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Everything posted by ryedalema

  1. Another vote for Yellow Moon, but watch out - not the cheapest and a bit addictive - oops! :-$
  2. I hang things from the front door so that there's no option but to remember them. I have some tips but they might not be 'good parenting' - ahem.. - if you little one has an afternoon nap that lingers and if you'd wake them then it would affect their night time sleep, what works for us is to put baby rice or super fine porridge into their milk bottle and sleep feed them. We find that it's often hunger that wakes them after that and that keeps them full all night. - any dummy users out there (no comments please - I did say I might not be a 'good' mum) if your little one is in the throes of teething, put a bit of gel on their dummy, works really well and dead easy to get them settled (also works really well with sore throats!). - don't bother buying bibs, they are too small and never seem to catch what's being thrown about- muslins tied around the neck are perfectly fine and wash/dry really easily xx Love to you all xx
  3. Hi Ruth - I'm hazarding a guess here but is your nearest school Bessemer grange or Dog Kennel Hill? Mother Goose Greendale (which is where our two go too) is not a feeder nursery, but loads of the kids from there go to both of these schools afterwards, so little S would have loads of mates to start school with, when it happens. You still get the Government allocation of school hours (taken off the fees). It's a fablious nursery IMO. Oh and Greendale is the 'track' between East Dulwich Road (at the end of Townley Road), and Wanley Road. It's right behind DK Sainsbury's. Hope it helps x
  4. Oh dear - that doesn't sound too promising. Our girls are at Mother Goose at Greendale - which is really lovely! They (all three nurseries) are owned by the same family, who are pretty hot on the administration, management and profile development of the nurseries. The facilities at Greendale are the best I've seen - organic veg/fruit patch (which they cook meals from), pets, a race track and plenty of trips and events. It's not squeaky clean brand new, is more lived in than that. But I've never had cause to question their hygiene or care for the children. Hope it helps - I'm sorry I don't have direct experience of the Upland Road one.
  5. They don't charge and they are open Saturdays but not Sundays I believe. Our 3.5 year old daughter absolutely loves it - a hearty recommendation. Plus don't forget Dog Kennel Hill adventure playground - some great equipment there!
  6. I was line dancing the day b4 my first - she came the next morning 2 weeks early. Not saying it's linked :) but worth a try? ... 5,6,7,8 !! Doh, ci, doh and around you go :)) Good luck xx
  7. But Mister Maker is soooo good with his hands :))
  8. I agree it's totally normal and all about hormones, not a learned behaviour as such. Have you tried 'sleep wees' though? When our DD was ready we did sleep wees for a few nights.It involved basically working out from when the bed was wet, what time she 'went' in the night, then we picked her up and put her on the loo just before then. It worked really well and as she hadn't actually woken up, she had the confidence of thinking she'd acheived a dry bed in the morning - i think that really helped.
  9. Oh noooo - we've got loads of I Can Cook on our V box - I hope my OH isn't watching her 'after hours' (shudder!) Having said that Andy, Sid and, dare I say it, Mister Maker? MMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmm!:-$ Mr Tumble? Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!! Sporticus? I can see the (ahem!) obvious attractions! >:D<
  10. I reckon most of the 'I'm a celeb I'll do a fitness dvd' versions are a bit suspect - I prefer someone who you know keeps and stays fit, so my vote would go with any of Davina or Nell McAndrew's dvds. I've done lots of Davina - and they are good (if a little irritating after 100 renditions). Any (like above) done by 'actual' trainers should be fab. Good luck!
  11. Me too - I'd love to run a stall. I hope we aren't all selling the same stuff. Will you have a list of which crafts are already represented? I could sell home made food, clothing or dance related items on a stall and would love to be doing something different from others (for obv. reasons :)). Goose green is always a fab venue - such a central location you get tons of interest from passers-by who weren't aware it was on. I find with indoor venues (despite the obv weather-proof pros) that 'walk by' is limited. Very excited!! And know others i'd get involved too!!
  12. Or.....;-) Go out of ED station. Turn left into St Francis Road....all the way to the end and nip up (turning right) Abbotswood for about 20 metres. At mini roundabout take left exit past playing fields (this is the start of the foot path). Follow the path with playing fields on your right (about a 4 min walk). When foot path comes to a t-junction, turn right onto Greendale (watch out for fast moving cyclists!!) Go up hill - you really can't miss Mother Goose Greendale on your right - the noise will hit you before you see the brightly coloured equipment!
  13. Irish dancing on Saturday was fab! Unlike our usual ballet classes it really wore eldest madam out and she slept for ages in the afternoon! Result!
  14. Goodrich for us - first choice too. See you at the school gates Pickle! And Pebbles! :)-D
  15. Echoed here - happy Mother's day everyone! Have just had banana pancakes for brekkie - yummmm! Poor OH seems to be doing the looking after Mum stuff. The girls just seem to want to eat the daffodils or use them as fairy wands - sigh!
  16. Belle Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > But ryedalema, a nutritionist told me about the > 70/30 (or is it 80/20?) rule - be good 70% f the > time. i couldn't live without occasional treats, > and def never want to have a massively denialist > diet, so I quite like this ratio! Plus Jack's food > is soooo good I can't believe it's unhealty :) > > Totally agree - I couldn't live without my treats and I'm SERIOUSLY looking forward to my chocolate fondant (care of Jacks) tomorrow! Bad creme eggs...bad creme eggs for being so tempting and deceptively small (which makes me think they can't be that naughty!). My OH came home with a tin of Roses yesterday - aaggh! At least he's hoed most of them by now so I'm less likely to woof the lot. I wish I could think about fruit the way I think about chocolate. Maybe hypnosis might help....hmmmmm..;-)
  17. Belle '...creme eggs my particular downfall!' Me too! I so wish I'd never had that first one!! Bad curry last night (but not much of it - piled it on OH's plate) and Jacks for Mummy's day lunch tomorrow. Oh dear - not looking forward to the scales on Monday! Tankety, tank, tank....
  18. Smiler Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Ryedelama, wow, that's great! You can give us some > top tips! Ha ha - it's long and boring but if you get your head into the 'I'm not going to stop until the weight has shifted' mentality then I reckon that will see you through - blips and all. A big one for us was porridge - you can chuck whatever fruits you like in it and it really fills you up. Also a bit naughtier - honey, low fat coconut milk (from Sainsbo's - yumm!), nuts or maple syrup. Just don't do what my OH did and mention to little madam that she could put sprinkles (100s and 1000s to us Brits) on top - now I can't get away without rainbow supar crystals all over it - ugh!!
  19. Supergolden - I did ww while breast feeding. They add extra Propoints to compensate for what your body needs. If you do it online, or go to a meeting they will calculate how many points is right for you. I sound all salesy, which honestly I don't intend. Just wanted to let you know that i did it and it was fine (tu). All the best xxx
  20. Good on you Pebbles and Snowboarder - I lost 58 lbs last year on Weight Watchers! Go go go!!! Oh and if you need any advice I'm sure Pickle and I can help! :));-)(tu)
  21. Our girls go to Mother Goose at Greendale, but we know some parents who send theirs to the Waveney Avenue one. They love it - the management/ownership/administration is the same for all 3 (I think) sites and is very organised and professional/friendly/welcoming. Our facilities are excellent and I expect the Waveney Avenue is similar - I've certainly heard no complaints from the Waveney Avenue parents. Good luck x PS - Can I ask which location you need as the Greendale Mother Goose is fantastic and we chose it for access to the city as it's so near Denmark Hill and ED stations..
  22. Hi Biancason, Yes there's definitely a Wednesday WW meeting there at 9.30am on Wednesdays. The leader there is Marisa. There are also meetings at Darrell Road Community Centre, Harris Girls Academy and I'll be setting up a new one in Peckham. All dates/times are accurate on the site but if you have any qs I'd be very happy to help. :)) Good luck xxx
  23. My husband and I are both having problems too (have been for about two weeks). We live on Ryedale so same area it seems. We've been on the phone to Vodafone who are saying to us that they don't believe that there is a fault and that it must be our phones!! My OH is now raising an official complaint - if anyone hasn't reported there problem to Vodafone, please could you do so so that they believe us?? It seems we are all getting very different information..:-S
  24. Not at all - am hanging out for it too! Obv. the night time will become more of a battle. Am already getting 'Mummy I don't want to come home yet' (from nursery) but hopefully all the fresh spring air will knock them out a bit more. I feel like a pit pony who's been inside all winter - really hope the good weather continues!!!
  25. No no - next Sunday 5am will become 6am (going forwards). So they will effectively have a more socially acceptable wakey wakey time. Or have I got that wrong?
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