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We had a budgie being chased by a cat fly into our kitchen this evening (wed). We have taken it in and it's safe. We have a cat and there is no way we can keep this little guy/gal. We have fed and watered him and he seemed very very hungry. We live in Nunhead on Surrey road. It's hard to say if it's come from close or far? We knocked on some doors but with no luck finding an owner. we have contacted the London wildlife rescue to come and collect him. If you think he might be yours please PM us with a description and we will get you in contact with the right people. Cheers.
Well, it all became a bit too much last night, non stop high pitched crying and screaming, his little body was stiff as a board and our nerves were shot. So we decided to take him to the A&E and forgo the GP appointment scheduled for today. We got there for midnight and waited the standard millennium, but we figured we would either be sleepless at home or sleepless at the hospital so it didn't really matter and we might get some answers at the hospital. The Paediatrician looked him over and decided that doing some blood tests to rule out any infection would be a good idea, we reluctantly agreed and waited for the results. While we were waiting our little guy proceeded to let out a Vesuvius like belch and spit up event that not only covered half of my wife but the entirety of himself as well. The collective relief the three of us felt after that must have reverberated around the planet (Did you feel it?)! He must have had all of that stuck inside his little belly for days, needless to say he is a completely different baby and is back to chilling out listening to afrobeat records with his ageing hipster parents. Thankfully the GP discharge summary specifically stated that reflux is a definite possibility should his symptoms continue and should be dully investigated. So I'd say that was a win towards a possible diagnosis should we go through all of this again, God forbid. I am really amazed and impressed with the outpouring of support that came flowing back at us from all of you on this here forum. It certainly tops my previous experiences of searching through used Ikea furniture and "shabby chic" lamps and kitchenware. In all seriousness all of your input, experiences and advice were an invaluable help, if not in directly solving the issue, but by bringing us back down to earth and realising we are all in this together. So thank you.
It's amazing that even though you know your not alone in a situation, the feeling of being at sea in a rowboat can be overwhelming. So thank you all for your replies, they sincerely help. Yep, Swaddling and Dr. Karp's 5 S's have been the only things that have worked regarding calming him and getting him to sleep, eventually. It takes forever but it works, until he wakes himself up in some sort of existential anguish and hour or so later, when we start the process over again. If you haven't heard of Dr. Karp's - Happiest baby on the block, do yourselves a favour and check it out it's a life saver in the first degree. Most of his crying was happening at night however in the last few days he stopped sleeping as much during the day and replaced it with crying. The only thing that keeps him from crying at this point is to be on the breast indefinitely, and needless to say my wife is completely worn to the bone now.
Hello My wife and I have just added a beautiful little boy to the neighbourhood, but unfortunately as beautiful as we may think he is and as happy as we are to have him, he seems to be having some serious trouble just "existing" in the world at the moment. The main issue is that he has begun to unconsolably scream and cry for hours at a time throughout the day and night. If he is not eating or sleeping (which he almost never does) he is crying. He is only three weeks old and I appreciate that everything around him, and all the sensations both internally and externally are probably pretty intense at this stage, however three weeks of intense sleep deprivation has broken us both down and we are finding our coping abilities are beginning to crumble. I suppose our question is "Is this normal?" I know all babies are different and all babies cry or are fussy, don't sleep etc etc. But when does screaming and crying become something to be concerned about? We tried very hard to study up and become as informed as we possibly could regarding what was to come, developmental stages, fourth trimester, calming techniques (Dr. Karp, slings) etc, but nothing has prepared us for the intensity of our little man's constant upset. It is definitely affecting our ability to bond with him as we would like to because we rarely have the opportunity to see a calm contented baby. We are tired of the well intentioned "welcome to parenthood" comments from friends and the like and would love to at least hear that we are not the only people that have gone through this. Everyone keeps saying "it will all get better, I promise", but when? The magic number that keeps coming up is three months, does that mean we have to endure three months of guantanamo levels of sleep deprivation before it gets better? I literally broke down in tears at the thought of not being able to bond with this amazing little boy who we wanted so badly because of this issue. He was given a full clean bill of health and is putting on weight, so as far as anyone can tell he is as healthy as can be. Of course there are the million and one worse case scenarios that go through our heads that he has some horrible disease, is neuro A-typical or worst of all we have done something to cause all of this chaos for this little guy. My gut feeling is that he's only three weeks old and that even though it's pretty intense at the moment, what we're dealing with is hard but normal and it will indeed get better. We would really appreciate hearing any of your similar experiences and or solutions you may have found along the way. I'm not sure there is an answer to our questions, Nevertheless a little help and support can go a long way.
I just find it a bit crap, because I have this little fantasy that we all live in the same neighbourhood and it's like Sesame Street and everybody is really good to each other. It's really not that big a deal just annoying.
I have had a rash of people who state that the definitely want an item I'm offering, say they'll come over and get it and then I never hear another word from them. This has happened multiple times lately and I find it really frustrating. It Ok if you change your mind, but have the decency to at least tell me that, don't just leave me hanging. It's just common courtesy and politeness. Anyway that's my rant, have a lovely rest of your week.
Um....Thanks, that was ever so helpful.
Left or right, if we dont do something about it it will stay that way for eternity. My neighbours are't the most co-operative folks. So still need some recommendations. Cheers!
Hey all, Our garden fence has died a horrible death and collapsed into our neighbours garden. Can anyone recommend a person or business that can fix fences and do a really good job? Our landlord had some cowboys repair it last year and it just crumbled in less than a year unfortunately. Any help is appreciated. Happy Christmas. A.
So, Here we go again, the sun is out and my neighbor's Kid and his friends have started up again partying in the back garden until 5am on a weekday. If you have read this thread before, you will know that last year this all ended with one of those kids giving me a black eye when I asked them to take it indoors at 3am. Kid spent night in jail, counsel did pretty much nothing but "record" my complaints. As I just said it's all begun again and this will be the third year now that no one gets any sleep in my house. I have called the counsil, I have documented the incidents, called the police etc, etc. The councel said there was nothing they could do about "people noise" only is there was stereo, or music etc disturbing the peace. I don't know what to do here? Why should we have to suffer through this every year? My neighbors on either side of me don't like it either, but unfortunately they are the "don't want to cause any trouble" types and wont say or do anything (sigh). I am afraid that this is going to end up getting really ugly and it doesn't have to go that way. I live with 4 other people that are all effected by this. Why is it that nothing can be done about it?? I don't care if they are partying, just take it inside after midnight for god sake! Thats all I ask. I don't do well with feeling powerless in situations like these, and I shouldn't have to ever take matters into my own hands, because it's pointless and will just make things worse. My neighbors live on Kelmore Grove. if there is anyone on here that lives close and is effected by these guys please speak up, my lone complaints to the counsel are falling on deaf ears. I have taken the previous advice from this thread, but it has led to nothing.
Jeremy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > You really need to go and speak with the mother. > > Surely this kid isn't just going to get a single > night in custody and a warning. I would have > thought it's a serious offence worthy of a full > trial/sentence. It is, The police are fairly certain he'll be charged with ABH and it will go to trial. Fine and good, but he's a friend of the kid that lives behind us, so there is no guarantee that it will change anything.
Polly D Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > God, awful! I expect the mother will know about it > now her son has spent the night in prison. > We had a bad experience a couple of years ago with > 2 teenage boys living in flats which overlook our > garden: they pelted eggs, oranges, apples etc into > our garden from their balcony when we were out > there, on a daily basis for about 2 weeks, > narrowly missing our newborn son's head one day by > about 50cm with an orange which then exploded on > the decking. I still shudder to think what might > have happened if it had hit his head. > We contacted the police and nothing happened. We > worked out which flat they were in, went round > when we could tell the mother was in and spoke to > her via the intercom. Like you, we weren't sure > what kind of response we would get but she was > horrified by what had been going on, assured us it > wouldn't happen again, and it hasn't. Worth > talking to her, I would say. I could only positively identify one of the guys who hit me and he's the one who went to jail. I got hit 4 times from several directions, it's was a bit hard to tell who was who?
James Barber Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > You should have dialled 999 to report the > assualt. > You should still report it even now. The behaviour > as you've report it is criminal. > Sadly Southwar;'s noise team no longer operate > after 2.30am which means realistically no more > calls after 1.30/2am. > > If you find you don't get sufficient Police follow > up please email so I can escalate it. I called 999 and one of the guys that hit me spent the night in jail. I did a full report with the police they took pics of my face etc. I just now gave the councils anti-social behavior dept a ring and gave a the report to them. Said they will definitley follow it up. I'll keep you updated.
East Dulwich Forum
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