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Everything posted by katie1997

  1. And some of that pretty coloured, swirly string type stuff....
  2. Pssst maxxi, nostalgia's not what it used to be ;) Anyway, bring back Lady Muck too. I'm sure somewhere out there she may just be reading this :D
  3. mockney piers Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Oh yeah, at least that woof mark was original, not > like it had happened before Yeah but no but yeah but no but .....W**F was original! Who else around here has a kettle that looks like wil.I.am? No-one, that's who. Forget Downton Abbey, bring back WMTD. And spam. With cheese.
  4. StraferJack Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > a Guardian-reading pedant writes: > > if you google Nadine Dorries frustrated you get > > this - heavy on the Mail, less so on the Guardian I wasn't using this as an opportunity to take a pop at the paper, it happened to be the only one that I'd read and was able to comment upon. As I said, Newsnmight will put you straight on the Nadine Dorries story. No need to be so defensive Guardianistas. Nuclear war every 28 days!!!!!!!!!! PS politicians changing their spots when they realise it could cost them votes?! Pass the smellng salts please :)
  5. Good grief, this thread has taken a funny turn. I know a few 35+ women who would like to meet someone but aren't looking for a husband, children or 'commitment'. I know a few 35+ men who are desperate for a wife, children and er, 'commitment'. They don't live in ED though ;-)
  6. Ridgley Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- Last week he called his own MP > Nadine Dorries "frustrated" during prime > minister's questions. He then giggled and > apologised ? government by U-turn and giggle. Ah yes, this is the one where the slow news day at the Guardian took this completely out of context. Did anyone see Nadine Dorries on Newnight after this? And I say this as someone who isn't a fan of Cameron either.
  7. You've been in the Lounge this morning as well as this thread then? ;-)
  8. Your list is pretty much the same as mine Moos. Add CharlieCharlie, Brendan and probably quite a few more missing to add to the list :( Edited for rubbish grammar :-$
  9. Well, here's hoping that Quids had a good birthday! You're missed on here you know....mind you, there's sadly quite a few of the old* 'edf characters' missing in action at the moment :( *in edf years.
  10. Curiouser and curiouser.
  11. Too slow people. I think its best if you declare it before the topic gets moved to the lounge for being non-ED specific.
  12. Yeah, yeah, yeah Mick Mac. Excuses, excuses ... How's the rugby going anyway? :))
  13. To be fair to Nunhead Matt and the Ivy place, at least there aren't numerous threads about it. However, best of luck to all the new local businesses. The Rose and the Ivy. its a little bit like Treacle (Jr) all over again :)
  14. Indeed. They must be kicking themselves now. Oh well, lessons learned and all that.
  15. Mr Medic will no doubt be displeased when he sees that in the morning. Arf!
  16. Come on people, you can't all bunk off work, er, I mean the edf tomorrow :)) (But if you do, let's have a comprehensive review of Chez Bruce afterwards)
  17. Huguenot Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Can't remember, which thing? I have been known to > nurse grudges, but must have forgotten one with > Strafer ;-) Oooops, I think I got your post mixed up with Mockney P's scientology one....duh.
  18. Hey, its cool to disagree sometimes katie. But I do wish you'd stop derailing this thread from its important subject matter, which affects us all.
  19. katie1997 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Actually, yes, I do. > > As is evident by blah blah ad nauseum etc etc. I disagree with the points you're making there katie1997. You're simply unable to understand the concept I'm trying to explain.
  20. I will miss this too as will be in (not-so-sunny) Scotland.
  21. Actually, yes, I do. As is evident by blah blah ad nauseum etc etc.
  22. I get irrational rage when people talk to themselves online.
  23. Oh god, reading this I can relate to pretty much everything, food-wise anyway. Bleeeuuuuuch. Cottage cheese, ugh, mushrooms, ugh, canned beans, ugh (yep, I remember the mouse story too), eggs. Definitely eggs. And fish. Definitely prawns. My friend says he used to love tuna sandwiches that his gran made when she used to stay over to look after him. Except when he subsequently discovered she'd been using the 'cat' fork all along. The one that his family kept specifically for cat food. I presume it was clean but even so... (And I have to admit, I am wondering if Huguenot is just getting Strafer back for the scientology thing). Or is that really true? :))
  24. No, none left here either :-$ was just thinking it would be nice for autumn though...
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