Here you go Jah Lush.... A young priest takes over a parish, when the former priest Father O?Brien retires. On handing over the reins, father O?Brien says to the young man ?do ya have any questions before I leave you father?? The young priest replies ?Actually father I have my concerns about what to say to people in the confessional?. ?Ah, that?s no problem? says father O?Brien, ?I keep a book in there with alphabetical listings of sins, and the correct response?. ?That?s excellent father? says the young priest, and they say goodbye. After his first Sunday mass (a great success), the priest is sitting in the confessional, when a man walks in? ?Forgive me father, for I have sinned, I have stolen ?20 from my friend? The priest opens the book, and looks up theft? ?Well that?ll be 3 hail Mary?s for you then? he says, and the man leaves. This goes on, and the book is proving to be invaluable, until? The next Sunday, the priest is in the confessional, and by now is quite confident. A young woman?s voice says ?Forgive me father for I have sinned. I gave my married neighbour a blow job?. The priest is taken aback, and looks in his book under Blow job, but it?s not there! He looks under ?Fellatio?, but it?s not there either!!! Starting to panic, the priest opens the door to the confessional, and sees the choirboys walking out of the church. ?Pst, pst? he gets the attention of one of the boys. ?Son, do you know what father O?Brien used to give for a blow job?? ?Yes father? says the boy, ?A packet of crisps and 2 Mars Bars? ;-)