Hi Inglesa, I replied to this earlier but am not sure whether I made a private reply or any reply, as the post is not here, so I will say again! My daughter went for a music audition at Kingsdale in June and we were really impressed by the head of music, and the music department as a whole - apart from the fantastic building, the department seemed vibrant, bubbly and happy and the head of music a person who immediately gained our trust and respect. My daughter was awarded a music scholarship so we were over the moon about that, however we visited the school after school hours unfortunately so did not get to see it fully functioning. I have come across various contradictory information on the internet - but judging by the posts on this forum it seems to be a welcoming, nurturing and challenging (academically!) school. My concern is about all the other mentions of 'challenging' i have come across on various internet sites, as in 'challenging behaviour', and today found on the TES site that Kingsdale was one of the schools listed to offer teachers financial bonuses for teaching in 'challenging' schools... Again - any inside information from parents with children at Kingsdale would be really appreciated, confused thanks!