So the final update from me on this incident is that the police are not interested in following up on getting this information. Basically, if this happens you should contact them on 999 or 101 immediately to report the incident so they can attempt to identify and track down the driver at the time. However, I was not aware that the police operate on a 'only follow-up crimes happening now' policy. I was told I could report the incident, but that really nothing would happen with regard obtaining footage because it's simply not a priority for them given police resources available etc. If I had a reg number they would be able to do something, but without it they won't look into it. The bus company won?t give me the details because of the data protection act - they will only give footage to the police. However, the police wont follow-up on the incident if I do report it, because they are too busy. Bottom line - ring 999 or the non-emergency number 101 at the time of the incident. The world we live in folks - it does make you wonder...