Aske's is indeed a CTC, it happened in the 90's, and the extra money meant new buildings on both sites. When I was there (89 - 96) it was still a boys school and a girls school with mixed 6th form, but these days I think it's pretty much all mixed (found it strange when I saw a couple of girls at the bus stop wearing the boys school tie!. It is hard to get in, with Southwark, Lewisham, Greenwich, and probably Bromley and Bexley kids going for the places. Like I say though, for music it's great! The music teacher believes that no kid should miss out on music lessons because their parents can't afford it, and started a trust to ensure that lessons would always be free to pupils. There is a mixed choir, an orchestra, a symphonic band (which used to be of a very high standard), a brass ensemble, and various other things. Also, I think it has a nice balance between modern and traditional.