Sorry Fish, didn't mean to bite your head off ( I hate sea food ;-) ), but it was a horrid thing. No apology from the paper that I know of... Things didn't work that way back then. It was 1988 - 89, I was only about 10 or 11 at the time, but remember it well, as we went to that school, and that church! My mum knew them both quite well, especially the vicar (won't put their names on here). Basically the teacher and the vicar were both very very good people, and great at their jobs... They were gay, and had a party with friends, but not some sleazy thing with rent boys or anything like that. Anyway, one of the so-called friends at the party sold a photo to the paper, which proved nothing, but was enough for them to make up a load of trash! They basically had a headline along the lines of "Orgy at the vicarage"!!! As a result, they were both pretty much sacked, or "asked to leave" their jobs... The real shame was that the parishioners of the church, and the pupils of the school lost out! It was however quite the scandal at the time! Anyway, mum still hears occasional things about both of them, and thankfully they both got over the whole thing, but it must have taken time!