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Everything posted by ryedalema
Gulp - wow what a thing to come back to. Naughty mummy I sincerely apologise for anything I said that may have seemed derogatory in any way (reading it to myself I don't think I did - but at 33 weeks I'm hormonally challenged so am a little unsure of how I'm coming across at the mo). I'm looking forward to your night out and hopefully will be up for it on the 15th (although have a history of early babies so nature may have other ideas). Will you have any nice non-alcoholic cocktails btw? I applaud your enterprise while on Mat leave. I remember my last Mat leave my best accomplishment was keeping the laundry basket from taking over the house (although I did have a serious Nigella compulsion at one point). Where will you be handing out leaflets? PM me about it if you want! I'd love to shake you by the hand or alternatively give you a restorative hug and let you know that we're good people really. Maybe even buy you an ice cream at another glorious ED enterprise 'Scoop' - which (ahem) might be another current obsession of mine!
I'd love to come too - will there be any other 'bumps' there? And does anyone know a good alternative to alcohol? Lime and soda just isn't cutting it any more! Could it be an earlyish start (7-8pm say) as my energy levels aren't fablious and I'd love to meet you all.
I'd love to come too - will there be any other 'bumps' there? And does anyone know a good alternative to alcohol? Lime and soda just isn't cutting it any more! Could it be an earlyish start (7-8pm say) as my energy levels aren't fablious and I'd love to meet you all.
Kinda the same I'm afraid although the thought of a goodie bag always makes me feel like a kid again. If this includes food and perhaps a drink then fair enuff. What's the entertainment? Sorry I can't get over the naughty mummy name and expecting naked dancing men or something of that ilk. This could be right up my street but I'd need to know more. If y'know, it's a poetry reading or something (not that I'm a cultural wasteland honest) but I'd probably think twice. I'm sure it'll be a good event - but could you tell us more so that we can make informed decisions? PS - I'll be 8.5 months by then so I'll be the one in the wheelbarrow!
Kinda the same I'm afraid although the thought of a goodie bag always makes me feel like a kid again. If this includes food and perhaps a drink then fair enuff. What's the entertainment? Sorry I can't get over the naughty mummy name and expecting naked dancing men or something of that ilk. This could be right up my street but I'd need to know more. If y'know, it's a poetry reading or something (not that I'm a cultural wasteland honest) but I'd probably think twice. I'm sure it'll be a good event - but could you tell us more so that we can make informed decisions? PS - I'll be 8.5 months by then so I'll be the one in the wheelbarrow!
m - this sounds fab - can I just ask though. Do you mean naughty as in the bedroom side of things - I have to admit at 7 months 'gone' that I've slightly lost my mojo in that area - hoping to get it back quick after Cassie's born (if my husband's reading). But if this is about feeling human and womanish for once (regardless of sick on shoulder!) with a bit of pampering thrown in - then count me in!
G*sh that really did feel like a long two weeks - am a bit worried that I'm a bit obsessive. Hello all!
What to use in the bath for sore lady bits?
ryedalema replied to Dulwich Born And Bred's topic in The Family Room Discussion
I've been having the opposite problem. Since finding out I was having number two everything has been a lot more moist 'down there' but the result has been some really painful chafing - so lovely! Especially horrid with tights and skirts. They were advertising a product called Lanacane anti chafing cream over the summer - and it's fab. Like vaseline but has a little bit of local anaesthetic i think. I keep a tube in my bag now as it rears up really quickly and gets enflamed - much like nappy rash. I'd agree with Bepanthem too (or is it Metanium cream) it's the one that stays on your bits like a sort of coating and is yellow in colour. I've been told that Sudocrem and Bepanthen/Metanium (the non-yellow one anyway) have a little bit of something abrasive in them (found out on our first trip to Australia with baby number one) which is why you'll probably get pain from them. The other stuff you could try is post depilitary moisturisers or after sun lotion - obviously steer clear of perfumes etc though. Good luck with it - mine's still painful (before I've splashed on the Lanacane)and I'm boycotting the skirts now. -
Am having trouble working out the best 'double buggy' solution for a 2.5 year old and a newborn. My husband insists a P&T Vibe is the only make and model that'll give him a good walk (not kicking the newby in the head as he strides out) and be the most comfy solution for the two terror tots. I'm not convinced - the view from the bottom of a P&T can't be great, but don't really want a side by side solution (do they even do these for newborns?) as the width of shop doors etc can be prohibitive. Plus all the snarling I see other Mums and Dads contend with when manoeuvring 'the beast' along lordship lane etc. Has anyone successfully taken a 2.5 on a longish commute (I take the bus from ED to a Waterloo nursery 5 days a week at present)with a buggy board? Or can anyone recommend an alternative buggy purchase that'll fit the criteria: - comfy, dry and with a bit of storage - ok for tall dads who don't want to brain their kids with large feet - a fair buggy experience for both kids (bottom view not too claustrophobic) - ok for off road and the high street experience? We're not really in the bugaboo price bracket before I get lots of replies recommending these. But equally - am willing to spend enough so that the microtots don't grow up with back issues. We'd also be very happy to buy said item second hand off you if you've found the perfect solution - please let me know. Cx
Thanks Echo - I'm speaking to Beth at the moment and am really hopeful that we'll be training hard together in the NY. I'm certainly up for a Mums' 'Ernie and Kopka' session in between training sessions though, if a few Mums wanted to do it together. Where would we do it though? Ernie and Kopka - do you have premises? I could probably fit about 4-6 Mums and babies around at mine (depending on how much room we need for the dancing stuff) - but could do without getting involved in the admin/managing of collecting money etc. And I think it'd have to be Mums and babies only as I've had a few NCT parties with our (now) toddlers (6 Mums/6 two-year olds) and you cannot do anything worthwhile while they (the toddlers that is) run around causing chaos. Having said that though - I am a completely useless dancer (am known for falling off the step in step class) so no laughing at me as I look like a turkey on drugs!
Government to scrap childcare vouchers scheme - petition
ryedalema replied to Smiler's topic in The Family Room Discussion
If it's from 2011 it's pretty unlikely to happen isn't it? Unless Labour get in again - ahem. But too right I'll sign that petition. This is the only thing I've claimed off the Government IN MY LIFE - so we must be due for something. Doea anyone know what the Tories are pledging with regards childcare and all things family-ish? -
Now I'm really looking ahead but after failing miserably to get my baby fat off after monster number one I'd like to try and get back into shape after number 2 (due NYE). Has anyone successfully used a personal trainer during their maternity leave or set up a mum's 'get back in shape' support group with visible success? My NCT pals managed to do some swimming last time but I'm afraid the emphasis was rather more on the cafe afterwards - hence the problem. Any suggestions? And if it's the personal trainer - does anyone know anyone local who won't cost the earth or make me undergo a Rocky 3 type scenario - running after cars etc.?
christmas due date and relatives over - advice needed
ryedalema replied to ryedalema's topic in The Family Room Discussion
Thanks for all your help everyone. I think I'll try the Upland for spaces. I know what you all mean about due dates being completely spurious - my first was 2 weeks early (I can only hope!) but my brother and dad - although lovely, are kinda used to being waited on hand and foot by the previous women in their lives (don't get me started). So having them underfoot would be just too exhausting methinks. Plus there's the whole 'Why can't you put that in the dishwasher? It won't wash itself.' irritations, that'll drive me bonkers. And my husband, dad and brother are all Leos and all want to rule the roost - so better safe than sorry - I'll pack them off to a B&B. -
My due date is NYE (fab for a start!) and obviously I cannot stray far from home for Christmas. So, we're having the family over to ours (Hopefully it means I won't have to do ANYTHING over the festive period - some hope).My quandary is where to put them as I'm hoping for a home birth and it could get a wee bit crowded (and embarrassing). Does anyone know any reasonable (and nice) guesthouses in ED or nearby surrounding areas that will be open as Christmas time - even better is anyone scarpering from ED across the Christmas period and wants to rent out their house/flat? It's only two well behaved and house trained gentlemen (my brother and father) so we don't need a lot of spare space. Could you let me know?
Is anyone else freaking out about the nursery scandal that's in the news right now? Goodness knows it's hard enough finding decent (so you'd hope) childcare without learning that what should be the most innocent of havens - a nursery - is at the centre of a (not sure I can use the word on this forum) 'ring' that messes with babies and toddlers. I'm looking to move my two children (one 2 years old and one on the way)to a nursery nearer home (Peckham Rye ish) and am now seriously worried about making the move. Our nursery may be miles away but I'm fairly certain that it's safe (as certain as I can be). And now the thought of moving to an unknown is giving me sleepless nights. Anyone got any thoughts or words of reassurance??
I have to say I'm a bit cynical about this paternal baby break inititative ever getting to see the light of day. The Government's got to claw back so much money at the moment can they afford to pay out any money to get dad's at home? I'm worried about getting my 'healthy in preggers' money (wasn't around when my first daughter was on the way) and that's only a week away.
Not much help on the premises front but something you might want to consider to tap into demand is that all the train lines have changed recently. You can now get straight into the city from Tulse Hill, Denmark Hill, Nunhead (hence my other email strand about Nunhead nurseries) and Peckham Rye (altough my OH won't let me commute from there in case I fall onto the platform - really!). Nunhead seemed to be to the best - so far- in terms of parking there all day and commuting into the city - although back roads around Denmark seem to be a bit freer too. I run a department in a housing assoc with a commercial prop division and we've a pretty full-on development programme so I can keep an ear to the ground for new props coming up. As you are benefitting the community you might be able to tap into section 106 obligations which means that any development above a certain value/number of units, has to build some sort of social community offering to 'give back to the community'. You can ask the councils about that.
HI Linzkg - how far do you want to travel? I take my daughter to nursery in Waterloo (working in Farringdon) as the timings don't work out for me to be any nearer home and I'm constantly amazed at the number of nurseries that used to be there, but aren't any more. There just isn't any nursery provision in the city - and for people that have long working hours it's really essential. Kids Unlimited rented premises opposite the old Guardian building in Farringdon road and it was a beautiful set up. Unfortunately they moved two weeks before I was due back from maternity leave (another story) and so I am where I am. The average price of nurseries that are thriving seems to be between 1100 and 1300 per month (sorry no pound key), which I'm guessing makes up for the hiked up rent. I'd jump on anyone (in a nice way) who set up a decent nursery in the city - put nursery into yell.com in EC1 and stick it on map view and you'll see what I mean - most of the results that come up have gone now and will be premises of some kind.I guess on the minus side there must be a reason why these nurseries have left but I'm hoping it's bad financial management rather than demand - cos believe me the demand is there.
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