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Everything posted by ibilly99

  1. This thread is a paragon compared to what is going down on other forums. If you haven't registered for another local forum (you need to register to view) urban75 (originally started as a Brixton forum) than I would highly recomend it. It probably has a younger profile than EDF but moderated arguements run on with hundreds of contributors from the anarchist left to the informed middle to the Daily Mail right. They also link to all the live twitter feeds and it would appear a section of youth have found their new summer's sport. What is worrying is that a lot of these kids are probably the gangs getting together informally so that they have critical mass to go on the rampage. With the backdrop of an economic depression and with the financial crisis only in Act 2 at the moment (when countries go bust) things don't look to good.
  2. And a proportion of pubs will close as the remaining smokers gather in each others homes or converted garages with a fridge and an optic and revel in their new found freedom and cheapness of it all. Dulwichfox et al will find more vacant properties in their communities in the palce of what were once thriving cosmopolitan businesses. Is that what you want as that's what will happen. A compromise might be to have a section of the garden reserved for smokers. And Nette I agree with Hugenot on this you went over to the vituperative 'hate' angle and some of us kicked off as a result - calmer language would have worked better and kept me off forums which is really what I should do. In a previous incarnation I used to do correspondence for ministers amongst other things and had to write the replies that they would sign off - the huge volume of sometimes ill-informed half-baked arguements would rot the soul but if they used offensive language or there was too much underlining and throwaway comments such as "GET A GRIP ME CAMERON !" then they would get the standard reply . Dear Mr X As you will appreciate the Prime Minister receives a large volume of correspondence and sadly is not able to reply to them all personally. Your letter has been passed to me to reply. Your comments have been noted Your sincerely ibilly99
  3. After the hug (thanks for the empathic web vibes) the report I linked to says that Carbon Monoxide levels can be ten times those outside - is Nette going to reserve a bit of his hate for these enormous factories of noxious air pollution that greet us all around us in the from of motorised transport or is it just reserved for the occasional self-imposed inconvenience as a waft of relatively minor fag smokes assaults his nostrils. If he does drive maybe he wants to go around and look at the exhaust and have a look at what is coming out of it. Incidentally the exhaust pipe of a car is just about the height of a baby's face in a pram - nice. http://www.liv.ac.uk/researchintelligence/issue35/images/car-exhaust-fumes-cG.jpg
  4. .... and levels within the car are much higher than those outside - you are gassing your children inside your car - which might account for why the levels of child asthma and autism are so high. But we all drive and love our little box of joy and personal freedom so lets go after smokers in pub gardens and parks. Surely the punishment should fit the crime but not when it affects our gilded lifestyles. Polution inside cars
  5. granadaland Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > ibilly99 Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > I don't have a car , go everywhere by public > > transport and see the pollution by smokers as > > inconsequential compared to the pollution > caused > > by cars. > Because when an elite thinks they can get away with looting the planet for their own greed by operating what is in essence a giant Ponzi scheme and they cash out b4 the sh*t hits the fan and pass the bill onto society then the moral basis for our society is blown apart. The difference between the Tottenham looters who will mostly get collared for their tawdry bags of spoils whilst no major bankers have yet to do the perp walk. But we live in hope - mafia dons with MBAs - the biggest heist in the history of the world. [pre] [/pre] > Travelling everywhere by public transport isn't > environmentally friendly! > Not sure why you're abusing bankers on this thread > but if your not greedy why bothered about wealth > decreasing. Good times bad times.
  6. The banking sector in general takes about 7% of GDP for its services which is providing access to capital - it is a tax on all of us - they are the highest paid workers in the world and have brought systemic damage to the whole global economy which will now play out for the best part of a generation. It has corrupted some of the best and most agile minds of the planet and infected them with greed and created the monstrous money destroying machines of leverage which are still wreaking havoc on all our lives. When I'm ill I'm glad there's a humble nurse or doctor who went and had years of training for a modest return. They need to be humble , they need to be apologetic for the evil they have done along with the compliant bought politicians who were too eager to take their money and fictions. Oh and patio heaters are not too good for the planet either but I find it hard to get too worked up about them.
  7. No I'll leave it to the bankers - they've cooked up Great Depression 2 coming soon to a job near you which is enough hate to be going on with. Patio heaters and smokers can wait till another lifetime.
  8. I don't have a car , go everywhere by public transport and see the pollution by smokers as inconsequential compared to the pollution caused by cars. London air as bad as 15 a day If it was banned everywhere except one's own home then another round of pub closures would inevitably follow , jobs would be lost and no-one's health would improve. Incidentally I no longer smoke but don't see it as a particuarly burning issue. Also Annette Curtain hate is a strong word I would prefer it to be reserved for the f**ing bankers and their greedy ilk who at the latest reckoning will reduce our wealth by 25% over the next 5 years and our children to penury.
  9. My mate's got a pension that he can take at 60 it is a defined pot so he will get a medical to determine his life expectancy before they pay out. Smokers of course have a reduced life expectancy so they get a higher pension. They hair test to prove that you are and the test can go back 6 months. So he is an occasional smoker always giving up but has booked in his 6 months smoking for 9 years hence. That is something the keep fit fanatics will probably have to expect if you live longer you will get a smaller pension.
  10. Oi Mr Ben as a regular of Glastonbury it just gets better and better - stay away from the Pyramid and the Other Stage and go with the right mindset and hope for reasonable weather and there's still nothing on earth to touch it. When you're tired of Galstonbury you're tired of life (or too old).
  11. You're right njc there is a wider issue of East Dulwich and environs pricing but it's still ?10-50 for a burger and chips and there is a sense of trying to test the market here and pricing what the market can stand. There is a recession on and if Meat Wagon want to get down and dirty with the punters how about some more sensible pricing. If you want to charge a premium you have to be bloody good all the time or expect flak on internet forums and review sites.
  12. Similar - but I think no cigar - here's the real thing with a Simpsons intro done by the great man.
  13. My major 'beef' is the pricing - like I said the pork was fab and there was nothing intrisically wrong with any of the texture,flavours or presentation - just a ludricous price for above average pub food. My wife and I spend a load of time seeking out good food all over London and the world - current local favourite is the Angels and Gypsies at Camberwell and Barrafina and Koya in Frith Street - all exceptional , great value for money for the outstanding quality of the food and you enter with expectation , are delighted throughout the meal and leave with a feeling of money well spent. Here the Meat Wagon came with similar high expectations , a sense of excitement at finding it on our doorstep and a crashing feeling of being ripped off when we left. I wasn't going to post as I generally keep off forums preferring to lurk but when I saw a thread developing which echoed my own thoughts I felt compelled to act.
  14. Well thanks Strafer Jack - knowing what you have now told me means I have retrofitted my previously shallowly held opinion into the best burger I've ever had and a steal at ?7-50 I must return shortly for more of the same. Oh and I forgot to add the cheese wasn't up to much either. Disclosure here - I don't know the team behind the pub or food and have no financial interest in any local establishment
  15. Couldn't agree more with the negatives her. Went with the missus on Sunday to see what all the hype was about had pulled pork , a double bubble burger (twin cheeseburger) and a portion of chips sum total ?20.50. The ?7-50 burger was ok but certainly not worth the money - had a much better one at the Royal Festival Hall last weekend in the food quarter round the back for ?4-50. The pulled pork was fab but the coleslaw and beans merely adequate and didn't justified the price. I think they are riding on their own sucess here - and some glowing mentions in the press not to mention Camilla's son doing photoes of the last night of meat easy they were queing round the block on Sunday. I looked in the kitchen and it was an industrial factory process in there - buns all loaded up and ready to go and the burgers being flipped on a kitchen hot plate. No street food charcoal burners here. Left feeling ripped off and won't be back but if folk don't vote with their feet then they'll be laughing all the way to the bank. BTW the food at the Actress is fab last time I tried it wanted to hate it but ended up eating my words and a lovely pizza and some fantastic pork all brought to the table by smiling waitresses. Meat Wagon watch out just because you did well on the way up doesn't mean you should rip us off when you get there.
  16. As long as you keep away from discussion of local schools should be ok - it's the low count posters that seem to have the most venom ..
  17. Sorry it probably was you Sue - good to know you're not part of the local internet lynch mob http://www.redstaplerchronicles.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/internet%20lynch%20mobs.gif
  18. Alistair Kinner's recollection of the events of 19 February 1980 Alistair Kinnear was the last person to see Bon Scott alive. For years, even AC/DC's most revered biographers have thought he doesn't exist. Now, in a world exclusive for Metal Hammer and Classic Rock Presents... AC/DC, Alistair recalls what really happened on that night. In February 2005, The Guardian published a feature called 25 years on. AC/DC fans recall how wild rocker met his end' in which writer Richard Jinman quoted AC/DC biographer Clinton Walker as saying of Bon Scott's friend Alistair Kinnear: "No-one spoke to him before or after the event [scott's death]. He just doesn't seem to Exist" The article also stated that "Walker believes Alistair Kinnear was a name adopted by one of Bon Scott's associates who did not want to be identified." Well We've found Alistair Kinnear, and in his own words he tells what really went down on February 19, 1980.... "In late 1978 I met Silver Smith, with whom I moved to a flat in Kensington. She was a sometime girlfriend of Bon Scott. Bon came to stay with us for two weeks, and he and I became friends. Silver returned to Australia for a year, and I moved to Overhill Road in East Dulwich. On the night of 18 February 1980, Zena Kakoulli, manager of the Only ones, and wife of bandleader Peter Perrett, invited me to the inaugural gig of her sister's band at the Music Machine in Camden Town (renamed Camden Palace in 1982). "I phoned Silver, who was once again living in London, to see if she wanted to come along, but she'd made other arrangements for the evening. However, she suggested that Bon might be interested, as he had phoned her earlier looking for something to do. I gave him a call, and he was agreeable, and I picked him up at his flat on Ashley court in Westminster. "It was a great party, and Bon and I both drank far too much, both at the free bar backstage and at the upstairs bar as well; however I did not see him take any drugs that evening. At the end of the party I offered to drive him home. As we approached his flat, I realised that Bon had drifted into unconsciousness. I left him in my car and rang his doorbell, but his current live-in girlfriend didn't answer. I took Bon's keys and let myself into the flat, but no-one was at home. I was unable to wake Bon, so I rang Silver for advice. She said that he passed out quite frequently, and that it was best just to leave him to sleep it off. "I then drove to my flat on Overhill Road and tried to lift him out of the car, but he was too heavy for me to carry in my intoxicated state, so I put the front passenger seat back so that he could lie flat, covered him with a blanket, left a note with my address and phone number on it, and staggered upstairs to bed. It must have been 4 or 5am by that time, and I slept until about 11. when I was awakened by a friend, Leslie Loads. I was so hungover that I asked Leslie to do me a favour of checking on Bon. He did so, and returned to tell me my car was empty, so I went back to sleep, assuming that Bon had awoken and taken a taxi home. At about 7:30 that evening I went down to my car intending to pay a visit to my girlfriend who was in hospital, and was shocked to find Bon still lying flat in the front seat, obviously in a very bad way, and not breathing. I immediately drove hime to King's College Hospital, wher Bon was pronounced dead on arrival. The Lambeth coroner's report cited acute alchol poisoning, and death by misadventure. "It has since been speculated that Bon choked on his own vomit, but I can neither confirm nor deny this, and his death certificate says nothing about it. There was no vomit in the car and contrary to other reports I've read, he was not wrapped around the gearstick when I found him. I made a statement to the police at the hospital, and later spoke to the Evening Standard, relating everything I knew at the time. "The next day Silver came around to see me. She told me for the first time that Bon had been receiving treatment for liver damage, but had missed several doctor's appointments. I wish that I had known this at the time. "I truly regret Bon's death. Hindsight being 20/20, I would've driven him to the hospital when he first passed out, but in those days of excess, uncousciousness was commonplace and seemed no cause for real alarm. "It has been implied that I mysteriously 'disappeared', but in fact I have been living on the Costa del Sol for 22 years, still working as a musician, and am in touch with most of my old friends in England and in other parts of the world, so I am not hiding from anyone. What I'd like to pass on from this unfortunate experience is the idea that we should all take better care of our friends, and err on the side of caution when we don't know all the facts."
  19. Who says we are a success - if the runaway success of homo sapiens in dominating our world results in the destruction of the planet then we can be ultimately seen to be a cancerous growth where evolutionary forces ran away with themselves.
  20. Since every death diminishes us a little, we grieve - not so much for the death as for ourselves. None of us gets out alive in the end.
  21. Last week I saw a women photoing the 'hotel' very self counsciously I suspect a new arrival wants it run out of town so as not to frighten the property prices. Many years ago when I first moved here it was a ramshackle asian shop piled high with stuff such as heaters and lamps and the like and never felt the need to ever visit it.
  22. It's been there for years and causes no problems that I can see live and let live. At least it's not the concrete house and the few times I've seen in there aren't 10 to a room.
  23. DSS B&B live just round the corner - wouldn't want to stay there but never any problems that I can see.
  24. There's a rat in Wood Vale as well ! Rat in Wood Vale
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