I would be happy for kids to cycle on the pavements if they had been taught some basic rules about sharing it with pedestrians. Eg. cycling at a safe speed and always using a bell in good time to warn a pedestrian ahead of the cyclist's approach. The local schools could help with this by running courses for younger children, graduating to learning how to cycle on the road when they reach an age when they are mature enough to do this. I think there are training courses offered at the Herne Hill Velodrome and that schools can also plug into this. Maybe a "Safe Cyclist" badge could be issued to kids who pass the course. In fact, schools could provide cycle racks/storage only to kids who have earned a "Safe Cyclist" badge - (with their name displayed on it to prevent cheating). That would also put more responsibility on parents. Surely this is more constructive than slagging off Dulwich College boys as the problem is much more widespread. It's a campaign East Dulwich and West Dulwich forums could get together to initiate. Especially as the Council, TfL and all schools are required to come up with a "school travel plan" these days. My biggest gripe is with (mostly adult) cyclists who ignore all the rules when cycling on the roads - especially cycling at night without lights (and in dark clothing), ignoring the traffic laws against going through red lights etc. Hey, I might have a defence if I run over a cyclist in those circumstances, but I don't want to live with the guilt and anguish of injuring someone, even an idiot! Let's also put more pressure on our local police to enforce the law relating to cyclists.