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Everything posted by ibilly99

  1. ibilly99

    Cock soup

    Do you reckon the Cock Soup would go well with Brazilian Di Cuntio chocolate - no more hair in my cock soup waiter.
  2. ibilly99

    Cock soup

    Di Cunto Candy Company http://www.dicunto.com.br/uploads/Image/JPG%20500x375px/logo.jpg
  3. The Charlotte Street Blues bar was a great venue and very sorely missed - only lasted two years but in its day was the finest bar on the planet Charlotte St Blues Am crying at my keyboard
  4. Threads that won't die when they should http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_loi92tAnYX1qgptbdo1_r1_500.jpg
  5. You need to get your image right http://www.sectalk.com/boards/images/imported/2011/08/CatPleaseDontLetThisThreadDie-1.jpg Like this http://emotloader.hu/emoticons/angry/Colere_33%20-%20emotloader.hu.gif
  6. http://www.osugamers.com/images/gallery/Cats%20and%20other%20RandomImages/dont%20let%20thread%20die.jpg
  7. I remember going round Ruskin's house in the Lake District as a kid (he was a pedo btw) and hearing about his charcoal furnaces in the grounds - we found Ruskin clinker in the soil - still have it to this day !
  8. Sue Katie - sue it's a public board you have witnesses.
  9. Katie you will need to take some intelligence pills if you are to continue contributing to this thread. Personally I wouldn't bother. http://www.picpop.com/gallery/albums/userpics/10899/1129995500-toostupid.jpg
  10. http://www.tuesdayschild.com/emails/tPF/Customers/DieThread.jpg
  11. http://files.sharenator.com/Thread_Crap_Wont_Die_RE_mega_zombie_forum-s300x371-97014.jpg
  12. http://www.fotoschudelhalm.com/picture_anna/aktuell/buch_Never-Ending-Journey.jpg
  13. I have it on good authority that Snorky is Richard Bach
  14. I hate BONO does that count ?
  15. Good comes out of this trolled longest thread ever - Nexus since you started it it would only be right for you do the decent thing - the internet ain't free you know.
  16. Thanks mockney for the heads up I wasn't aware but have done my duty to the forum. thank you for your donationPayment by PayPal Confirmation number: 5D14183740390222Y. An email with your donation details has been sent to [email protected] and you can print your donation receipt. Donations Coordinator Contact Information [email protected]
  17. Oi Hugenot this is a local forum for local people by living in Singapore you've obviously voted with your feet and given this country the brush off can't you bug the Singapore Expats Forum with your carefully nuanced erudition. No taxation without representation.
  18. ibilly99


    I miss Concorde it would come over 6.OOpm like clockwork every night. Was always a great pleasure to look at despite the noise.
  19. I'd rather my taxes went on funding festivals rather than bailing out the banks. Me and the missus always had a good time there very 1970's retro rural Oireland feeling about it.
  20. I can't be arsed anymore - now off to selftrade to pile up some gold etfs
  21. Notting Hill was great I hope it stays peaceful .. Paul Woolley, a one time fund manager, and currently head of the LSE's center for Capital Market Dysfunctionality (sometimes affectionately known as the Princeton Economics department) who explains why things are on the edge of a precipice. His message for anyone who thought that Irene may have been a risk: you ain't seen nothing yet. "The developments in recent weeks have made it quite clear that the markets don't function properly. Things are spinning out of control and are potentially dangerous for society. Only a fraternity of academic high priests connected to the finance markets is still speaking of efficient markets. Still each market participant is pursuing their own selfish interests. The market isn't reaching equilibrium -- it's falling into chaos."
  22. katie1997 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > ibilly99 Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > getting to the point quickly 2 cans of beer one > > g&t > > And a Jeeves...? Nah - saving that for special occasions such as when the financial oligarchy finally falls (sell by date is Sep 2012 so they had better hurry up.)
  23. getting to the point quickly 2 cans of beer one g&t
  24. LadyDeliah Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > No, I agree, but combined with impending economic > and ecological collapse, I think it's all going > tits up soon! I just hope it's not in the next 2 > years because I have things I want to do! Yeah you'll be all right frog boiling thingy.
  25. Looks like you bottoming stuff out I was watching X Factor and modestly drinking which was remarkably good considering I'm cynical and the economic system didn't actually collapse during it so I will regard it as money in the Bank of Life. Now where can I package that and sell it on and by so doing increase the happiness a hundred fold. Nexus - not bad considering internet wisdom is not to feed the trolls - consider yourself sated.
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