoes. We hope they have been dumped somewhere. So, just on the off chance, if anyone comes across a dumped plastic drawstring "Carlsberg" bag and/or dumped contents - especially a pair of dark purple DMs - please get in touch and we will go and retrieve them. Thanks for reading. Carol
  16. Happened to us a couple of years ago when we lived in Friend Road close to Upland Rd junction. Back window of car smashed, all other cars undamaged. We repaired it at relatively big cost in a financially difficult period of our lives. A few months later, someone sprayed signs, gateposts, etc. all down the road with red paint ..... and they sprayed our car - only our car - many hours (precious evenings and weekends) and elbow grease to remove. Bastards.
  17. us too - Horniman end of Wood Vale
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