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  1. Wow, that's really mean spirited. Sorry about your car.
  2. Why would anyone write a response like that, with such a sudden, distressing detail as that, on a thread like this?? Written by someone who is obviously really upset about the loss of their cat? Why would you do that?? So sorry to hear about your cat Cinders.
  3. Poor you, that would have really shaken me up. So strange that they didn't ring the bell first to see if you were in.
  4. It's perfect that the last focusing comment was from The Cat.
  5. Be really careful yourself too, if you are thinking of putting a message on the Bengal cat's collar for the owner. My mum's cat was chased into the house by a neighbour's bengal, my mum was sitting in the room and simply stood up to intervene, and the bengal flew at her from 2 feet away and bit her through to the bone on her hand. She went to the GP for a tetanas but the next day her hand was swollen like a blown up rubber glove and she had to go to hospital and be put on an antibiotic drip. The infection spread and she had to have an operation on her hand. It was a majorly upsetting thing for a 70 year old cat lover and she was really shaken up by it. We never found out who owned the cat and I felt really powerless about it. The vet told me that an owner is not liable anyway, and this seems extraordinary to me. I think Bengal cats are more territorial than other breeds and clearly more aggressive. I hope you can find the owner of the one that is causing your cat so much stress, I'm sure most people would be horrorfied to hear that their cat was causing such chaos. I would!
  6. So sorry this happened to your mum Magda, she must feel really shocked and upset.
  7. My son was on The Rye this afternoon, I will ask him if he saw anything. Aren't there always adults in the adventure playground bit? Well done for intervening so effectively.
  8. Thank you Cle for your response. I will bore off with my faux shock. You carry on with your ongoing jokes about gyppos. All good.
  9. We should have a hashtag. #EastDulwichbingyppos In response to you Cle, who have also referred to these two women as 'slatterns' in a previous post. I am more shocked by your use of derogatory language on a public forum as if it were the most normal thing in the world, your territorial obsession with your own front garden, your apparent lack of empathy and your small minded view of the world, than by the fact that there are two women rummaging through bins. I would be more worried if my children read your comments than if they saw two people looking through the things we had thrown out through our living room window.
  10. On Dundalk Road in Brockley today. Strange patter.
  11. Let's all get some chalk and put a circle with a cross through it on our front doors.
  12. Hello. Does anyone have a child in the current year 7 at Deptford Green and would be happy to have a chat with me about it? Thanks.
  13. Wow! How impressive. Would love to talk to you about how it's going if you were up for that?
  14. Is anyone home schooling a current year 7 child?
  15. Do you mean how much to pay?! I pay between ?7 - 9 per hour for my babysitters. A childminder who works from home and has more than one child in their care is cheaper.
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