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Everything posted by pipling

  1. My daughter recently went to A and E with a crush injury to her toe. I have often waited there for hours and hours but this time was seen fairly quickly. Phew!! The nurse - whose name is Jenny - was the most amazing person. She was everything you would hope for when your child is injured and not feeling their best. Her skills regarding entertainment/distraction were second to none. My daughter hardly felt a thing and the bandaging of her toe was transformed into something fun, interesting and exciting. My 4 yr old son was with us and also had a great time. This nurse transformed what could have been unpleasant into a good experience and now a few weeks later, even as her toenail is falling off, my daughter is still talking about Nurse Jenny. The reason I write this is to say thank you. I know she reads this forum. Nurse Jenny - childcare is all I have ever done. I rarely come across people such as you who have this very special quality. You are truly gifted - you are a wonderful example of the NHS at it's absolute best.
  2. alice - who are these 24 screaming children you refer to? They certainly do not attend my nursery.Why on earth do you assume there are screaming children? As for its not fair to name people who have objected to a nursery next door - buggie is correct - the Fossey's names, address and their objections are on the public record and have been for almost 2 years.
  3. This issue is not a completely done deal yet, but it?s very, very near. As someone has posted elsewhere this is a shoot yourself in the foot scenario for the community on the hill. The TLERA residents association ?executive? headed by Valerie Ward took it upon themselves to drive this Nursery into the ground from even before day 1 and took it upon themselves to research into Restrictive Covenants and to identify ?someone? who they could use to enforce it ? the ?someone? they eventually found after trawling local Land Titles? dates was the very willing John and Caroline Fossey at No. 3 next door to the Nursery on Liphook Crescent. This is now entirely the Fosseys? legal action ? to destroy the Nursery ? egged on by some very anti-community neighbours and of course, still manipulating behind the scenes, the TLERA executive. If you care about excellent childcare provision in the area?please?.you really need to stand up and be counted. If you didn?t know what the secretive TLERA have been up to? stand up and be shouting! Many Parents and those we count among our precious friends on the hill (are there more of you out there ? we hope - Please say hello?!) are in tears about the demolition of this quiet gentle Nursery.
  4. I had this for all 3 pregnancies. On the 3rd I was desperate to find a cure! One night I ate a whole bar of Green and Blacks Almond and I didn't have restless legs! Further research suggested iron may be a factor, so I hoped it had been the almonds and not the chocolate! I moved my 10mls of Florivital per day to just before bed and the restless legs completely stopped. I was so relieved. Prior to that I had been trying oxygen cream on my legs - it worked but I could not bear the feeling of the cream on my skin as it was applied - I was really sensitive to it. In addition the cream was crazy expensive but I was given it as a gift. Good luck! I get everything when pregnant - heartburn, insomnia....the lot. Hopefully, if I have a fourth I will have all the tricks to defeat these grumbles up my sleeve!
  5. 208 Barry Road - planning permission was refused last August 2010 -I understand it is at the appeal stage. You may be surprised at how many people object to having a nursery anywhere near them.
  6. Yes, it would be helpful to know what time we will be there! 9.30 - 11.30
  7. Hi everyone, It would be great if you could send me a private message or mention on this thread if you are stopping by for some cake, chat and balloons for the children on Saturday. This will ensure I have ordered enough from Lucas! Hope the sun is shining! Emma x
  8. Thanks everyone - yes I am very happy with this result!
  9. Piplings Nursery has been graded as OUTSTANDING in ALL 17 AREAS by Ofsted! This is very, very rare for a first inspection and we are delighted. In addition, we are now Eligible Providers of funding for 3 and 4 year olds. Next Saturday the 13th of August we will be continuing our celebratory coffee and cakes mornings with current parents and children. It is held in the 'No dogs allowed' area of Peckham Rye Park.If you are passing, feel free to come over, sample a cake or two, say hello and ask some questions. Just mention East Dulwich Forum. Hope to see some of you there! Emma (Manager/Owner) www.piplingsnursery.com
  10. Hi there I noticed your post this morning re:Piplings.Would you like to come up the hill to meet me one morning or afternoon?Then you can see the playroom for yourself and ask me any questions.Piplings will become much busier at about the time you are leaving as we will be a registered nursery offering full time places.Until then just small and short playgroup sessions will run.It sounds like it would really suit you as there is no committment.There is a post from a mum whose little girl comes here - perhaps you would like to send her a message for her opinions - HayleyW. Hope to meet you soon Emma at Piplings www.piplingsplaygroup.com
  11. The health visitor came today for the 8 -11 month check.She gave me a toothbrush (little colgate baby one) and a large tube of adult Colgate toothpaste which she said was fine for babies and children.I really think the flavour will be too harsh though so I think I will stick to the mild Milk Teeth brand.Also there is no way that I would be able to stop her from swallowing it!!
  12. Thankyou HayleyW for your complements!
  13. Hi I might be mistaken,but I think Saturday Drop Off is also for 5yrs+. Piplings Pre-School in Forest Hill is opening on the 19th April and will have a Summer Holiday Club all summer.It is for under 5's and starts at 2yrs. The pre-school is based in the same setting as Piplings Playgroup. For more information contact me at [email protected]. Also,the playgroup website will soon have all the pre-school information on it. www.piplingsplaygroup.com
  14. Hi there I'm Emma from Piplings Playgroup in Forest Hill - just a few minutes behind the Horniman Museum.It is a drop off and collect session which includes an art activity and music and movement.The playroom is lovely and the outdoor space is great.Come up the hill to visit or book a session.Would love to meet you both. Emma www.piplingsplaygroup .com
  15. Hi there! Piplings is not open on New Year's Day but open every other week day and Saturday mornings.Come up the hill or visit us at www.piplingsplaygroup .com.
  16. I was overdue last February when there was snow and I live at the top of a hill! My midwife left her car at the bottom and walked up the hill for a visit. She asked me to promise not to give birth later that day or the next as it would be very difficult or impossible to get to me with equipment (I was having a home birth).She advised calling an ambulance if I did go into labour as they have snow tires and would get to me quickly...and safely. Luckily my daughter waited another 2 days...I think it was the sledging I did in the street with my husband and 21 month old son that helped her on her way....and the weather had improved enough for the midwives to get here. So yes - I agree regarding the ambulance. Have you got any on call friends who could have your daughter? I made a list of all willing friends hoping that someone would be available on the day i.e not at work/not gone out anywhere.One friend had to leave Bromley half way through her shopping! I wouldn't worry about the relatives.If they can't empathise with you then they are best left to feeling a bit hurt and I'm sure they will forget all about it upon news of your beautiful new baby.
  17. Hi there I run a drop off and collect art & craft/music and movement playgroup for 2 - 5 yr olds, just behind the Horniman Museum in Forest Hill. There are two sessions per day and one on Saturday morning.Come up the hill to take a look or visit www.piplingsplaygroup.com. Hope to see you there!
  18. My 2.5 yr old boy just had his first haircut at GM's on Melbourne Grove.He had his hair washed next to me while I had mine done. He went off happily with the hairdresser while my hairwash was finished.I went round the corner to see him sitting happily on a highchair sipping juice and munching a biscuit while his hair was combed.He had a great haircut and staff generally kept an eye on him while I had my hair cut.I was very impressed.They put a lock of his hair in an envelope and called me the next day to say his certificate was ready!Great first haircut experience. Sorry you both had a bad time - I don't think your expectations were too high.
  19. Thanks for the feedback Pickle and lorraineliyanage. Hopefully people will like the idea of the first session free as it gives them a chance to try it! I am planning to do more promotional offers to start aswell like a buy 2 get one free type of thing!!A more affordable way to find out if it's something you want to spend ?20 on.What do you think?
  20. Hi everyone I would be really greatful if mums and dads can give me some feedback on the Piplings Playgroup advert in family classifieds.Lots of people have been keen for a new creche facility but I have lots of spaces available for the open mornings this week.Is it too near Christmas?!! Thanks...would really appreciate some comments.
  21. Hello Mums and Dads Please look at our post in the family classified forum if you are looking for 2 hourly sessional childcare.Our open mornings are next week - Thurs 10th and Sat 12th. Thanks from Piplings Drop Off Playgroup
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