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Everything posted by DiD

  1. @Melihoople, can't find any info online, what did they serve last year? Has anyone tried the Rye for Christmas? They have a menu for ?30/pp which seems almost too good to be true...
  2. Thinking of eschewing the cooking this year, as we're only 3. What's open?
  3. Hi, Does anyone have suggestions for what a 17 year old boy could do as a part-time job? Maybe an evening or two a week, plus a day or evening over the weekend? My son is doing a BTEC and seems to have some time on his hands! He's timely and diligent. Thanks.
  4. Hi, I've sent you a DM re: the photographer.
  5. They've been really supportive of local charities, like the Dog Kennel Hill Adventure Playground. Hope that continues.
  6. Just looked at the consultation -- they only seem to be concerned about 'local factors'. What doe they mean by that? It doesn't seem to suggest we can complain about the noise impacting on us as residents. Which is already too much!
  7. I get mine at Peckham library. You have to go right up to the desk in the library and ask for them.
  8. Suggestions, please! Working opportunities? Activities? Etc....
  9. I go back to the original post -- this wasn't about losing 'stuff' or hankering back to the 'good ol days', it was about feeling safe. I think my son is getting through it, but for kids to constantly feel insecure or at risk, is a shame. And there is a rise in knife crime, which heightens the fear.
  10. Thanks for comments and suggestions -- I do appreciate its horrifically common around here, esp. for teenage boys. But that doesn't make the experience any less terrifying for the kids concerned. Its worth noting that they were on a main road and clearly surrounded by kids in balaclavas -- several cars drove past, and nobody stopped. (afterwards someone who recognised the boys did happen to stop and take them home). Possibly that would have scared the gang away? Though I appreciate that's scary for drivers too. Maybe people can have a look out for odd behaviour, even if its just making note of things or even calling the police. Many, it happens, were in the area at the time.
  11. It was quite late, around 11 ish.
  12. My almost 16 yo son and his friend were mugged last night coming home from a party, near Alleyn's, by a gang of about 8 youths all wearing masks. Thankfully only their bikes and their phones were taken, though my son's friend was punched (he's physically OK). They were threatened with knives, though they didn't see any. Needless to say, they're pretty shaken up. We don't want to wrap our son in cotton wool, but how can we make him feel secure? Anyone else experienced this in the area? Police have been informed, etc....
  13. I can also highly recommend David Wilson. I am a 50 year old woman, seriously burned out from work-related stress and auto immune related conditions. I tried going to the gym, but was struggling to drag myself out there. And when I did, I barely managed to get through a whole workout. Following other recommendations from the Forum, I contacted David to help me get fit again and to manage my stress levels. My body had given up, with achy joints and general fatigue. Its been about 3 months now, and my energy levels are better than they?ve been in years, and we?re now at the point where I can push myself further. David has been really good at working with me, varying our workouts so I don?t get bored and encouraging me along the way. I had only intended to do a short course with him, but I?ve enjoyed it so much, I keep coming back for more. I couldn?t have done this on my own.
  14. Yes, please offer a number! Can only find one place that delivers locally and recall having used Dave's in the past, but can't track down.
  15. ooh, good idea. I never go into the 'lounge'. Seems daunting.
  16. There used to be lovely kids paintings on the wall as you go into the wildlife garden on Marsden rd, but they're gone now...so perhaps there?
  17. I'm making mussels for dinner tonight and thought some chips might be nice with them but I'm certainly not going to make them myself. So....who makes the best takeaway ones?
  18. Fox has finally been removed
  19. Mands, no idea, as I didn't want to get close enough to tell (I'm quite squeamish). He's in an odd position for a traffic accident, and there is blood pouring out of what looks like his mouth....but I gather the cat killer mutilates and there are no mutilations that are obvious. Though as I said, I didn't want to get too close! this is the other reason I thought the council should collect it, though, to see if there were any links to the cat killer.
  20. A) its huge b) there is a lot of blood c) On their website, when I reported it(11am this morning) they sent a reply to say they will clear it within 4 hours -- they do this 7 days a week, as long as its reported between 9 and 5. If they had said "we don't do this stuff on weekends, cutbacks, etc...sorry"...then that would be fine. But they didn't.
  21. There's a dead fox outside the scout's hut on the pavement on Bellenden rd, and its been there all day. I (and I think several others) contacted the council and they said it would be removed in 4 hours (including on weekends) but its still there, with blood all over the pavement. I suppose it will stay there all night now. Quite distressing. I contacted a local animal charity and they said it was the council's job. I'm not asking for suggestions, just grumbling about Southwark.
  22. I'm a confident cyclist, so I use the system -- but I've also been yelled at in the same way, and honked at and sworn at, and cut off. Not sure some why some people seem to think that's an OK thing to endure -- because it doesn't bother them -- as long as there are no accidents? How many people are discouraged from cycling because of it? I would like to see information to show that there haven't been any accidents, as I've had a fair few close calls over the years.
  23. Glad you're on here Cllr Ali -- it takes a certain bravery to engage with the bullies on East Dulwich Forum. I would like to see better cycling on Bellenden -- the one-way system is a menace to cyclists, especially as we try and encourage younger people onto bikes.
  24. Hi @Edmoots....have you seen this? Its a way to support the playground at the moment. http://www.spacehive.com/DKHAP-plan-the-adventure
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