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mockney piers

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Everything posted by mockney piers

  1. Lol, love it. I was harangued by an Argentinian tour guide on a two day drive around the riojan and san juanino national parks in a clapped out ford sierra about the merits of betran roose. After reading that I may have to check out his stuff after all.
  2. Well quite, I mean these estate types just aren't aesthetes like what we is is they!
  3. Julie, see multiple threads passim for endless warblings on this very subject. I think most forumites are all warbled out I'm afraid.
  4. Here you go DM, at 347 posts long of nonsense i can only say you've been warned http://www.flickr.com/groups/central/discuss/72157594530910497/ ps you may have to join flickrcentral to be allowed to read it.
  5. I have to agree with the above posters, things do seem to happen in threes, at least that's the rule before the media lash out, and agree it's mostly alright out there as it ever was and ever shall be. The difference is that at the moment we've an absolute shower of a government led by a bunch of uttelry mediocre people so desperate to ingratiate themselves with the 'public' that they drop the 'aitches and scream i'll protect you at every moment. So we can happily expect lots of knee jerk legislation that actually will affect our lives, curb our freedoms and so on. Roll on July (like he'll step down then..sheesh). Sort of in keeping with this I add a link to a petition asking number 10 not to introduce legislation that seems to be heading towards making it illegal to take photos in public (which can be pretty tricky these days already thanks to anti-terror laws already introduced) *edited to fix petition link*
  6. There is better and worse to be had in town. Franklins isn't centre of town prices, I've been to the likes of Fifteen, Ubon, St john's and the Ivy and they're a league or two ahead in prices (and in the case of fiteen, miles behind in quality ?24 for the dry roast pork, hello?!). Considering how much lazy, overrated food there is to be had in london, I actually think Franklins is pretty good value for money. The Palmerston is still, at the end of the day a (pretensious up it's own nether regions) pub, and perhaps should behave a bit more like one sometimes (ie friendly, welcoming). There are better places, Chez Bruce between balham and wandsworth is absolutely superb and only a bit more expensive than franklins. I posted up a couple more examples earlier on another thread, and there are plenty more, but considering how dissapointing food can so often be in soooo many of the hyped places around town, Franklins have rarely put a foot wrong for me (even if it can be a little cramped at times). Someone said we're a captive clientele which is just nonsense, you can be in the west end, clerkenwell or hoxton very quickly on public transport. I'd give Crystal Palace a decent shout for some great little eateries too, and of course Tooting if you want a more adventurous curry, none of them that far really.
  7. Well I've tried to do the palmerston, but they've been so rude to us on the two occasions we tried that I will simply never set foot in there again under current management reagrdless of the quality of the food, too many gastro pubs in london of middling quality anyway, and with the likes of The Princess in Shoreditch, Emiles in Putney and our own dear Franklins around, I can't say as I'm missing out. DM, I've not tried Belair, but I remember Huguenot went and loved the food but admitted that though it was great quality, value was still a little wanting. Personally I've always had a soft spot for the Welsh. Weird, on a flickrCentral thread I've been enjoying someone started blaming the Welsh for my inability to woo Kirsten Dunst.
  8. Ooooh Bree, dangerous territory on this forum!! However I will remind you that Lewisham is about 5 minutes away on the train from Denmark hill, and about 10 minutes in the car.
  9. "LISA", sweetie, there's really no need to shout. Caaalm down dear, it's just a commercial.
  10. I love that map. TFL forced the guy who designed it to take it off his site, and many others like it, as they're notoriously jealous of image copywrite etc. Don't be surprised if they come a knocking on this door.
  11. Regarding logo perhaps a simple ED would suffice. Flickr's pink underlined F is a pretty immediate identifier. I think a photo compressed to that size unless it's very simple will be a bit squishy. Now to the next point, Mr administrator I hope this doesn't smack of disloyalty, I'm sure JoGoJo will be setting up an entirely different forum. Assuming the forum is not going to be a rival to this one I'm happy to advise ;) Plenty of software available on the ether, much of it opensource and either free of charge or a small fee for technical support etc. Then you'll need some sort of host, usually broadband service provision comes with a few MB of web space hosted generally on unix-apache which will support 90% of the solutions out there. For blogging there are loads available: movable type word press grey matter for forum software there are a load of java based ones such as these or csharp ones such as these or Vanilla and frankly hundreds more. I believe this uses phorum which is PHP MySql which powers an awful lot of the stuff you see out there. Setting it up will be a little more involved than pointing and clicking, you'll need to know something about ftp, but all of the above have pretty good tutorials on their websites. Hope this helps, and i look forward to seeing www.noteastdulwichforummaybesomethingaboutdoggroomingforum.co.uk soon :)
  12. Is that hearsay or heresy?
  13. Aren't there new rules whereby councils can force houseowners of nonprimary residences to restore derelict housing and if they don't the council can effectively confiscate the property. All to do with getting brown field redevelopment fully underway. Could it be southwark could do something about this house if they wanted to but may be balking at the price tag? *edited for shocking number of typos*
  14. In all fairness peckham girl, dulwichmum did apologise for her outburst a couple of posts later. I like the idea of bellenden, shows a bit of investment can help neighbourhoods turn a corner, my main problem was the eateries there, for i tried a few, were of pretty poor quality at high prices (a london wide ailment I agree). If things have turned a corner let me know as I'd like to patronise (in the good way) the area, it being but a short stroll from champion hill. I was almost killed by a downward sprial the other day. Nasty things ;)
  15. It certainly does, in my aggregator your post reads like this: Beware!.. Now that I am registered my POSTINGS will have all the more IMPACT *sobs*
  16. @registered*bob*, :) get with the programme man!! As it goes nutty i read this forum using Operas built in RSS aggregator. If you use firefox I've yet to see a better one than sage.
  17. Lol QZ. I don't think Battle Royale was meant seriously as a solution, it was a very black comedy with more than a dash of social satire thrown in. Highly entertaining and very funny. I can't aid this discussion as I can't really suggest anything. I saw the panorama on knife culture a few months ago and it was wholly depressing viewing that suggested we've effectively lost much of this current generation, that a cycle of bad parenting leads to kids not being taught any real values and now live in a moral vaccuum. They *social services, academics, child groups etc* said we have to have money and resources available to schools and communities to turn things around from the moment the new generation is born, starting right now before the cycle spirals ever downward, but nobody seems interested in spending money on this. Christ we can't even actually put resources out there to do anything about climate change which may have dramatically more serious consequences on our society than a few converted replica pistols.
  18. No pink bar in Opera either; I'm outraged!! ;) Good work Administrator.
  19. I'm on the melbourne grove practice near the station. They sort of do same day in that you head down for opening, get vetted by the nurse and if they think you're urgent enough you'll get to see a doctor, no guarantees how quick, otherwise you are booking days in advance. Still the doctors are a nice enough bunch, and it's pretty clean as these things go.
  20. they were in use when i moved here, but haven't heard a clippetty clop for a while now. echoed..hats of to you mark.
  21. Caroline, I have inside knowledge that suggests the legendary CrystalClear will be having a pint at the market porter by london bridge tonight, how can you resist?
  22. Well we moved from SE22 to just the other (north) side of Dog Kennel Hill. It's still only 5-10 minutes walk (or very short bus ride) from LL, but a bit quieter, slightly leafier and several thousand pounds cheaper thanks to the SE5 postcode. We managed a three storey (4 including large loft with conversion possiblities) three bedroom house for ?264k a year ago. May be worth casting your net just a wee bit wider.
  23. Oooh, or the S&M Sausage and Mash chain, bring it on!!
  24. In danger of going off topic, but here was a collaborative effort when we tried to come up with a motto/badge for Dulwich Hamlets. Pugnatores Ponderosi Interbellum It more or less translates as dulwich hamlets, a decent contender between the wars.
  25. Superb effort mark, I loved the authenticity of the random nob fan's inability to spell ;-P Yes clearly today there is just too much industry among EDites!!
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