The possible course for further action is that it has breached the Equalities Act by failing to consider appropriately the needs of those who are defined as having 'protected characteristics" under the act. The act isn't flawless but does include age (any age, not just the elderly) and those with disabilities who could be thought to be disproportionally affected because some people in those groups will have limited mobility and won't be able to walk for long distances, cycle and have difficulty using public transport. There are many other protected characteristics including gender and race, but it is harder to see how they could apply. Southwark has now agreed to exempt Blue Badge holders (very strict mobility criteria - can't walk more then 250 yards on most days), but only those who live in Southwark. The congestion charge is not applied to any Blue Badge holder, no matter where they live. There is no time like an election year to get the interest of your local councillor. There will also be an election within the Labour Party to decide who succeeds Harriet Harman at some point...