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mockney piers

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Everything posted by mockney piers

  1. That's cos wagamama's awful these days. If you REALLY want good noodles come to Parkway just 'ere to viet anh noodles. superb. Ihave the unfortunate luck of working in this neck of the woods sadly. Huguenot btw, you are a bad bad man, i feel terrible, and i thing vapours may be wisping off me
  2. Fantastic, using a very very clever hack, I've actually managed to cut out Mr Nesbitt from the photo, and insert a beach back drop! BWAH HAH HAH HAH HAH. pwned!!
  3. I did say in my case it was 6 of one... I did witness the whole event, not that that seemed to matter, but then the gf had said previously that he was the only man she'd betray me for, so you can imagine my joy!! He even shook my hand and introduced himself in a bid not to cause offence, but they were both enjoying themselves too much, Irish meeting abroad or something. They were both about twelve and a half sheets to the wind mind you.
  4. DM, that, I have to say, sounds bloody marvellous. I shall plonk myself on the mailing list immediately. Ant, a step too far, with those five letters (well, 4 i guess as the e crops up twice) you are really scaring me. I like some of those ideas Mark, especially the debate, sounds like a recipe for a good laugh, and forumites being who they are, I'm sure noone will resist some heckling. A curry blind taste off may help settle a few minds on that score. Maybe invite M&S's marketing people to lay that one to rest too. Any chance of getting representatives from the local estate agents to debate ethics, then we can put the least convincing in the stocks and pelt them with rotten (organic bradywine) tomatoes.
  5. yahoo maps or flickr map kind of spring to mind. What say we ask Mark to change thread titles to backfit what threads actually end up being about, rahter than their original intentions. So this one would be cartographic nonsense or something. While 96% of other threads will be either House Prices Rise, M&S in LL, or I Hate Middle Class Scum Clearly writing SQL popluation routines and getting rid of "[" and "]" from the SQLDMO script output isn't fizzing my bunghole today
  6. Crystal beat me to it. I'll be upest if the brighton chilli people don't return, I need to top up my supply.....must.....have.....chilli...... Of course, I can give it up any time I want. Splat the rat is surely a must too. Could we have a cookery demonstration/curry off between the various LL purveyors?
  7. Huguenot, that's what I'm always saying you can't polish a turd, those house prices are going up an awful lot aren't they, anybody seen my mind, I think I left it on the bus, I gather M&S are going to go to the old glaziers, any truth in the rumour? DM, don't be silly, only gently teasing, you enjoy yourself :)
  8. in all fairness I've nothing against the guy despite the aforementioned incident, and despite a few irksome ads and cold feet, his stuff is pretty good. Bloody Sunday (greengrass' precursor to the thankfully ungungho united 93) was excellent.
  9. What we actually need to do is split this room (rope?) into two threads, one called, 'General Banter' and the other one called 'Threads that Actually Stick to their Eponymous Theme'. While we're there we could split 'Wanted/Offered...' into 'Wanted/Offered...' and 'Threads Where Batdog and Dulwichmum Flirt in a Fashion Which is Harmelss But Leaves You Feeling Slightly Icky'.
  10. While we're on the subject of here be dragons, I loved this one posted up on flickr "here be bunnies" his photostream can be found here
  11. Mark Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I heard that in London you're never more than six > feet from a Starbucks That's actually "In london there are never less than six rat feet very near a starbucks" or something...allegedly. Oh and huguenot, there is a store locator on their website, but buggered if I was actually going to link to something like that.
  12. Indeed he chatted up the gf in the Bishop one time, though in fairness I think it was six-of-one-half-a-dozen-of-the-other.
  13. SimonM, yep the dog is lovely, my other half has a mild phobia when it comes to dogs, and she'd been watching this one eagle-eyed from the moment we went in. By the time it finally trotted over to us she didn't do any of her usual reactions to dogs not fimrly secured to a stake somewhere, as she'd decided it was a good natured dog, which is quite something coming from her. dulwich mum, i'll edit it for you, the SE22 should be gone in a jiffy.
  14. we were discussing this very issue yesterday. Probably worth a try, though i'd be surprised if they went for it on a saturday. Perhaps the raised section with the sofas (get them to move the babyfoot table)? I'm flying back from a wedding in Ireland on saturday so I'll be there about nine, nine thrity.
  15. I was in Arterie getting a couple of bits and bobs framed (they've been sitting in our cupboard for nigh on 3 years, so I assured them there was no rush) and the lady in front of us was getting her son's maccaroni picture of a fish framed. I'm all for parents seeing the beauty in a piece of rubbish produced by their own offspring, but framing it at ?100 a pop?!?! Couldn't stop laughing, and I'm not normally one to get that wound up by the three-wheeled prammers. On the topic of three wheeled prams I loved this map of number of starbucks per postcode i found here A map of London's Starbucks by postcodeNW1 NW1 NW1 NW1 NW3 NW3 NW3 NW3 NW3 NW4 NW6 NW6 NW8 NW9 NW11 NW11EN2 EN5 N1 N1 N1 N1 N1 N8 N10 N12 N21RM1W2 W2 W2 W2 W2 W4 W4 W4 W5 W5 W6 W6 W6 W8 W8 W8 W9 W11 W11 W11 W11 W11 W12 UB7 UB7 UB8West End W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1West End WC1 WC1 WC1 WC1 WC1 WC1 WC1 WC1 WC2 WC2 WC2 WC2 WC2 WC2 WC2 WC2 WC2 WC2 WC2City EC1 EC1 EC1 EC2 EC2 EC2 EC2 EC2 EC2 EC2 EC2 EC3 EC3 EC3 EC3 EC3 EC3 EC3 EC3 EC3 EC4 EC4 EC4 EC4 EC4 EC4 EC4 EC4E1 E1 E14 E14 E14 E14 E14 E14SW3 SW3 SW3 SW3 SW4 SW4 SW4 SW5 SW5 SW6 SW6 SW6 SW6 SW7 SW7 SW7 SW7 SW8 SW10 SW11 SW12 SW13 SW15 SW18 SW19 SW19SW1 SW1 SW1 SW1 SW1 SW1 SW1 SW1 SW1 SW1 SW1SE1 SE1 SE1 SE1 SE1 SE1 SE1 SE1 SE1SE3 SE10 SE10TW1 TW6 TW6 TW9 TW9 TW9 TW12 KT1 KT1 KT6SM1CR0 CR0 BR1 *edited to remove SE22 until sainsbury's refurb complete, or until they open up on LL*
  16. Happy b'day ivemet-jimmy, hope it was a good one last night, sorry we retired early, we were just pooped.
  17. Marvellous idea and happy to chip in, as DM is occasionally nice and polite to me I'll cheer her corner, sorry SM. For round 2 could we have all Snorky's multiple personalities getting in the ring afterwards to fight it out for supremacy?
  18. My God that's macabre, I never occured to me to suspect nunhead was so called because of something like that. It's normally something like a preroman name for a spring called the nun or something daft.
  19. Yes steve, apparently he is.
  20. I know we've been getting a spate of unregistered users posing as their registered namesakes recently. could it be this is a case of someone having phished or hacked the details of snorky's account? I can't believe the snorky we all know and love would even have heard the phrase "*SO* last season" on his merry travels. And there wasn't even any invective in that post! Admins, investigate immediately!
  21. My breasts have gone up in price so much over the last six months, of course these hormone mimicking oils are sooo middle class these days, it was better in the olden days when coal tar was used and caused boys to grow callouses on their hands.
  22. To be honest I've no idea if Primark is ethical or not, but this story in the guardian isn't very encouraging.
  23. Very uncharacteristic spleen from you there dulwichmum. Having one of those days? Make yourself a nice cup of tea and put your feet up for ten minutes. Does anyone know anything about Primark's manufacturing? I was watching a programme about chinese clothing factories and the dreadful virtual slavery that the workers are kept under, the conclusion being that if clothes are so cheap that it seems to good to be true, that's because it is. I'm not normally a right on tree-hugger but it was genuinely disturbing stuff.
  24. It is of course open to allcomers. Last time we had about a dozen in total, only half of whom were forum regulars. Of course reading the forum helps in finding out about it in the first place ;?) I look forward to meeting you Dany and the rest that couldn't make it last time.
  25. Still on the subject of Underhill, I noticed at the London A life in Mpas exhibiton at the British Library (still on for a few weeks and free and well well well worth a visit) that the entire east dulwich area in the 16th century used to be simply called Fox Under Hill. And that a pub called the fox has stood at the site of the Fox-on-the-Hill for about 400 years. .... I'll get my coat.
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