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Everything posted by Maple

  1. I’m happy to recommend Peter and his team. They’ve recently repointed the brickwork on the front of our house and made a nice job of it. We particularly appreciated the great communication, courtesy of the team of workers, and that they kept the place so tidy throughout. We’ll use Peter and team again in the future.
  2. Opinion in this house is that it?s likely a fundraiser cobbled together from various planes, mostly a Stuka but it doesn?t look quite right to be a complete one.
  3. This afternoon a fox passed through our garden carrying what looked like a dead, light grey and white rabbit. It could possibly have been a small cat but not a squirrel. Close to the Village end of East Dulwich Grove.
  4. I hope this has been resolved by now but in case not, there are posters near One Tree Hill looking for a budgie called Pippin.
  5. It was in our tiny front garden in North Dulwich, only a couple of metres from the window. It was a lucky pic because my son had left his camera out after snapping parakeets on the peanuts earlier.
  6. We had this sparrow hawk in our bird bath this evening. By chance the camera was set up and handy.
  7. Found on the pavement outside Dulwich Village Infants on Sunday 6th September at 5pm. A very distinctive pocket knife that I am sure is precious to someone. Call me with a description to claim it. 07775 780418
  8. Another recommendation for Hussein. He?s just made a good and tidy job of painting our stair well, and I?d definitely use him again.
  9. Early yesterday morning on Sunray Avenue, near the turning to Crossthwaite Avenue, I found a pretty, very distinctive silver plate chain. I?m sure it doesn?t have any financial worth but might have sentimental value. Get in touch with a description if you think it?s yours.
  10. We?ve got an albino squirrel visiting our garden near the junction of East Dulwich Grove and Dulwich Village. At first I thought it was the rarer black eyed leucistic variety but no, this one definitely has red eyes. I remember seeing one in Ruskin Park on a few occasions more than 20 years ago but never before around here.
  11. No, it's not related but thanks anyway. I should have been clearer; this is a rechargeable electric leisure scooter. I've not had any luck tracing the owner.
  12. Has anyone lost an electric scooter? One was dumped in our hedge some time yesterday. If you think it might be yours let me know the make, model, colour.
  13. The Three Cliffs Bay is our favourite.
  14. A men's bike was dumped in our hedge last night. It's missing gears and brakes but otherwise in good condition. Let me know the make and model to pick up.
  15. Deborah's classes are great. She teaches little ones right through to older girls at competition level. We did Saturday mornings at Dog Kennel Hill and only stopped when my daughter went off to uni.
  16. http://i1077.photobucket.com/albums/w462/Maple314/49b7f93b-f761-4c4b-99a1-dbc7ea2a8696_zpsphs46jhm.jpg http://i1077.photobucket.com/albums/w462/Maple314/f9f43659-f747-493e-b192-beeeb16e5179_zpswvqmmon3.jpg
  17. Our young cat went missing from near North Dulwich station yesterday afternoon and hasn't been seen since, which is totally out of character. She's a small tortoiseshell, with a white throat, and a very distinctive black patch on one side of her face. She should be wearing a silver collar with an ID disc and bell, and is microchipped. She answers to the name of April. Any information please call 07775 780418 Update: She was in the gardens of Gilkes Crescent and eventually responded to our frantic calling. Grateful thanks to everyone who looked out for her and contacted me with sightings. Photos beneath.
  18. Does anyone know a Mr T Lovegrove? I've found something belonging to him. Found in the street near Sunray Gardens.
  19. I've sent you a pm about one near me that I'm wondering about.
  20. We have a pair visiting our garden this winter. The female has a rusty brown cap. I've never seen them on the feeders, they prefer the berries in the garden and often use the water bath. They have a beautiful song in the spring.
  21. Can anyone offer advice on how to get an iPhone 4 unlocked? My boy has got his sister's hand-me-down phone but it's locked to O2 and his contract for his ZTE phone is with Virgin. He tells me that he has successfully cut the SIM card down to size. I've found somewhere in Penge willing to do it in 4-9 days for ?40. Any better ideas please?
  22. No 37 to Putney?
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