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Everything posted by Keef

  1. I would just like to chip in that nothing that goes in to a pancake is a waste!!! Mmmmm pancakes *dribbles*. I actually have to make pancakes for my better half tonight, as she went to yoga last night and there was no time. I know we're meant to be fasting and all that, but as it's Ash Wednesday, I'll be sure to have a smoke ;-) I can't understand the whole giving things up for lent thing, I mean I'm not a big believer, but even if I had a very powerful faith, I don't think I could convince myself that giving up the beers or crisps for a month and a half would be quite the same as spending 40 days and nights fasting in a dessert! I bet Mary Magdaline didn't treat Jesus to a chocolate egg when she met him by the tomb either.... What is that all about?!?!?!? Could it be the pagan fertility festival that just happened to fall at easter :-S As an aside, CrystalClear told me last night that he "can't" give anything up for lent, as his birthday falls in the middle of it, and that would ruin the day.... Hardly a good christian attitude sir! :)-D
  2. My boss is a bit of an Undertones stalker, and he told me one of them lives in Dulwich.
  3. If you view it from Horniman's, it's quite an impressive sight, particularly at night.
  4. mockney piers Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Well quite, I mean these estate types just aren't > aesthetes like what we is is they! ;-) On a depressing note, I remember a friend of my dad's who threw himself off the top of there. Not a nice way to go! I was only about 10-12 I guess, so late 80's / very early 90's.
  5. Hey tomM, when were you at Aske's? I used to do the same 484 (was the 184 before) / P3 (which I think is the 343 these days) journey as you between 89 and 96. I can't say who Aske's take these days, but when I went, they took 3 boys from my year at St John's & St Clement's. We were all "band 1", however, the year before us, they took 3 "band 3" boys. They always took siblings in to account within the same sex (it was 2 seperate schools then), unfortunately, I had a sister at the girl's school which didn't help me a bit (Grrr). There were a lot of kids there from the Dulwich area, and I had friends who lived over in Shooters Hill (Woolwich/Eltham area), so they came from far and wide! As for the music thing, I'm glad they take a few kids based on "musical aptitude", as the music teacher is a fantastic person, who has always made it his mission to ensure that a child will never miss out on instrumental lessons because their parents can't afford them. I did music GCSE and A Level there, and it was fab! The standard is better than anything I've heard, and that includes when I did music at university! For all I know, it could have changed in to an awful school in the last 11 years, but I doubt it.
  6. Another vote for Dulwich Medical Centre, been with them for a good few years, and have always found them very good. Clazza is right though, if you like to see the same doctor every time, it's not the place for you! The Lordship Lane practice was started years and years ago, but one of the original doctors (who was a lovely man, and very good), died a few years back, and it's gone down hill since.
  7. Out of interest, where have you been for 12 years?!
  8. Well I was very drunk, but it seemed nice :-S
  9. Bony Fido Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- One was outside the "Cafe Ideal",which I believe has > only recently had its name and facade changed from > how it looked at the time, and the other was the > entrance to a yard, which I think was adjacent to > number 3 Upland Road. I had been trying to remember what that Cafe was called!!! I used to love it in there when hungover and in need of grease, but now it's "The Uplands Cafe", it just doesn't seem the same!
  10. Was that definitely the same time? I thought the policeman died in the 80's, as he used to come to our school to talk to us when I was there. That guy definitely died, but maybe it's a different policeman.... ED being the dangerous hood that it is ;-) Funnt how a nice thread about a toy shop has gone a bit depressing... :-S
  11. Hi Clare, You've obviously been involved in this process recently, but I'm sure Aske's takes kids from Southwark, Lewisham, Greenwich, and Bromley.... Only problem is, there are too many applying!
  12. Do you know what area we're talking about? I suspect the raised bit......
  13. Er, what is curried goat if it's not goat????? I'm sure it was goat when I had it :-S "Jerk Rock" is wicked! >:D<
  14. I work for Greenwich, and travel to Woolwich each day (for my sins)... If they do what is being suggested in either of those plans, it will be a nightmare! Basically, people won't have the option of going around the zone, those areas are so busy because people HAVE to go through them! Interesting that they leave Blackheath (the rich area) alone, when those roads are a nightmare in rush hour!!!!!!!!!!! Note: I don't drive, I get the bus, and it's a horrid journey. I can't see this helping though! Anyway.... Back to ED, sorry ;-)
  15. Apparently, Status Quo played their first gig in the Uplands.
  16. I love the concrete house, it's nice and spooky looking http://farm1.static.flickr.com/112/292429624_34667af990_m.jpg (6) For me personally, the best bit of SE22 is, of course, The CPT! :)-D Say what you like about it, but I'll defend it to the end! There are plenty of other great things about the area..... Worst things.... Northcross Road "market" (don't kill me for saying it, I just don't like it).
  17. It was a cool shop. I'm trying to think exactly where it was. Was it next to Paine and Hunter's optician?
  18. Mockney, Ganapati is down there, and that does fantastic food, for what I consider to be a reasonable price. In there! ;-)
  19. To rub salt in the wound, I got bored of the match and switched over to The Brits, only to find out too late that the match had ended up being a fantastic game!
  20. Probably because they were working instead of being taken for a romantic meal ;-)
  21. Er, not sure why Kingston would spring to mind, I was thinking more Lagos (read the news!). Of course there are problems starting at home, I don't deny it, and I'm not having anyone suggest that I'm blaming all our problems on immigrants, I've always been pro-immigration. However, in several high profile cases recently, the people have been from abroad, and have used the "disrespect" excuse.
  22. Michael is right, that would have been "disrespecting" them, and you know what happens then....... It is a sad state of affairs. My other half is a primary school teacher, and she recently did some work in a school in Peckham. It was a year 2 or 3 class, so these are young kids, and she said she couldn't believe how rude, agressive, and (ironically) disrespectful a lot of the kids were! The colour of a persons skin has no effect on how they behave, but culture does, and a lot of these people that are doing the stabbings and shootings are coming from places / cultures where this is the norm, and they think it's fine and manly to behave like that. It's bloody scary!
  23. I'm not entirely sure that THIS is the answer to anything... Fight fire with fire... Hmmmm that'll work :-S
  24. Well as an innocent youth, I believed they were sugar cubes :-S Perhaps naive....
  25. I used to love the horses, as kids they used to let you come in to the stables and feed them sugar cubes. Mum used to tell me that in her father's day, people would come out on to the road with their shovels and pick up the manure to use on their rhubarb!!! At least it was organic, that would go down well in the ED of today! ;-)
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