Susyp and bee74 I empathise with you enormously - my little girl started showing signs of aggressive behaviour when she was about 14 months, especially towards her cousin, which was played out in front of all of our extended family on a big family holiday over 6 days...I felt so hideous and ended up in tears by the end. The hitting/pushing went on for 9 months or so and no one was exempt from her (seemingly) wilful & impulsive behaviour, especially her dad in the morning who went to work with cat-like scratches on his face for a good 6 months. When I managed to control my emotions about the situation (when it started to get better) and relax I encouraged the victims, their parents, my friends etc. if they saw her hit or push, to discipline her as I felt it would be good to get a consistent message from people other than me. The wonderful ladies at Magic Moments, Tessa in particular, were amazing at helping us through this difficult stage (she started when she was 18 months and is now 26 months) being consistent with her and reassuring me every time I went to pick her up. My girl is now at another nursery and where she tried to continue hitting/pushing but this was soon eradicated (perhaps it was at the end of the "stage", plus she was excluded from the group if caught - I think this, in front of new peers probably expedited the end of it). I still feel her behaviour is such an irony because she is so demonstrably loving and kind; she loves to hug and kiss and interact with everyone she meets.