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Everything posted by katie1997

  1. :))
  2. pretty sure there weren't any older men waiting at the school gates with flash cars & copious amounts of vodka. what I do recall at around 15yrs is that most girls in my year had massive crushes on some teachers and older boys in the sixth year, but I don't remember any serious relationships happening. but I probably wouldn't have been 'in-the-know' if there was as I wasn't the most popular/trendy/part of the in-crowd* at school anyway. now in our school's Art department, the teachers were mainly uppity women of a certain age who made you feel like cr@p for not being the next prime candidate for Art School but there was one longish-haired, hippy type male teacher who was a breath of fresh air. You can see where I am going with this. I think he either lost his job or was suspended for a while and all due to (I think it was just) rumours of extra-curricular activities with young girls. first proper relationship was at 17 AND A HALF with a 20yr old (and that seemed like a massive age gap to me at the time, fool that I was). I think its a bit different when you are under 16yrs of age even if you do feel mature for your age. *[in Miranda-speak I think I would have been one of The Normals...if anything.]
  3. concur entirely with everything you say above. Much as I dislike him and what he stands for, I think Alex Salmond is a clever operator and the votes for 16+17 year olds plays straight into his hands.
  4. Loz Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I feel the same about 'schedule'. It's SHED-ule, > not bloody SKED-ule. Same here, I hate it. Someone I know deliberately says SKED-ule to annoy me (and they take delight in pointing out that "Well.....we don't say SH-OOL, do we" as opposed to "SK-OOL". Grr.
  5. katie1997

    Top Gear

    Jeremy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I like it. You have to realise that the three of > them are all playing characters, you don't have to > agree with what they say to find it amusing. > Anything "offensive" in there is tongue-in-cheek, > and deliberately calculated to provoke a reaction > from the habitually offended. What Jeremy said totally! And I (mostly) love it, though it does get a bit silly at times. But the fact it annoys so many people is what is appealing (for me anyway). Weirdo that I am.
  6. In a curious twist, it will be Stretch who shopped GC. Who is, in fact, the unbeknown half-brother to GC. The only person who knows this is Mama. But turns out he isn't her child, he is Cecil's love child following an affair with his childhood sweetheart, Mildred. The office gossip knows nothing...yet.
  7. Please make a story out of it Alan. I am intrigued. Do Sharon and Stretch get along well?
  8. er ...a bit odd to assume its a MAN in a white coat. I can think of a few people I know who'd happily go along with this but personally I find the whole botox+party concept unpalatable. edit: note to self, must read the whole thread cover to cover before commenting in future. I stand corrected, Huguenot, as the OP does say its a bloke doing the 'servicing' - apologies.
  9. ... and there was me thinking Galaxy WAS posh ;-)
  10. I'd only compliment you on your creative flair in adding paprika, sorry I mean E160c, to my egg sandwich if it was Hungarian (specifically from the Szeged region) and of the feledes variety. PS (apparently ice-cream sells well in cold climates/Winter...cannot remember where I read that tho).
  11. Thanks.
  12. Would your average granny wishing to retail ice-cream and have it on shop shelves for MONTHS require emulsifier as well?
  13. cookie dough ice cream = slop B&J cookie dough ice cream = slop
  14. yes yes YES - I have got the number here you go: http://www.eastdulwichforum.co.uk/forum/read.php?20,966540 (you're welcome) :)
  15. I'll take two thanks.
  16. 1. Don't forget your login/password. 2. Remember to occasionally contribute towards other threads on the forum rather than simply posting on your OWN thread. Especially if you have just moved to the area. Shows an interest in what's going on etc etc. 3. Choose an inconspicuous username. Preferably one showing erm...lack of imagination, such as real name+number combo. You get the idea. 4. Rinse & repeat. Happy Trolling!!!!!!!!!
  17. LondonLogCo Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Brockley yesterday > > Loved it, met the Rib man and his sauce > > JHC it's good oooh which sauce did you have? the Ribman aka Mark is an absolute darling.
  18. aw I wish I could be there for a curry on Tuesday! have a good one all if it goes ahead, I will deffo return to ED for curry club sometime soon :)
  19. Polite way of saying 1/10. And that's only for the buzzwords 'east dulwich' +'mother'...not very imaginative. Could do better. Must try harder etc.
  20. So can I. Mr B looks like my (much) younger brother* who has often been mistaken for DT. *(He was the one who got the messages btw, earlier comment was tongue in cheek obvs.)
  21. Er...where are they? Recognise 2 of the place names but not sure if they're exactly the same ones you're reminiscing about...
  22. Actually I just remembered why I looked at this thread. David Tennant used to get my mum's messages. Thursdays it was, I think. Was half-day closing on Weds back then.
  23. katie1997


    Alan Medic Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Don't know. Don't watch it. Try the OTHER thread. Tell you what Alan, I'll do the late shift (this week), you do the morning one. How does that sound? PS there can be only ONE (Dallas thread...)
  24. "From all walks of life" ~ must all hate each other deep down, with no common values or shared taste. Fab. When's it on?
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