My husband and I are now in another dilemma. We were one of these couples that chose to put our child?s name down for an Independent school in case she did not get into Heber, our first choice(as in the case of many people - as seen by the entries dated in September in this ?Family Room?.) Since then, she was accepted into Rosemead and we felt relaxed by this. Since this, however, she has now accepted at Heber as well. A lot of the discussion in September was about whether to lose the deposit and first term?s fees, and in the long run save a lot, or whether to send her anyway. We could just about manage this. Now, however, we have found out the cost of the breakfast club and after school care as I work from 8 - 4:30pm everyday. This amounts to two thirds of the cost of the monthly payments for the actual school fees on top of the fees. Suddenly we are in a situation where although we want to send her to Rosemead, we need to find alternative before and after school care. Is there anyone out there who knows of a solution? She will be starting in Reception Class. All very confused, and tired of being a grown up who has to make these decisions, when I feel like a child inside!