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Everything posted by Loz

  1. Depends what you were doing under there... ::o
  2. I like William Rose, etc. and all our small shops. I love the fact that LL isn't full of High St names like countless others. However, I've never set foot in Mrs R's. It always seemed like an overpriced junk shop to me. Still, each to their own.
  3. What tropica said... and this from the Beeb is of interest, too. UK shops 'misleading customers'
  4. The Uplands was the place with the rude barmaid. Is she still there? Previous thread
  5. Dulwich Hamlets gym. Cheap and does the job. No pool, though.
  6. 24 hours ago this man was, supposedly, a danger to every woman in East Dulwich. Now, one telephone call later, everything is all right and we have a 'happy ending'. I too think I've been taken for ride and feeling dirty afterwards... I suggest another warning. Chaps, if you consider buying a girl a drink this weekend and you find out her name is Felicity, then run. Run as fast as you can. Don't stop until you've passed Putney.
  7. Sadly, your insurance almost certainly has an 'utmost good faith' clause that means that, even if you don't involve the insurers, you are supposed to notify them of any such accidents. Then, the bastards up your premium anyway.
  8. Did you pay the Admin for this ad?
  9. Having fallen for a similar scam, it's really couple of quid lost and maybe a life lesson gained in return. But the next time someone with a genuine need approaches me, they probably won't get the time of day. And that's a shame. :'(
  10. Also, CPZs tend to reduce the total amount of parking space. Have a look around Herne Hill to see how they use yellow lines. Some of those roads you could fit a bunch more cars on, had they not been so keen with the line painting machine.
  11. That's good advice from T.L.S. One asked to see my last bill 'to show me the savings' - a document that has more than enough info on it to switch your supply. Don't even confirm what the bill payer's name is.
  12. Sad news, but good luck. Please, please tell me that you have sold it to a couple of people hell bent on opening a Springers II, rather than a Zizzi, Pizza Express or some such?
  13. There's definitely a good jazz (in the original sense of the word, of course) night here. A couple of people tromboning, a few people with some hard sax, someone on the organ and at least one person banging the drum. As soon as Keef replaces the G-string on his guitar, it's everyone down the Goodrich Road...
  14. Dammit. Edited because Bob got in first. So to speak. What a hotbed of debauchery Goodrich Road is becoming.
  15. I found a card once with the message "parcel left in bin". And lo, it was. Fortunately this didn't happen on bin day.
  16. An interesting 'reading' of the previous thread, Jeremy. But lets not go down that dead-end road again. Life's too short. I can see both sides to this story - elf and safety hysteria means that the bus driver might have feared for his job had someone complained. But, on the other hand at 2am in the morning you'd think that common sense and human compassion would rule and that anyone in such distress would be helped. The problem is that London is a big city and the bigger the city, the less community there is. When/where I grew up, if you spotted someone broken down on the side of the road, you stopped and checked if they needed help. It hardly happens now in England, let alone London. That, of course, doesn't let the bus driver off - and especially not the policeman. Out of everyone, he should hang his head in shame. They are supposed to be out there helping the general public. And Brendan, having worked with and been friends with quite a few SA girls myself I can well see your point - they are, in general, a rather awe-inspiring bunch.
  17. Up in Abbotswood Road, I've had many a parcel disappear (including a registered one that ended back with the sender before I knew it existed - no delivery, no card) and no mail for days on end. Maybe we should change the title of this thread to 'Anyone NOT having problems with Royal Mail'?? It might be more apt (though a little empty).
  18. I must say, I am awe-inspired at *Bob*s encyclopaedic knowledge of the Dulux colour chart. Have you thought of going onto Mastermind with it as your specialist subject? >:D<
  19. Do you mean the one opposite the Bishop (or thereabouts)?? I've always found them super-helpful. As you said, different people and all that.
  20. Reminds me of the final scene of Blackadder Goes Forth. Comedies somehow shouldn't leave you wanting to cry, but that had to be one of the finest 10 seconds of television made.
  21. Actually, I feel a little sorry for Charles. He has prepared all his life for one job that continues to elude him and now, because his mistake of a marriage (which was only to keep the general populace happy in the first place), that job may elude him altogether and he's not allowed to pursue any other career. Can't really blame him for going a little do-lally after 50 or 60 years of that. As for the monarchy in general, I don't really care one way or the other. I am a little concerned about what may replace it - President Blair? Eeeuw. He could spend the ?12M annual civil list money on consultants in a month.
  22. Here's hoping that it actively repels blue paint!
  23. In order: no, no and no. And you mistake a tangent with trying to give you a similar, perhaps extrapolated, situation for you to see my point. At least I attempted to explain my point, rather than just claim everything is 'bleeding obvious', when it's not. But, that failed and I agree that to continue this with you is absurd and is probably boring the hell out of everyone else. And that, if anything, is a cue for *Bob* to take it from the absurd to the surreal...
  24. What has the perceived intimidation got to do with it? It's utterly irrelevant. Both are crimes; both are wrong. It's not hard, really. You seem to have this poor view of women - and thank goodness there are people around like Jollybaby that can help you see that all women are not helpless victims. And I really hope you never meet that gang of 14/15 year old girls that were mugging people in ED a few months ago. They probably would have 'spanked your ass' in a way that even you would have found rather intimidating. *Bob* - I think that if it was a 96 year old woman, a three year old horse and an 18 year old bottle of scotch whisky it would make a much better story.
  25. Not at all controversial. Just wrong. A woman is more likely to be a victim of domestic violence, but that doesn't make the male victims somehow a non-issue. Jollybaby: please don't think you did anything wrong. Quite the reverse: your reaction was correct - for you. As djfitz said, resist peer pressure to be a victim if you're not one!
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