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Everything posted by MrsC

  1. I'm about on thurs for coffee if anyone fancies it? Will be with toddler to warn you! Nikki x
  2. Poor you, if any consolation if finishes as quick as it starts but I know exhausting when going through it. I had this with my son (who also had reflux) it might be colic might just be the baby 'witching hour' which always starts at about this time and leaves them very unsettled (no one seems to know why?). What really helped us was white noise, seemed to interrupt his crying - we downloaded onto ipod from here http://www.babywhitenoise.com/ and ended up using it for months as we were convinced this was the cure to his crying so didn't want to stop! Also we reintroduced a swaddle at this stage and that seemed to help, but also like others have said a sling/baby carrier (and for us running up and down the staires as he liked the movement!) seemed to calm him. Good luck and it will pass! x
  3. Hi Ladies, I'm due with our second in April after an Emergency CS first time round due to Fetal distress and trying to make a final decision on what route I'm going to take this time round. Midwives (Oakwood - had them last time and thought they were great) are very positive that I can achieve a VBAC but cant help having niggling doubts that I should put some more thought into having a CS as if I'm honest my main drivers for wanting a VBAC are based more around me than the baby (although I am also fully aware of the benefits to baby of a vaginal birth), i.e wanting to avoid surgery again and being able to experience a 'natural' birth. Would be really interested to hear what decisions all the ladies in the original thread made about their births (although appreciate this is a very personal choice and may not want to do so) and also any other advice from those who have experienced the same dilema. Many thanks
  4. Hi Ladies, Had 22 week scan yesterday and we're expecting baby boy number 2!! I'm able to make Saturday so see you for breakfast at Franklins - sure I'll be able to find you all, the bumps are a dead giveaway! :-) Nikkixx
  5. Hi, Think we missed the boat on all the Xmas Fayres last weekend - does anyone know of any happening tomorrow? Many thanks! Nikki
  6. Hi Ladies Still hoping to make this evening but like with my son when I had morning sickness until 22 weeks, at 17 weeks its still going strong :-( If I eat enought carbs throughout the day it does help so currently stuffing my face and hoping for the best! My day off is Tues for those who are around for play groups or coffee (tried Copelston Road playgroup this week and thought was really good for toddlers) Really hope to make it later on Nikkix
  7. Hi all, I'm expecting number 2 on April 14th and after meeting such lovely friends from this forum with my son would be great to meet another group of Mum's to share the 'joys' with!! I should be able to make Nov 3rd as well, I'm in ED so anywhere on LS Lane sounds perfect Look forward to meeting you all! Nikkix
  8. Tuesdays are my day of with my son and I'm getting stuck for ideas so this sounds great! Do you have an 'official' start date for this yet? Thanks!
  9. Was logged in as my sister - this is from me :-) ------------------------------------------------------- > We swaddled our DS until he was 5 months old - his > arms and legs would always startle him awake > otherwise. He was also a little houdini and we > found the best swaddle was the 'miracle blanket'. > We found it the best way to get him to settle well > and to do longer stretches of sleep. To transition > to a sleeping bag we did one arm out for a few > nights and then just went for it and he seemed to > sleep fine.....then along came teething, but > that's another story....!! :-)
  10. thanks so much everyone, think we will take our car seat, i've called the airline and we can check it in and doesn't count as luggage allowance which is a bonus. Fingers crossed for a cry free flight!! :))
  11. Hi, We've booked a holiday to Majorca with our little boy who will be 6 months by the time we travel - we've booked hotel & flights separately so will need to arrange our transport from the airport to the resort (transfer time is about an hour). I'm not sure what to do about taking the car seat - do people generally have baby on their knee in the taxi (doesn't seem very safe??) or take the car seat to fit into taxi/shuttle bus etc?? Any advice greatly appreciated!!
  12. Hi all, Can anyone recommend a good place to get professional pics taken of babies and what is a good age to do them? (our baby is nearly 3 months) Thanks!
  13. Hi We want to go on holiday this summer, and dont see why having our darling little one should stop us! (in fact, we cant wait to go on our first holiday together!) What we do obviously need to do though, is find somewhere practical we could all enjoy. He will be about 5 months old when we are looking to go. Im guessing self catering would be the best option, but clearly in an area where we can get around easily, but also enjoy the delights and local facilities of a regular holiday where possible as well (some sunshine/ pool/ little cafes/restaurants etc) I know this isnt a travel agency website - and we will ask them- but we would really appreciate any tips from anyone who has actually stayed somewhere along these lines with their baby and would really recommend it!!??? Were not too paranoid about the flight but not wanting to tempt fate either- so the closer the better if anyone knows a good place in Spain, France etc were thinking that would be perfect Thanks in advance :-) Mrs C x
  14. Thanks all for your great advice, and good to know that I'm not the only one that has felt like this, never felt so dependant on hubby in my life! The baby bouncer has been ordered so hoping that that'll work for me as sounds like a god send for some of you! I like the idea of showering in the evening in preparation for the next day so will intorduce that to save precious time in the mornings. Once I get to grips with small outings to the shops/park etc then will start to go to all of the mother baby groups in ED and will hopefully see you there! I think because I'm the type of person who just cant sit still that I worry about getting major cabin fever, but that said I'm having a lovely lazy day indoors today and have no desire to leave the flat! Thanks all again! xx
  15. Hi all Im pleased to say we had our first child just after the new year, and myself and hubby have been very busy getting to grips with our little boy and all the 'delights' a newborn brings. Its now suddenly dawning on me that hubby goes back to work from paternity leave next week, and eeek! Ive realised Im suddenly going to be left in full control of the reins! I think we have both learnt lots already but Im just wondering how on earth other people have managed with the logistics of really simple stuff like showering, getting dressed etc (all stuff me and hubby would take turns with while the other kept an eye on the baby) Any tips would be really appreciated. Also, are there any clubs or classes in the week that you found really useful to get you out and about?(and not overawed)! Would be great to hear from anyone who has top tips from when they had to fend for themselves...and of course if there are any women in the same situation itd be great to meet up and brave our first solo shopping/coffee outings together! Mrs C x
  16. My (first) baby is due early Jan and finish work next Thurs (at last!!) so would love to meet up for coffee, cake and chats. Let me know what day you all decide on and where and will defo come along x
  17. Hi Abigail, I'm afraid I dont have the space to host a tea group but interested to know if there has been a group set up for SE22? Looked on NCT website this morning but still looks vacant but remembered there was a post on here, hence my very late reply to your thread! I was too late for NCT classes in East Dulwich so doing them in Herne Hill but would be great to meet local Mum's too once the baby is born (January)and the tea groups sounds like a fab way to do this Thanks
  18. Thanks for all advice and you're all right, although garden would be lovely and is the goal, parks etc round here are amazing so no excuse for me to stay in doors! The not being able to invite other Mum's round and the shopping thing is a pain but not the end of the world and good to know we're not the only ones! Neighbours are going to let us keep the collapsed pram in the hall so I'll just have to take the car seat/cary cot upstaires which will keep me fit at least! Thanks for advice - sure I'll be asking for some more soon as new to all of this baby stuff....!
  19. Looking likely that we'll still be in our flat by the time baby arrives in January - we're on the top floor of a lovely Victorian conversion and although we love the flat worrying about the logistics of having a baby there! Wondering if anyone else is in this situo and how did you cope with getting pram etc up and down staires? Did you opt for light weight prams like I Candy cherry etc to make easier? Also with no outdoor space (not that we'll need it in the freezing winter months!) did you find that there is enough to keep you and baby occupied outdoors, had a look at previous threads and seems to be a lots of mother & baby groups in the area? Thanks! Nikki
  20. Thanks so much for replies and website recommendations, my mind is definitely made up, I need one of those chairs!
  21. Hi All, Getting ready for the arrival of baby number 1 in January and have had mixed advice on glider chairs for feeding - Tutti Bambini type chairs or similar. They do seem very comfortable, and can see the benefits for the 3am feeds, only down side is they are on the expensive side. Does anyone have any advice on these, a must have or bit of a waste of money, or any cheaper alternatives? Thanks!
  22. I use Sitaram Yoga who hold weekly classes at Kings College Hospital (Thurs evenings & Sat mornings)http://www.sitaram.org/about/index.html I find them really helpful and the teachers are very good, no waiting list and you can book your classes via their online system
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