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Everything posted by katie1997

  1. enjoy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hmm, l don't like these over keen helpers either. > But if there are only two people in a room, it > feels strange not to say a single word.> But everybody is different, l guess. I agree with that, it definitely feels strange to say nothing when there's only a few of you in there. Whilst I have mostly had good, friendly service on LL, I did have a recent 'bad' experience in a small shop where there were only two people behind a counter and me, the sole customer. I said hello when I walked in and they managed to look up from their phone/computer/whatever they were doing. I then spent aaaaages trying to decide what bottle of wine to buy (their selection is rubbish). Did either person offer to help? No. I stupidly bought from there anyway, said goodbye on my way out. One of them at least had the grace to mutter a goodbye. It wasn't the french place either - there's always a pleasant welcome and offer of help there, in my experience. But generally, I don't mind the quality of service in LL shops at all.
  2. Oh dear. Don't you mean digressssssss? And those shoes are absolutely hideous. Let's not discuss the crochet number.
  3. What about that place on the corner across from the Black Cherry? Can't remember its name. I doubt you'd get it in the lovely Barry's these days .... its all marmite X0, if you please, and posh micro-brewery bottles.
  4. maxxi Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I think KT's more of a sssssssslacksss and > ssssssssslingbackssss gal. Slacks?!!!??? Whaddyameanbythatexactlyhuh? And how does it answer salsaboy's question? :-S
  5. What's stage 4 of forumitus please?
  6. Ssssssstop making me laugh you lot. Am meant to be ssssssssleeping.
  7. Argh!! You mentioned the dreaded 'S' word. I have a phobia about those. Really I do.
  8. I'd like to sell loft insulation door-to-door.
  9. Annette Curtain Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Actually.. > > Today I want to be Hugh Cornwell You'd have to avoid going for a drink in a bar with yourself then, wouldn't you?
  10. Haha brilliantly well-observed maxxi. More than a grain of truth in that... Oh and I got 3 :-S
  11. Anyway, building a wind turbine isn't difficult at all as long as you have good analytical skills to choose the components and able to follow instructions. Any reasonably intelligent person should be able to build a wind turbine from instructions
  12. Anyway, building a greenhouse isn't difficult at all as long as you have good analytical skills to choose the components and able to follow instructions. Any reasonably intelligent person should be able to build a greenhouse from instructions.
  13. Undisputedtruth Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > @Katie. Sometimes sourcing individul products > usually turns out to be the cheaper and superior > option since you're bypassing the costly marketing > nonsense. I'm sure you are absolutely right about that UDT. I was only having a laugh at the amusing breakfast analogy. Its easier for some of us to source individual components for muesli than it would be to piece together a computer. Well, one that worked anyway. You know, with internet, email and all that jazz.
  14. *Bob* Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Kelloggs, Nestl? and Quaker are just some of the > higher-end companies producing cereals for > breakfast. I see you've opted for the aesthetically pleasing yet expensive 'all in one' approach to breakfast cereals. I, on the other hand, source my breakfast components individually. in doing so, I can pick out exactly what type of californian-flamed raisins, hazelnuts, jumbo oats, dried banana and so on that I want. (PS Otta, hope you find something that suits, I'm in the same position as you and my colleagues suggested the ipad but I will just go to John Lewis as that's where I got my laptop from before and it was fine until it got to 4 years old. The staff there are really helpful. I will probably not be brave enough to try a mac but will have a look anyway).
  15. Alan - I love cabbage too. Brussels sprouts are even better. Current fave veggie recipe is roasted butternut squash gnocci. Easy peasy to make from scratch and forget the traditional sage butter, chilli butter is even better. One meat-free day per week and you can't go wrong with this yummy autumnal dish (hope Tom is taking note). Oh, and ... you didn't provide your bank account details via PM as requested.
  16. Did anyone else spot 'Jerry' in Downton Abbey this evening? Think he's the dad of the bloke that the maid doesn't want to marry. (Dunno 'jerry's' real name but he was Egg's dad in This Life. The one that erm...got raaaather friendly with Anna) He looked pretty old back in the nineties but wow he's reaaaaallly old looking now.
  17. Annette/ted - look what fine mess you got me into now.... (Thanks strafer/ted) (PMd you Alan/ted. The billionaire bit was for illustrative porpoises only). Katie/ted Edi'ted' (!): to add more ted-isms.
  18. And who is ted? :-S
  19. But Alan, how can you tell who is really a vegetarian or not by their posts? I'm a multi-billionaire (with a fair bit of spare time on my hands) by the way. PS why not try the Rose for a vegetarian Sunday lunch? something for everyone if I recall...
  20. I never said I was clever. I'm not being snidey, superior and posturing. I'm getting a little tired of having to explain myself, I'm obviously not doing it too well. So please for the love of god, or someone, please enjoy your read. Please accept my apologies for making you feel disappointed that someone would wish to take away that fun. I don't. Its sunny over here today. Birds are singing. Lovely.
  21. katie1997

    Summer songs

    Not a sickie but 4 days off :)-D Good thread to revive. *waves to Quids*
  22. *Fisk alert* Huguenot Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > It seems to me that describing New Scientist a > 'celebration of the spirit of inquiry' rather than > a dust dry academic tome is entirely in line with > your own observations katienumbers? Are you > setting up a straw man? Huguenot on beating a subject to death shocker. You accusing someone else of setting up a straw man is actually quite amusing. > The criticisms that you level at it seem based on > some kind of academic snobbery. What is wrong with > a 'science entertainment rag for the > less-scientifically educated'? The term 'rag' > seems unnecessarily abusive. Yep, perhaps it did come across rather harshly. Nothing wrong with having a science entertainment magazine, used to read it and enjoy it myself. (Before it changed editors). Didn't read it for educational purposes. > The Editor decribes it as "an ideas magazine?that > means writing about hypotheses as well as > theories". It carries opinion as well as news. Dunno why you're quoting what the editor describes it as. They're hardly going to knock it. Yes my hypothesis is going to be published there anytime soon. Can't wait. Its that easy. > I'm not sure why that merits such attacks on it. As I said before, I don't like their irresponsible methods of reporting science. Its speculative nature lacks a solid empirical base. Can be very misleading but I have said all this before. Do you read posts before you comment on them I wonder. > It's the excitement and enthusiasm that this > coverage generates that tempt people into science > as careers. To expect a 14 year old schoolboy to > read the Journal of High Energy Physics is crazy. Never said I expected a 14 year old BOY (not girl? hmmm) to read academic journals. Excitement and enthusiasm are great. Not sure its New Scientist that tempts people into science. But please feel free to spend your spare time proving me wrong/you right. > If you truly think science would be better off > without New Scientist, I think you've lost > perspective. I guess that anyone with a half-baked yet sensationalist, headline grabbing 'theory' (or as yet uinestablished hypothesis etc) has to have somewhere to go. Perhaps I have lost perspective Huguenot, and I don't know why you're taking this so personally (oh wait...) hopefully it will give people with enough interest in any given subject to go on and read more factual information that's all. You can spend as much time as you like putting words in my mouth, you can bang on about how wonderful it is etc. Fine, your opinion. Not mine. Blah blah ad nauseum....
  23. Dear Alan, You cheeky monkey, I could never change sides whilst watching sports depending on who is winning or not. It was just my way of saying may the best team win. I don't think I will be able to watch the Scotland/England game though my english friends living in NZ certainly will be :) katie865322903245
  24. Logging onto the forum specially to read a PM. Only to find it just contains ONE word and anyway, was a reply to a reply (6)
  25. Argh I have missed the rugby this time round but was (reliably?) informed today that we need 8 points to beat England this weekend. Something we've not managed since 1986 apparently..... Come on the Celts :)-D And England too of course ;-)
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