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Everything posted by Keef

  1. Er Jah Lush, I think we might shop in the same place ;-)
  2. Aha, Alan you are spot on, I've mentioned Ganapati several times, it's the best!!! >:D
  3. Here you go Kathryn. That thread was interesting, but it did make me chuckle that when it was pointed out that it would take a lot of committment, and there wouldn't be a profit in it, suddenly the interest stopped.... Perhaps people weren't being as community minded as they'd have liked us to believe ;-)
  4. Keef

    Quiet room...

    *Looks on in absolute amazement that DM can still function after drinking a whole bottle of Poteen!* *Mummbles to Crystal to self "DM is one of us"* :)-D *Falls off bar stool*
  5. Keef

    Quiet room...

    *Gives DM's shoulder a reassuring squeeze* *Takes swig of 6th pint of Grolsch* *Offers DM bottle of absinthe, then remembers DM's heritage, so withdraws absinthe, and offers Poteen* :-S
  6. Aha, is she the one who "plays" the mother in Mariners Revenge? Find him find him tie him to the somethingorother and break his fingers to splinters.... Nice lass ;-)
  7. Again, I agree... I have nothing at all against local businesses, and all power to them, but at the same time, I'd rather see a decent chain shop than an empty shop! For the record though, I don't "do" coffee, so wouldn't be in a rush to get to Starbucks ;-)
  8. Keef

    Quiet room...

    *Eyes well up in the manner of someone who's just seen an old friend* *Nips out to Patio, gets a couple of pints of Grolsch, passes one to Crystal. Pours an Adnams for Mockney, and a nice Pims for DM (whispers to DM that no one will know, and it's almost Easter)*
  9. Keef

    Quiet room...

    *Winks at Mockney and thinks "you sly dog you"* ;-) *Opens Balcony Doors, and takes sharp breath, and looks on stunned at the beautiful Angel Falls towering ahead of us* http://www.mongabay.org/images/venezuela/angel_falls_classic.gif *Makes mental note to go there one day!!!*
  10. (tu) I know we've done the curry house thing before, but just thought I'd chip in to say that I went to Coriander last night for the first time, and was very impressed! Menu has a lot of "chef's special" dishes on it, as opposed to just the usual suspects (they do them too). Food took a while to come, but when it did, it was clear that it was all very fresh, and had just been cooked, rather than taken from the freezer and heated up (which I'm convinced happens in some of the others). I had Lamb Chop Masala which was very nice. Mrs Keef had the Vegetable Thali, and said that everything on it was lovely! Bill was very reasonable to I thought. Anyway, I shall be going back there, it was very good! (tu)
  11. Keef

    Quiet room...

    *Nods towards Piers and mouths "good choice"* *Curses bad nights sleep, and ponders what the hell those weird dreams were all about* *Reclines "Lazy Boy" chair, and closes eyes, floating away on Debussy piano music*
  12. Come on Mockney, this is the CC that we all know and love..... :-S
  13. Aha, Mr Piers is the proud owner of a wii, and it is indeed fun, although I actually woke up with rose shoulders after am evening of bowling and baseball! ;-)
  14. Normally I too prefer football, but yesterday was simply painfull to watch! :-(
  15. Keef

    cute guys in ED

    Hmm, Monica you seem to have a thing for guys who give you alcohol ;-)
  16. Keef

    Quiet room...

    *Places blanket over Bagpuss, and leaves glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, and can of Deep Heat by her side* *Sits back down with Shambles* *Thinks to self I hate hangovers!!!*
  17. Craig Bellamy is a nasty horrid thug, and shouldn't be allowed to play a game for a living! I am a Liverpool supporter by the way.
  18. Keef

    Quiet room...

    *Thinks to self, poor Shambles, it happens to the best of us* ;-)
  19. Keef

    cute guys in ED

    Likewise, I'm not sure I've ever been a hero before, but I like it ;-) You're the best DM!
  20. Keef

    Quiet room...

    *Raises glass to, and smiles at Dulwichmum* *Thinks to self, this is the life* ;-)
  21. Keef

    a joke

    Here you go Jah Lush.... A young priest takes over a parish, when the former priest Father O?Brien retires. On handing over the reins, father O?Brien says to the young man ?do ya have any questions before I leave you father?? The young priest replies ?Actually father I have my concerns about what to say to people in the confessional?. ?Ah, that?s no problem? says father O?Brien, ?I keep a book in there with alphabetical listings of sins, and the correct response?. ?That?s excellent father? says the young priest, and they say goodbye. After his first Sunday mass (a great success), the priest is sitting in the confessional, when a man walks in? ?Forgive me father, for I have sinned, I have stolen ?20 from my friend? The priest opens the book, and looks up theft? ?Well that?ll be 3 hail Mary?s for you then? he says, and the man leaves. This goes on, and the book is proving to be invaluable, until? The next Sunday, the priest is in the confessional, and by now is quite confident. A young woman?s voice says ?Forgive me father for I have sinned. I gave my married neighbour a blow job?. The priest is taken aback, and looks in his book under Blow job, but it?s not there! He looks under ?Fellatio?, but it?s not there either!!! Starting to panic, the priest opens the door to the confessional, and sees the choirboys walking out of the church. ?Pst, pst? he gets the attention of one of the boys. ?Son, do you know what father O?Brien used to give for a blow job?? ?Yes father? says the boy, ?A packet of crisps and 2 Mars Bars? ;-)
  22. Keef

    Quiet room...

    *Agrees whole heartedly with Crystal*
  23. Hurrah! ;-) Can't believe I've beaten pertain others though... Really must start doing some work during the week!
  24. The Queen doesn't sound Northern, and it's the queen's English, end of story ;-)
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