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  1. What I can't get over is that wife 1 thinks she has a right to go to the wedding of wife 2 and got upset when wife 2 didn't want her there! How arrogant is that?
  2. Dear Admin, I am bored with my user name and want to change it - but there doesn't seem to be any way to do that. Please can you change it for me? I would like to be called 'Viva_la_Revolucion' please. Ms Chavista.
  3. Just saw this, naughty SeanMG!!
  4. You can download it on the free films site if you can't drag her to the cinema. It's in the Ritzy in Brixton I thnk so if you want to wtch it in it's full glory that'd be the place to go. It's worth watching tho.
  5. Here is a link for those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about!! Mum & Dad - The Film
  6. Has anyone seen this yet? Brilliant British slasher film. Really grim and mostly realistic.
  7. Do not mock Mr. Mockney, he may be small in stature, but big in heart.
  8. Or borrow a big dog - I can rent you my scary dog for ?10 an hour because I'm staying in tonight.
  9. Do away with the police and secret services too and I'm with you. I'll round up my mates and get right on with the redistribution of land and resources myself!
  10. What about the subsidies to the developers/buy to let landlords/banks etc? Ok, so why should anyone who can look after themselves be educated/treated and operated on by the state? Why are the NHS, state education and indeed a national army/air force/navy paid for collectively? Why don't we all just pay for our own health/education/militia?
  11. Just discovered the boring Hardy book was 'Far from the madding crowds'. What a load of old rubbish. I hated having to read that in school and it put me off Hardy for life.
  12. I've spotted a few of you a couple of times in the Plough when I was with my other half. He's shy and anti-social so has banned me from introducing him to anyone. I do manage a sneaky, impromptu intro when I am a foot away from one of you, but other than that, I can only manage a half grin (trying to keep the peace), so please come up and force yourself on us, if I look like I'm being held hostage!
  13. It was in the dim and distant past, but the subsidies have shifted to privately owned, so called 'social landlords' and now outright to private developers. Snouts in toughs again.
  14. On the question of funding: "With access to lower interest rates and by using in-house expertise councils can build, manage and maintain homes cheaper than the private alternatives. Investment via stock transfer may take most of the expenditure ?off balance sheet? but it is more expensive (?1,300 more per home than if the council did the work according to the Public Accounts Committee) and there is a large hidden cost to the public ? which is ?on balance sheet?. The public loses the asset (and the continuing value from it after 30 years which is not included in the transfer price calculation); Treasury pays more in Housing Benefit costs as tenants? rents increase, and there are increasingly hefty early redemption payments on loans before the sell-off can take place. This is on top of the army of consultants paid out of the public purse to advise and ?facilitate? transfer. Good and excellent performing councils have unnecessarily spent tenants? money on setting up a new private company (often acquiring new offices, expensive re-branding and increasing senior managers? pay) just to meet the government ?arms length? criteria to access the additional money on offer to ALMOs. Millions more have been poured into endless headline grabbing shared homeownership schemes ? priced beyond the means of most in housing need. The latest example is ?key worker? homes built with public subsidy being sold on the private market because they were unaffordable to key workers. Public subsidy that once went into council housing and was then diverted to Registered Social Landlords is now on offer to private developers to add to their profits. There has been no public debate on this policy shift. By finally dropping a dogmatic insistence on promoting private alternatives to council housing Ministers can meet the aspirations of millions for first class council housing and save money at the same time.
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