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Everything posted by 5imon

  1. Pretty sure we lost a brown and black baby changing bag on Dulwich Park by the swings on Sunday..actually not really a bag more of an oblong container done up with a zip. Contained nappies, nappy sacks and a change of clothes that we're keen to get back Pls pm if found! Thanks
  2. Halifax online charges 11.95 per transaction according to their website. Marginally cheaper than the bigger high street banks that generally charge 12.50 per trade (ie 25 for in-out round trip) If it's just share dealing you're after to be honest they're all much-of-a-muchness. I'd find one that makes moving your money in and out easy, charges reasonable fees, and offers ISA/SIPP protection. Job done. If you want to trade offshore (eg european, asian, Us stocks), get access to the capital markets (bonds), fx markets, or trade warrants/cfd's/etf's/etc's/etn's/structured stuff, this is genearlly where the difference in service becomes more apparent. If you don't know what that is or don't want it, steer well clear. as always: caveat emptor.
  3. that's a bit of a wonky route. how long does it take to get on the m1 on a fridee night then?
  4. Thought I might copy another open thread to help us northerners get back oop north this yuletide. Early mornings: (<9am) E dulwich, denmark hill, camberwell, oval, vauxhall bridge, h p corner, edgeware road, M1. did it last satdee, left at 7.30am was on the M1 45 mins later. chuffed, i were. What about other times of day? M25 clockwise?
  5. Hi James, Saw two large rats disappearing into the disused garages on Upland Road at the LL junction (library end) yesterday. The owners of the land were going to build a townhouse there (after building the three flats next door) but now the flats are finished are now trying to sell the land. The garages were already full of cr*p but now site is covered in building detritus which is clearly attracting vermin. If it is the owner's responsibility to clear this, what is the route to initiating dealings ? Thanks in advance 5.
  6. hi there. our baby is due in october. mum is italian, dad is inglese, pero' nonna non parla inglese so we want to raise the bambina as bilingual. we've probably missed the first session, but we'd love to participate going forward and to hear others' experiences with raising bilingual babies
  7. saw a whopping big stag beetle on the patio t'other day. whipped out my macro lens and got a picture of the brute. also squirrels have eaten all my redcurrents blueberries and young apricots, the rotters. anyone with any advice on (humane) deterrants? lastly, i've noticed greenfinches only popped by my garden if i put thistle seed out for them. Haven't seen them since i stopped filling the feeders for the summer....is anyone still putting food out for birds, and is it recommended? (i've heard conflicting opinions on this)
  8. round plates: consistent margin between foodstuff and plate-edge (assuming foodstuff placed dead-centre). consistency, symmetry, harmony and happiness results. square plates: circumferential food-margin inconsistent, potential cuff soilage, possible spillage, annoyance, anger, loss of friends and social status.
  9. two different discussions are being held here 1. Is squatting justifiable? From our distant perspective and given the criminal waste of habitable properties, it seems most people think so yes 2. Is this squatting of this particular building on Goose Green "justified"? Well we've pretty much established there's nothing illegal going on, though I don't think the squatters have helped their case much. They have done a brave thing by posting on the forum - in the wolves den - and introducing themselves but I don't think they could have expected much more than the usual daily mail vs che guevara arguments - this here forum is as partisan as it gets. fact is, now the whole internet knows where they live. i seriously doubt they'll be any trouble. if they move on when asked then no harm, no foul. now get back to work. all of you.
  10. need some advice from re council nabobs we've got no downcurb out the front of chez 5imon, and we want to use our drive in the way god clearly intended by putting a car on it. asked the council if they could put one in. ?973, they replied. is that normal? anyone else asked the council to do something on the roads outside and then been slapped with an invoice? i would have thought veee-hic-ulaaar access to your own pad would be part of the constitution, but then i know buggerall 'bout politics.
  11. fireman's alley is a pedestrian way only - it connects LL to Dulwich park. i'll give the council a call anyway to let them know ta
  12. Anyone know what the plan is for fireman's alley up by ED estate? There's a load of rubble that's been dumped to completely block the LL entrance - deliberately by the looks of things. Can't see where the rubble's come from either.
  13. i'd be up for participating and helping out. edfest sounds cool - can't this be resurrected? which killjoy killed it?
  14. i find the political angle to the renewables/climate change debate interesting. if you believe that we are at - or rapidly approaching - the point of no return in terms of emissions, the only solution to avoid catastrophic change is pretty much unilateral government direction. in order to grab the necessary land for wind or solar, in order to remove the combustion engine from our roads quickly enough, and in order to divert enough of the public coffers to a massive nuclear program, democracy would have to take a back seat for a while. imagine that in extremis: some sort of orwellian dystopian regime, yet all for the greater good of the planet...when i think about it i can feel the moral processing gears in my head grinding to a halt...
  15. 5imon

    a joke

    who's the coolest person in a hospital? the ultrasound guy the second coolest? the hip-replacement guy
  16. 5imon

    a joke

    why do monkeys always get lost? cos jungle is massive
  17. no problem. getting the accelerator stuck on a prius would actually clean the environment, wouldn't it? eat that, al gore.
  18. pff..they are a complete one trick pony. i was just going to write that I didn't know how they've managed to sustain the conceit for ..what is it...6? albums then i remembered: they don't write their own stuff. if this is the result of physical purchases, legalise piracy says i.
  19. If you haven't already, I really recommend reading "Sustainable energy without the hot air" by David Mckay. The author tries to address each proposed source of renewable energy and explain what the theoretical (ie given infinite cash, 100% efficiency in transmission, no political impediments etc) limit to each of the proposed solutions is, based on fairly simple calculations that anyone with a gcse in physics can wrap their head round. The long and short of it is: the will have to be sea changes in the way we live if we want to exist on 100% renewables. The petrol-powered combustion engine should be effectively deprecated; transcontinental and cheap flights are incredibly damaging in carbon-terms; electricity comsumption at home should be closely monitored and reduced. Since reading it I've been urging both the wind/solar/carbon credit zealouts and the climate change doubters to take a look (small print - i am in no way affitiliated with the author, publishers or distributors)
  20. alternatives: - massive led display of current RBS stock price - big television constantly on and tuned to QVC - montage of b&w athena posters, kittens in wellies etc - climbing wall - scrolling stephen fry twitter feed - that punching wall on Wipe-out
  21. any art proposal given via the medium of excel spreadsheet should raise eyebrows straight away. agree with whoever-it-was (sorry can't be asked to scroll up). put some plants on it. bosh.
  22. do you mean upland road? saw nothing...were you robbed? hope not..
  23. i was just writing that colly and belly were steadying the ship then colly goes off the edge to duminy blox^2
  24. either a) this will be a damp squib of a draw with england failing to capitilise on a winning footing once again or b) this will be a great test with strauss getting the best out of his team.
  25. ..and with that, he disappeared in a puff of logic
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