It totally depends on the vets that are looking after your pets. Some are very good and take into account your circumstances others just seem to pile on every charge under the sun. This week has been so tough. We have been with them for years, but you have to pick your vets and refuse appointments with others. We have a cat who got very unwell very fast, brought him in Tuesday saw one vet, he was good had seen my cat before, started with investigations and had different answers, then he was going to be off and he passed the case to another vet, she although the history was there, went down another road, and was not as nurturing and caring. So my cat has spent the whole week at the vets every day, spent one night at Medivet in Camberwell (they were great) All the whole getting more stressed, getting worse and worse, and now today we will have to euthanise him. I'm extremely upset by this because I have now paid over £2000 with totally inconsistent prices and huge difference in the charges from one vet to the other, and all I see that has happened is my cat has been under tremendous stress all week and just got extremely worse. And today I will still have to pay for the euthanasia and who knows how much they will decide to charge. So like I said some vets are great others terrible