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  1. Oh b*****! I just posted on DH's acount. Sorry. xx Saffron.
  2. Personally I don't place too much stock in anything ofsted-related. Although, if you're talking about the Parents View feature for the last 365 days/2013-14 school year, that is a very small cohort (12-15 responders) and is very low compared to responses from previous years, where more parents than not thought that the school was good in the categories polled. Overall, as I stated above, DH and I are happy with the school, and Little Saff definitely enjoys her time there. I don't have any serious concerns over health & safety or learning outcomes. It's only that considering the shcool has a good/outstanding rating, I had expected better communication. I have now talked to quite a few parents, those with children previsouly at Gordonbrock nursery, and those --like me-- whose children attended nursey elsewere. Interestingly, we seem to have some of the same concerns, which I note are also common to some posters on this thread, who are not Gordonbrock parents at all. So this seems to be an area where the school-parent dynamic struggles in general. And that is exactly why I started this thread-- to find out what other parents think about communication at their schools, AND hopefully to hear some success stories. Btw, the montgomery link above makes for very useful reading! So I don't want to sidetrack the thread too much by focusing on Gordonbrock, but I'll PM you more info. xx
  3. Hi everyone long time no see! Cripes why is my writing so big? How do I change that? I feel like I'm shouting though politely. Like my old mukka Bill who didn't know he was going deaf. Anyway I thought I might start a thread, because I wondered if anybody might be interested in helping me build a treehouse? It would involve camping at a beautiful country house for a few days, free of charge and will be helping to raise awareness for rainbow trust, a charity that supports the families of terminally Ill children. Let me know if you're interested. Hugs as ever Easy.x
  4. Oh for %$^ sake! Why does my browser keep logging me into Husband's account?! I specifically logged into my account!! GRRRR.
  5. 86 views and no one wants to give an opinion? Well here goes (gulp)... The article's title leads one to believe that it's going to be a critique on "soft parenting", but when you read deeper, soft parenting isn't really the cause of the author's problem. The author and her husband have a 5, 4 and 2 year old, and they fully admit that they don't spend enough time with them. That is the root of the problem right there. ANY parenting technique is subject to fail if you don't actually spend enough time applying it, in person, to your own children! Three other issues that spring up are (1) the children may be overscheduled, (2) the parents may be passing their own stresses to their children, and (3) the author is parenting on the assumption that children are mini-adults with full capacities for rational thought and treating them as such. Now, while I do believe in giving children respect the same as adults, there are no credible psychological theories of which I am aware that ascribe the same funtional ability for rational thought to children as to adults. Rather, the ability to reason appears to take shape in a series of fundamental developmental leaps that are not completed until puberty is fully completed. Therefore, although you can reason with children, it's only going to be effective and successful if it's actually on par with their developmental level. Children are not mini-adults in this aspect. Reasoning with children in the context of so-called soft parenting can be successful, but it needs to be done at a developmental level on which the children can actually understand it. It's unfair to criticise any parenting technique, when there are fundamental problems in other areas of the child-parent relationship. I don't think the author will be successfull in changing her parenting approach until she addresses these other issues. (Saffron... sorry, logged in to Hubbie's account)
  6. Hi Everyone, Haven't been on for ages but thought you might be able to helpme and saffron with a little problem I caused in the garden whilst having an illicit ciggy.I managed to with one swift pull of a very tempting looking bit of bind weed,( bastardus devil spawnus destroyus gardenix to give it its latin name) to dislodge all of the ivy and climbing plants up the back wall of the house which are now filling the whole of our postage stamp back yard making it impassible, I am currently up to the eyeballs with work so can't deal with it but if there were a youngster on school holidays who could use a set of garden secateurs and bag it into bags so I could get it out of the house we could pay some pocket money, say ?20 and give a lift to and from here,(brockley) it should take 2-3 hours for someone with a can do attitude and a hankering for some TK-MAXX time! please call me on 07984336300 or Saffron on 07795276006 to sort it out asap as we cant use the washing line till it gets done and saffron might start to get miffed if I don't deal with my misadventure! Its just possible you could save my life. hugs as ever easy.xx
  7. definately cooked with milk and a sprinkle of sugar! Elsabel likes it cooked till it goes quite firm when it cools, then rolled into little balls so she can pick them up with her fingers! just had some and ready for the day! Hugs
  8. Mumsnet. Why are these people allowed to reproduce? ------------------ hahaha for the record Rastamouse and The easy crew are genius! Our little one loves the music and "Gives it up" to the tune. so do Safrron and I when the curtains are drawn. Irie!
  9. well it seems that life in dulwich can be just as difficult as shoreditch chris except here the skimmer probably brought his mates a beer with your cash. bad luck matey. hugs easy.
  10. Alternatively it could be: Driving in a German car to an Irish pub for a Belgian beer, then travelling home, grabbing an Indian curry or a Turkish kebab on the way, to sit on Swedish furniture and watch American shows on a Japanese TV ------------------------- hahaha brilliant observation, well put. hugs
  11. take the battery off and leave it on a warm radiator screen down for several days it will dry out and should be ok. it happened to me before and worked out okay after a while. hugs
  12. I would like to thank the lady who sprang to my aid on lordship lane, when Elsabel started projectile vomitting whilst in the hip hammock. Seeing my plight she whipped out a packet of baby wipes and scrubbed us both clean with a smile and a bit of well needed sympathy and made my day! Hugs and Thanks if that was you!!
  13. gloss paint is not the right paint for a radiator and will fume when heated/ the best bet is to take the radiator off and sand it wirh an electric sander then paint it with a spray on rad enamel paint. this will not give off fumes once dry and will look better and last longer. Standard gloss will flake if the radiator gets too hot and will give off fumes for a considerable time after painting. As a painter I would not reccommend gloss this, sadly is a common mistake that people make. If you think the rad is giving off fumes replace it or get someone to spray it properly both sides, this will stop fumes. hugs
  14. these rogue @ signs seem to be getting everywhere too! hugs
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