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mockney piers

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Everything posted by mockney piers

  1. I think sometimes when H is in full flow he's not meant to be taken literally. It refers to any manufacturers of dairy products.
  2. Maybe they did something like this... http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/password_reuse.png
  3. Ah yes. Huguenot's. At least that bit of it that said the cost of allowing the euro to fail will be 20-25% of GDP of strong countries and up to 50% of weaker economies. In other words untenable. The cost of restructuring debt of countries such as greece and possibly allow limited defaults whilst making a fund available* to shore up further problems will be infinitely smaller, and used the same analogy of not allowing the banks to fail to illustrate the point. It's available under free content on their iOS/android app, not sure about t'web. * the leader is a couple of issues ago pre recent announcements hence why it was badgering for strong announcements from the EU
  4. My money's on the mop haired one. Pretty much all of them, as maxxi suggests, are identikit contestants who fit the bill. At least with Louis we get away from dull karaoke and have a bit of fun on the way!!
  5. Actually on the second point, the leader in the euro issue of the Economist said pretty much exactly that too.
  6. They should have claimed that the paper was recycled in foot presses using rainwater ,then dried on mats and then written out by hand. That would have been much greener than her nasty electricity guzzling computer!! That would have been liking poking her in the eye with a [green] stick. Take that self-righteous lady!! Of course they'd probably have been lying.
  7. Rather frighteningly these are real products!! http://www.classicsign.co.uk/images/bin-decorative/cat.jpghttp://www.classicsign.co.uk/images/bin-decorative/dog.jpg
  8. Points taken about the awfulness of the colour blue (it is the colour of scotch people after all), one can just stick to the box if they prefer. Never let reason get in the way of a good moan though, especially if the council are involved (unless they're ranaming guy fawkes to avoid offending red pens or something).
  9. Sorry *Bob*. I'm afraid the magic cloud isn't so much the future as technology from 2 centuries ago!! Anyway this is nice in a sort o utterly useless way. But does explain why Huguenot's posts take about 4 days to reach here. http://www.submarinecablemap.com/
  10. Heh, yeah, my thoughts exactly. If manna was to fall from heaven ending world hunger, I'm pretty sure people on here would go on about how it cloggs the drains and can't something be done about it!!!
  11. D_C the signal is digital but the means of transmission is still very much analogue and thus prone to degradation inteference and interruption by other signals, the atmosphere and things like walls.
  12. It's a magic data cloud of limited range, hence why your smart phone spends half its time pestering you that wifi is available as you wander down the street. Think of it as radio, mainly because that's exactly what it is.
  13. Oh well, brockwell park again it is :(
  14. email admin and ask. It's not usually done, but sometimes he's merciful. Or get him to deactivate susan and reregister with a new account. It's usually frowned on to do that, but it seems to be all the rage at the moment.
  15. but its manky!!!! ;)
  16. All our new bins came with a leaflet explaining everything. We've a blue skip, which is fun. I did find it odd that they won't take away the blue boxes and apparently they're not eligible to be recycled either. They suggested we use it as a toy box, as if I'm letting my son near that thing that's spent the last few years battered by the elements full of stale beer drips and regularly molested by foxes!! (the box, not my boy!!)
  17. I know, ihateit ihateit ihateit. But sucked in again....wwwwaaahhhh!!!! What was Louis thinking bringing in crazy lady, and why did she leave? And the wee little norn irish girl. The last thing in the world that she needs is a record contract with Siom Cowell's putrid dross producing record label. I was really hoping, for her own sake, that she wouldn't make it through!!
  18. I was just going to say *wooosh*.
  19. This problem isn't caused by the euro. There are flexibilities of response that membership may limit. But this issue is not of the euro's making, we can largely thank the US leading the way with the awful banking practices that got us here. The sheer cost of avoiding financial melt down has now exposed the rather wayward fiscal practices of certain gov'ts. In boom times the Greeks could spend many they didn't have. In bad times they can't. Greece isn't prostituting itself to the Euro, it would have been fucked outside of the Euro. Inside it the euro may be screwing itself in a bid to leave no man behind. Noble if possibly foolish. I thought the last time we dealt with this issue we said the gloating was unseemly. People seem to be taking an awful lot of delight from others' suffering.
  20. Oops In all fairness, I've only been an enthusiast for 25 years, and had no idea there were sites. Apologies
  21. What the hell's a banr loan?!?!
  22. My K's are curly.
  23. Was this what you were after maxxi? http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/purity.png
  24. For a moment on my small screen this title looked like ' any tips on stopping foie gras in my garden'. I suffered a momentary involuntary shudder
  25. Douglas adams missed a trick there maxxi
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