Inkmaiden, oh the Peckham Rye/Barry Rd and Somerton/Strakers Road zebras is dicing with death. I'm 6'1" and have often stood with my arms aloft, so over 7' height at those crossings whilst drivers believe the rules don't apply to them as they zoom through. Worst is when they show no attempt to slow down believing you, the pedestrian, do have the time-so you wait, not wishing to risk a meeting with a tonne of metal travelling at 40mph (in a clearly marked 20mph zone) at the last minute they slow down and look at you as though you are the cockend. I then walk really really slowly, grinning like a cheshire cat. My missus, on the other hand, walks out-her view, if they hit me I'll sue !!! Fair enough with zebras that if it's not safe to stop then make yourself known (ie use the horn) but it does mean you are speeding