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Everything posted by MrsC

  1. Congrats Melissa! Afraid I won't be able to make today as had a rough night Convinced labour had started but nothing this morning frustratingly but left me feeling shattered! Have a lovely Easter All xx
  2. Sounds good will be at the plough for 2 x x
  3. Great sounds like a few of us around on thurs (Jenny won't have Ollie then as he's in nursery tues to thurs, have you got both your boys?) Where and what time suits everyone, I'm happy going anywhere :-)
  4. Hi Hollie Sorry hadn't seen your previous posts, sounds like your getting v peed off playing the waiting game, feel your pain, time seems to be dragging!! Must have been v frustrating being sent home today, hopefully things will start happening soon :-) All very normal to be freaked out, it's life changing but also amazing, and on the upside once baby is out you can move more like a human than a hippo!! Also congrats to all new Mum's and hope all is going well :-) Won't be around for meet up tomorrow as have midwife in the morning for a sweep (great, can't wait!) and visitors in the afternoon, around thurs though if anyone fancies a meet? Nikkix
  5. Hi does anyone know what play groups are open tomorrow as most seem closed for Easter? Have the leisure centre Easter time table for swimming but interested in any classes that might still be running? Many thanks! :)
  6. Congrats Laura!! That does sound like a dream birth and so jealous about early arrival!!! Hope all well with baby Sam :-) Im around tomorrow, can meet at 1 at Dulwich park for lunch for those about? X
  7. Worrying about this myself!! Will be 39 weeks pregnant with a bored 2 year old.......help!! Soft play, park and lots of trips for cake I think! :-)
  8. Oh cr@p bad organisation from me, sorry people :-( Will head to Dulwich park but first will do a drive by at the plough and round up any ladies who head there, will also see if I can leave a note on the dooor. Hopefully we'll all manage to meet up together! X x
  9. Well done for checking didn't even think to do that with my pregnant baby brain!! Dulwich park cafe sounds like a good option if weather is looking good- so shall we keep with 11 and meet at new venue? X
  10. Congrats Jo and Emma, looking forward to meeting Arthur and Amelie, love the names! See those who can make it at the plough next tues at 11 x x
  11. Congrats to all the new Mum's, can't wait to meet all the gorgeous babies!! Hope everyone is recovering well :-) x For those on mat leave (or may be 'working from home'??!) shall we start our Tues meet ups at the plough in the next few weeks? How about the 20th? Nikki x x
  12. To help while heavily pregnant with number 2 I let our toddler watch TV in the mornings while I get ready as it keeps him calm, sometimes just after lunch for 15 mins before nap time, then about 30 mins before bed...... I'm worrying that this is too much and will more than likely increase when baby arrives! Wondering what other families do re TV, do you have set times/time limits per day etc, it's not like he's a TV addict he'll only sit still for fireman Sam ( seriously I know every episode nearly word perfect!) but don't want to rely on it too much! Many thanks x
  13. Big congrats Jenny glad you're feeling well and looking forward to meeting Sam soon! X x
  14. Hi Jo, I can make breakfast on the 3rd - thanks for arranging :-) Caroline, I cant believe the low life scum bags that are out there, makes me so angry for you! Hope you're ok and not too shaken up xxx
  15. Thanks for replies - will start on it this week and hope for the best! :-)
  16. Hi, Hoping to get some advice on taking RLT when trying for a VBAC, is it safe, dosage etc. Lots of threads on the internet but no definitive answers, asked the midwife and she was also unsure but advised it was ok to take in moderation (i'm nearly 33 weeks). Did any of you ladies who have tried/trying for a VBAC have any info on this as trying to do all I can to prepare (although still swing from wanting a VBAC to elective on a daily basis!) Many thanks in advance
  17. I also have one which I use for my toddler (its a fantastic pushchair) and planning to use for newborn when toddler at nursery, going to recline and use with sheepskin liner, or perhaps use my phil and teds cocoon for when baby is really tiny, will see how it goes :-)
  18. At a toddler bday party on Sat morning so will have to miss that one - will be able to come along for the 29th (first day of maternity leave so will allow myself my one unit a week allowance to celebrate!!) but not sure I'll be able to bring the OH unless I can sort a baby sitter. Rhian - for the Tues meet up's, we could do 11am or maybe over lunch? Can sort on the 29th :-) Glad all 32 wk scans are going well, mine next Mon, will be taking raspberry leaf tea at every opportunity after that as helped a few of my mates have very nice (if you can call it that!) quick labours! Nikkix
  19. Looks like Tuesdays are the best option so lets go for that kicking off Tues 6th March at 11 at The Plough? Will be crazy to see how quickly the group grows, should be great for summer time, picnics in the park and well behaved sleeping babies! (wishful thinking?!) Nikki x x
  20. Cant make the 18th unfortunately (horiffic stomach bug prevented me from attending the Actress too!) Might be a good idea once babies start arriving to have a regular day and venue for meet up's so whoever's free can come along? The Plough is very accomodating for lots of Mum's, babies and buggies so that could be an option? I'll be toddler free Tues-Thurs once on maternity (end of the month - woohoo!!) so if any of those days fit in with everyone we could start doing that once there are a few of us off? I'm more than happy to organise, just let me know what days work best. See you all soon Nikki xx
  21. Hi All, Count me in for the 1st, Actress sounds like a great idea, I will be proudly wearing my name badge! Nikkixx
  22. This is brilliant - thank you! Have been trying to compile a list of my own but yours is way better! :-)
  23. Jane I will also have a 'spirited' toddler as well as newborn,I've heard wine helps a lot!! :-) see you all at franklins tomorrow morning, maybe we should all wear name badges as memory is very bad at the moment! X
  24. Happy New Year to all! I'm around on Saturday so look forward to catching up with everyone then. Nikkix
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