One solution may be to support the less popular schools eg goose green, rye oak, bessemer grange. It may be that with a wider demographic, involved parents and a bit of goodwill they could be good options for 2010 and beyond. Don't touch Goose Green. I made the mistake of thinking 'support your local school, it can't be that bad' and put my son in the nursery (feb '08). He wasn't very well looked after (came home soaking wet one day, poo in his pants another, lots of bruises on his legs) and then just as he was about to start reception the primary school failed the Ofsted inspection on every level (and i've been told twice more since). The headmaster who had wowed us when we looked round promptly left and so did we. One year of private school fees later and hopefully he's got a place at St J from September. Can't believe we actually chose Goose Green over St J's in the first place. Doh!