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Everything posted by yeknomyeknom

  1. What about Koz (sp?) on Lordship lane, I often see big parties in there.
  2. I had the exact same problem, over supply to undersupply. I visited the breastfeeding clinics and lactation specialist Claire kedves at kings. Below is a combination of advice given an action taken. It worked. Spent three days living in bed with baby, naked, total skin on skin contact (except for nappy, him not me). This meant he fed more, especially at night, teaching my boobs demand was high. Look away now if squemish. For two weeks my husband fed from me each night. Again, teaching boobs demand was high. I also had a few half pints of guiness along the way. Good luck!
  3. Good idea. Anyone know anywhere good to stay near Calais?
  4. We are looking to go away in September ish for a week with baby. I am keen to minimise travel. Baby is great on trains so I'm thinking eurostar to Paris and then as short as possible a drive or train journey to a villa or holiday rental. Has anyone else done this or can recommend? We have been to Paris a lot so not wanting to stay there really. A lake would be great, I love a lake.
  5. Hi, I had the same thing. Took supplements, funny teas, used cabbage leaves etc. Tried all the tricks. Ended up with an under supply! Nothing worse than not having enough food for your baby. In the end, everything regulated around 6 mths and I am glad I stuck it out. Breastfeeding was my biggest trauma for the same reasons you said. But now it's a real pleasure. Stick it out if you can.
  6. There today, no way near ready. 2 new alpacas are clearly visible though and absolutely gorgeous.
  7. This would be so amazing!! Everything crossed.
  8. My friends kid insists on wearing goggles to eat her toast in the mornings. She insists she once got a crumb in her eye and doesn't want to risk going blind. In the supermarket I heard a dad trying to convince his kids that Tom and Jerry weren't a big mouse and a small mouse.
  9. No reg numbers sadly, all happened too quickly.
  10. Ooh, also made some coconut butter. Buy organic coconut flakes from SMBS and blend for ten mins. It passes through lots of stages so yes, has to be 10mins. Scrape down the sides occasionally. Stores for months in a jam jar or similar. Doesn't need to be refrigerated either (goes hard in fridge). Can be used on skin to moisturise, in currys to add creaminess or puddings. I use it instead of butter on my little ones toast so he gets lots of good fat and less of the bad stuff.
  11. My husband has just had to chase away a young man who had pulled the fuel line from under his scooter and was draining off the fuel. 2 hatchbacks (1 light/silver 1 dark possibly blue) pulled up opposite our place near Heber Primary school, the guys had got out of the darker car and started to steal the fuel, husband went out to investigate, when he asked the guy what he was doing brazenly and calmly replied "taking your fuel mate, 'cos I need it", after pulling out a smartphone and attempting to film them he bolted jumped in the car and both cars sped off towards lordship lane with their lights off. Didn't get any pictures or footage of them sadly as it all happened within about 20 seconds. The lighter of the two cars had some females in the back and there must have been at least one other person in the darker car as they left far too quickly for him to have been driving. We called 101, two police officers came round within 20mins they took the deatails and gave us a ref number etc. No one expects anything to happen, but it needs reporting if only to raise awareness. Hence this post. So if you can be extra vigilant and secure your scooter a little better tonight then please do. I'd hate this to happen to anyone else.
  12. Just learnt this fab trick for super healthy ice cream that really works. Get some ripe bananas and slice them on to a baking tray and freeze. Then take the frozen banana slices and blitz for a few mins in a blender. This makes a delicious icy banana mush. For icecream, just pop mush back in the freezer for an hour. If you want you can add some Greek yoghurt or a swirl of Nutella. A great cooling treat for the little ones.
  13. We've been researching steam cleaners for our carpets and the good ones say they kill dust mites.
  14. Does anyone know if this is opening this week?
  15. Hi, I have a 7mth old breastfed baby (been doing baby led weaning since 6mths). I'm keen to find out from similar mums, what their baby's sleep patterns and arrangements are. Just to see if maybe I should be changing it up a bit. Where does your baby sleep at night? How do you put them down? How often do they wake? Do you feed them in the night? How does your husband contribute? Thanks.
  16. Has anyone noticed way more flies than normal? Also wood lice.
  17. It includes outfits and price of ceremony. Doesn't include flights and hotels as they would be in honeymoon costs normally. If you want to know all in what we spent, ?3k for the whole shebang. Includes everything including convertible hire, Harley hire, bellagio, chateau marmont, flights and outfits.
  18. We got married 2 yrs ago n Vegas. Total cost about ?500. Family watched it live on webcam. The money we saved was spent on honeymoon roadtrip in Vegas, San Francisco and LA. couldn't recommend it more.
  19. 7.40pm is far too late to be out at that age. Also, as children of that age, we were never allowed to hang out. We had to be at a friends house or them at our house.
  20. Mary Berrys sponge cake recipe is all over the Internet and is amazing. It can be mixed by hand, all in one bowl and takes under five mins to prep. Then you can ice it or ganache or cover in fruit or whatever you fancy. It never fails.
  21. I have a cleaner come on Tuesday from 1-5 and I prefer to get out of the house when she is there. I have a six month old who likes to have naps in that time and am struggling with ideas of where to go. I currently do circuits of dulwich park and visit Gail's or go to Horniman. I tried dulwich library this week but it was pretty hard to entertain a young baby for long. Any other ideas locally? A class perhaps?
  22. Rocca is amazing and they are great with kids.
  23. It's the only time I have a babysitter and would love to do something relaxing and healthy in east dulwich. I've searched all the posts and obvious websites and can't find a thing.
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