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mockney piers

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Everything posted by mockney piers

  1. Here here (or is it hear?, here hair hear, hear hair here) aaaaanyway. well said lou bou. Nothing stirs up this forum like the dread of some chain or other opening up, and when we have a genuine small business you're all quick to condemn and avoid. Go back and try again, even if it's just for the bonkers breton cider at ?3 a litre :))
  2. welcome to the forum ivemet, and rest assured I won't be wearing that shirt. I can't of course speak for the Hoff!!!
  3. Sounds like quite a crowd. Yes forgot about the Gowlett, nice pub as it goes, and the last remaining pool table in the area? If ever catches sight of this thread, I believe justifiably has the right to feel more than a tad disturbed!
  4. In short, Vale (except for me) or EDT are usual meet-ups, which are rare as people don't seem to get out of bed before 2 on a saturday. I think it's 7 quid to get in. Bovril, sausages in a french stick (i kid you not) and burgers are cheap but of indeterminate origin. Songs on the terrace would be great but are sadly rare. I haven't heard much since the famous 'french' FA cup tie against margate with the frankly surreal 'Tuscany.... Tuscany... We're Dulwich on th Hill and it's just like Tuscanyyyyy' But of course I may have misheard. Half time beers are cheap and an opportunity to catch up with the footie scores, and now the white paint has been scraped from the windows you can drink your pint at your own pace in warmth and comfort, and pretend you're at an Upton Park Corporate do. Beware of heckling from passing Fisher Athletic fans however. Thence back to the scrum for some more shouting, and collect your winnings on the 'balls out of the ground' sweepstake. I believe CrystalClear set down the rules somewhere, be nice if he could post them up again, complete with diagrams. Mockney '2 kidneys' Piers
  5. -I'm already there...... -Sorry? -Err, I mean yes.
  6. I think it's a bit sad that this place seems to have made so many enemies. The guy that runs it is genuinely friendly and chatty and has given me great advice in the past. I have to say of the french chap and the elfin girl that work there, I was under the impression that they couldn't speak, rather than they were snooty. And yes the minimalist shelving is a bit rubbish, but when you're starting up a business yourselves and paying the sort of rent that they are, then decking out in tasteful wood a la oddbins is probably beyond your means. Lets hope they address that at some point. But the product is excellent, and really is worth a second look. Perhaps someone (me?) should just let them know what they feel about the perceived innaccessibilty/snootiness of the place, as once you try their ?5 argentinian Grano, or their Leapfrogmilch, you'll definitely want more :)
  7. I don't think we're grumbling that we're being excluded, I think we're just making the point that this would be a good area for genuine inclusiveness across all walks of life. Indeed I have no experience of being discriminated against personally (though I have taken my lesbian mum and her wife down the pub together in far more provincial and straight laced north hertfordshire many a time), so if you feel you can't relax in the EDT with your boyfriend, that's something I can't comment on. My suggestion would be that this is Thatcher's Blair's go get'em entrepeneurial society. Why don't you end the speculation on at least on of the LL sites that's in transition and set up a gay bar. You'll not only make all the M&S naysayers happy, but if there is the demand, then you'll make a couple of bob too*. *just previewed, seriously, no pun intended ;?)
  8. James, I don't think Huguenot considered the gay bar itself elitist, I think he was just suggesting that it may be the thin end of a wedge towards segragation, just as Gypsy only bar might also be considered so, and that there's no reason not to utilise the bars we have as it's a pretty safe, liberal neighbourhood. This idea was then conflated with genuinely elitist establishment (hideously overpriced organic sex food shops for instance) contributing towards a class (well, wealth) segregation. Though I wouldn't want to speak for Huguenot's endorsement or not regarding cottaging, I happen to know he used to attend Fulham matches, which has made him at one time and in one sense at least, something of a cottager!!
  9. Oh yes of course. How did it go mate? Operations and discharge juxtaposed always make me wince. Eww.
  10. If I can't nab your spy gear then i'll have to go with the cricket gear again Plus of course I'll have a copy of the indy under my arm...just in case.
  11. Surely be sheer dint of us all being customers in the magdala at the same time, it should be easy to spot each other. Bu i'm up for long trench coat, trilby and dark glasses? Except quaywe if he magically reappears, who can stand in a corner and shout at imaginary people ;) 27th so far looking good btw. or should we all post our best pic up on this thread?
  12. Polly, you forgot to mention quaywe, who I'm hoping will arrive armed with flint and iron, but yes could be entertaining. I'm not sure about the 27th, will have to check the diary. If we're doing a bt of a crawl then saturday is preferable, if we make an evening of it then midweek is better as weekends to tend to get booked out about a year in advance these days *sigh*
  13. Haha, yes I was thinking that even getting concensus on a place to meet might be nigh on impossible on this forum. We could schedule a pub crawl as per one of the suggestions and perhaps people could drop in and out of the crawl to fit in nicely with their plans (or in my case when we reach the vale), with either a stop for food, or grazing on the way. Or should we be a little less ambitious and just find a pub? Liquorice is great if it's less than about 5, anything more and it'd be a bit cramped, likewise inside72. Anyway, sounds like fun whatever we do.
  14. Well we've been trading repartee, banter, ire and gossip for a while now and perhaps it's time for a get together to enjoy the fine victuals and potions lordship lane has to offer; discuss the relative merits or lack thereof of claphamites, and continue arguing over the best curry house. Perhaps even ease CrystalClear into his blind date in safe a conducive atmosphere. Anybody up for it? Suggestions of time and place gratefully received, but I'd suggest at least a fortnight's notice. Let's hope it's slightly more successful than East Dulwich flickr meet, otherwise it'll be Huguenot, Crystal and I again. (in fact if we get some momentum going I may be forced to cross post)
  15. The SE5 forum regularly organise them and they seem pretty good at what they do. Why don't you visit their site and contact the administrators if you're after advice. http://www.se5forum.org/index.php
  16. No ulterior motives there then dave. Agreed with all_star, one tree hill is a pretty cool spot, liz the first apparently stopped there once, but it's a newer tree now, but it's not really ED. Peckham rye and common, the japanese gardens there, northcross road for funky shops, spot of lunch in Franklins (devilled kidneys available from the bar mmmmmmmm). Then a pint in any of the places down from there, more food, perhaps a chinese or gasp an indian, followed by cocktails at Black Cherry or liquorice. She'll be good and tipsy by now, and it's getting late, but of course, no ulterior motives ;?)
  17. BOOP BOOP. Blimey, it works !! :?D
  18. @Jamma, yes indeed, good stuff. 518 through the gate against Dover on sunday which is almost unheard of numbers. I've been more or less a regular for about 6 years, and this is the first season where we've (for a couple of seasons is enough for we status I reckon) been consistently playing football, let alone playing it well!! More of the same please. And if a few people complained about chain shops less and came along, then maybe a real community could be had as opposed to people shutting themselves up in their little castles and hanging around forums all day ;?P @*Bob* I suspect one of them, namely Keef, lives in Sydenham now, and salt of the earth he is.
  19. Ha ha, yes indeed. Sadly he faces some pretty stiff competition from chinese tech-sweatshops.
  20. Huguenot, yes indeed. *Bob* I was arbitrarily and falsely accused of powdering my nose when I was, well powdering my nose. That was about 18 months ago now and I'm sure they'll have forgotten all about it, but I'd always thought the owner an arrogant so and so, and despite the fact that our group had often ended up there after hours and spent more than was wise on rum and coke, we never felt our custom was appreciated. So when he started ejecting some of us about 10 minutes after taking a fiver each off about 20 of us at a wedding celebration (yeah, classy I know) without a hint of a refund, it just gave us all a reason to finally turn our back on it, which coincided nicely with changes in the licensing laws anyway. Never set foot in there since, and never will again until it changes hands. Given that we probably averaged about a grand between us a month minimum at the time, that decision has cost him better part of ?18,000. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
  21. At risk of exposing myself as some sort of Ubergeek (perish the thought) WoW isn't a site, the address you give is merely a news/forum presence created by the game company. It's a fully online PC / Mac game, where most creatures you see running around the world are other players. You need to buy the game which comes with 3 months subscription, and after that pay 8 quid a month or so to continue playing it. Graphically it's impressive while being cartoony and simplistic enough that even low-end PC users can get very good visuals. At first glance it seems a geeks haven, be an elf or dwarf or orc, the usual fare, potter around doing quests like 'kill 8 wolves', ad infinitum. However it has attracted an incredibly broad spectrum of players, kids (the annoying ones that shout and always ask for money), geeks, normal people, professionals, housewives, househusbands, students, the unemployed, the unemployable (they play to much WoW). It is also horribly addictive, partly as its a social on-line experience, partly because its very easy to get sucked in to the carrot on a stick reward mechanism it employs. Beware the day you start referring to the non-game world as RL (real life). I played it for a year, even made a couple of friends out of it, occasionally still will share a beer with them in london. But I did teeter on the brink of playing too much. I've not played for many moons now but most of the friends i made are still averaging 4-8 hours a day (while holding down jobs/studies/marriages with varying degrees of success) so be careful! A host of reviews here that bandy about superlatives like they were going out of fashion. All that said, it's great fun, give it a go and try not to be too self concious about it.
  22. Unfortunately barred from the Vale, so it will never come to pass from me.
  23. Not to mention flickr which Yahoo! seem to be trying to tie in to their yahoo accounts. But I really can't see what they're gaining out of that deal, unless they're planning to swamp the place with advertising, at which point I'll be finding a new photo sharing tool. I can't say I've heard of facebook until now and I'm a pretty tech savvy person (ie I spend too much time at work browsing), that's a billion dollars well spent then.
  24. well I've been on 2 east dulwich stag dos. No.1 went CPT, Magdala, Franklins, Liquorice, EDT, Vale No2. went CPT, Magdala, Franklins, Black Cherry and that's about as far as we managed to go!
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