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Trevor Moore

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  1. Whataboutery, par excellence. Face facts.
  2. Whataboutery, par excellence. Face facts.
  3. As to ?Richard or whomever's 'packed out meetings', not sure if they mean Phase 2 or Phase 3, but for Phase 3 they would have been the ones at which no minutes were taken, questioners were randomly selected/ignored by a councillor who did nothing to stop shouty 'pro' hecklers; and there were pointless 'Pin a Post-It!' breakout rooms where sharpest elbows and loudest voices prevailed. No record/report back was made for public consumption. Transparent? There seems to be a glossing over of how Phase 2 OHSD morphed into Phase 3 OHSD (no results of the latter published). The important point about the Phase 2 report was that it said 'You' told us you wanted radical action. That led to the 24/7 closure proposal. Well, it turns out that 'You' comprised all of 122 people in the Phase 2 consultation in favour (the Council itself said those responses were all that could be relied upon) https://www.onedulwich.uk/news/who-closed-dulwich-village-junction). Out of 11,000+ in Dulwich Ward alone. So someone failed to explain what the Council and its advisory group (made up of lobbyists) had in mind. Just to take Court Lane, with around 200 houses on it, only 5 people responded. And many of the dots on the Phase 2 map are from well outside the area. Speaks for itself. We can only hope for a properly run, democratic process going forwards, with independent scrutiny.
  4. Why has it taken FOIs to extract information from the Council that just happens not to fit with the story spun about what the community wanted? This map showing where the scant support came from for a 24/7 closures plan indicates why the Council wanted to keep the info secret - despite countless requests. Because it wasn't the community that decided. https://www.onedulwich.uk/news/who-closed-dulwich-village-junction Those adjectives are a bit rich when the Council had a secret working group, made up of the lobbyists, that devised the plans. Residents didn't get a look in. Obviously the cycling lobby have only one agenda (you can't blame paid people for doing what they're asked) - that's why I won't join their groups, even though I'm a regular cyclist. But it's a mystery why the clean air gang and safe routes to school gang don't seem to care that (e.g.) East Dulwich Grove has become dangerous (both in pollution and road safety terms) for school kids going to the multiple schools on the road. With a health centre bang smack in the middle. All that seems to matter to some is Dulwich Village. That's not very empathetic. The time for transparency is now...let's hope it happens on the new review. A bad start, with so many not having received the flyer inviting people to register.
  5. heartblock Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Emergency first response paramedic car stuck in > the gridlock... Only adding as it was blaring out > it sirens for a good few minutes and I was trying > to record a presentation. Gridlock continues both > lanes now. Can Rahrahrah bring his magic wand to > make it all disappear? Everyone needs to realise that this kind of incident is absolutely nothing to do with the closure of the village junction. I know, because one of our councillors to whose attention your post was drawn has confirmed today that traffic would be just as bad if the measures were taken away! And we know that the Council's judgment has proved right before, with the dizzying success of the previous QW7 works. So that's that sorted. Phew! #denialism-rules-ok
  6. Penguin68 says: "Where the commercial lease has time-terminated the freeholder has no requirement to extend the lease or offer the leaseholder a new lease." That's not right in all circumstances, but not worth a teach-in here... This all sounds very like what happened to another EI tenant I know. EI are commercially as sharp as razorblades. A petition won't help, unfortunately, because they're solely about getting sufficient cashflow to service their humonguous debt. They won't GAF about the community aspects. Only money talks.
  7. As a Dulwich Park Friends committee member and long time volunteer, I'd highly recommend that you join the Friends (app form at dulwichparkfriends.org.uk) if you want to influence what happens in the park. We notify our members of plans and projects and invite comments. The consultation over the floodworks and related benefits for the park lasted 18 months and was widely publicised. I will relay comments about the wall to the park manager - you can do this too, his contact details are on the Friends' website or Southwark's parks website. As to the playground, it's very subjective as to what is 'right'. I have had many comments direct about how enjoyable it is to have grassy, open, dog-free space for picnics and play. There is a cost factor too. The original playground was created after a big fundraising by the Friends. Volunteers are always welcome to help with keeping the park so pleasant to visit! Not least, we have a (more or less) monthly 'Dig the Park' where we work on planting and conservation work. Kids welcome, under supervision. Trevor Moore
  8. Like 'em or loathe 'em, why not come and hear the artist himself come and introduce Three Perpetual Chords on Saturday 18th April, from 2pm? Given the pieces' link to music (see previous post), there will be live music from the London Contemporary Orchestra as well as free tea and cake.
  9. The formal 'launch' of the Shawcross work is on 18 April at 2pm - everyone is invited, see attached.
  10. Dulwich Park Friends are planning a public education campaign, including specific signage about the hazards of feeding bread to the ducks/encouraging rats. Will post further once more developed. If you have ideas, please email [email protected]
  11. Does anyone else take offence at these vile magazines that get stuffed through our letter boxes (see example cover in pic) whether we like it or not? These seem to be aimed at bling merchants into ostentatious wealth, which is Absolutely NOT Dulwich - East or Village. Are cake design trends a priority when people are visiting foodbanks. How can we stop them from soiling our doormats? I realise I can (and do) bin them straightaway - but that's not the point.
  12. You can find out completed sale prices of properties by specific address here: http://houseprices.landregistry.gov.uk/ - as far as I can tell, Zoopla just averages out and can't differentiate much, but if you know something that's directly comparable to yours, you can get more of an idea on the Land Reg site. No doubt +/- several per cent, depending on when the sale took place etc.
  13. Hi all, I am on the Dulwich Park Friends committee. I or my colleagues have attended all of the meetings. The plans have gone through many iterations. One of the aims of the technical team has been to use gravity where possible, which in large part dictates where the holding areas need to be. I know the technical team have answered individual enquiries, so if you have questions do ask them. John Kissi at Southwark is leading, with external consultants on board. And of course you can respond in the formal planning process. Why not join the Friends and get our regular monthly email newsletter that would have alerted you to the public meetings and the chance to input? You can download an application form here (sorry, no online applications yet): http://www.dulwichparkfriends.org.uk/index.php/friends-info/join-us
  14. What's your verdict on yesterday's event at York Hall?
  15. I see there are proposals to launch The Sunday Assembly in South London in November - see http://sundayassemblycrystalpalace-eac2.eventbrite.co.uk/ intended to cover the Dulwich/Crystal Palace/Brixton/Streatham catchment. Is the Dulwich population ready for this kind of thing? http://sundayassembly.com/ Today's FT Mag gives a flavour of one held in Edinburgh: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/9229a7b8-0abd-11e3-aeab-00144feabdc0.html#axzz2ctuTsr9X
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