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Everything posted by ibilly99

  1. We are all terrorists http://lh6.ggpht.com/_9XgTupJEmys/TOLtDZcaOrI/AAAAAAAAA00/jhScTvbJC8c/smith-tsa-kids-1st-cavity-search%5B3%5D.jpg
  2. A very merry Christmas And a happy New Year Let's hope it's a good one Without any fear And so this is Christmas For weak and for strong For rich and the poor ones The world is so wrong And so happy Christmas For black and for white For yellow and red ones Let's stop all the fight A very merry Christmas And a happy New Year Let's hope it's a good one Without any fear And so this is Christmas And what have we done Another year over And a new one just begun Ans so this is Christmas I hope you have fun The near and the dear one The old and the young A very merry Christmas And a happy New Year Let's hope it's a good one Without any fear War is over over If you want it War is over Now...
  3. Brown bread http://www.anorak.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/santa-is-dead.jpg
  4. Tell the kids he's dead - cirrohis brought on by over indugence in Sherry - reindeers have been sold off to assuage creditors.
  5. He who love torches walks not in darkness. Plato
  6. Nice one Maxxi with the emphasis on Butt - his wife liked these shots ... (real BTW) http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/10/25/article-0-023AEE25000005DC-906_468x358.jpg
  7. Are you watching Hissing Sid when this happens ?
  8. Buy One Get One Free http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_R6nxnFrr_Tc/TUWR45xL79I/AAAAAAAAALM/Sj-T-zgjf38/s1600/l_e5ebf8a016840f7583dacf0b359f6aa7.jpg
  9. Loz Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Did anyone take photographs of the police > photographing those taking photographs? Fitwatch
  10. http://www.kramerclan.us/SiteGraphics/Christmas%20Graphic%27s/christmas-animated-gifs-03.gif
  11. grumpy old folk on internet forum complain about texting shock
  12. I refer the right honorable northlondoner to my first post.
  13. Basically McDonalds on steroids for pretentious faux urban grungy twats with money to burn.
  14. No celebrity investors or unwarranted media hype - just great affordable food made with passion. Bono having a snack .. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/__lvGGxlkHws/TDStKa4Mp8I/AAAAAAAAC4s/viZqdyBheXM/s1600/bono+goofy+face+with+kid.jpg
  15. Ignorant chav in London shock.
  16. Nay food alternatives - their pork belly is to die for .. ?Kakuni ? braised pork belly with cider?. Not too sure I could spot the cider, maybe some lingering aftertastes of sweetness. All I know is that the pork was literally melt-in-your-mouth with just the right amount of fats to make it tender and juicy without being cloyingly sick. I also loved the mustard on the side. Altogether an absolutely brilliant little dish. http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4125/5039303697_0f20ea5d53_z.jpg
  17. "Great. That quote has converted me into a fan of the bone." Wrong thread matey http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kvrojpFYf71qzpc3ko1_500.jpg
  18. I ate their stuff at the Rye distinctly underwhelmed both at cost and taste - I'll let their numerous cheeleaders celebrate and I'll go back to Koya
  19. Overhyped recession chic I'll give it a miss.
  20. He plows back the money he makes from hip-hop into the practices you should be biggin' the main man up not dissing him. http://www.tattoodonkey.com/pics/s/t/star-crosses-celebrities-wearing-run-dmc-l-g-tattoodonkey.com.jpg
  21. Good to see there's not a lot of hate around - hating BONO was a boom hatred when the party seemed endless and a new economic paridigm had been found - nor more boom and bust - we were all going to get rich by stuffing ourselves on endless cheap debt - a ton to see the Oirish prancers - that will do nicely ... Bono owns a 1.5% stake in social networking site Facebook, an investment that is currently valued at ?500 million. Bono responded to his critics in Times Online on 19 February 2006, calling them "cranks carping from the sidelines. A lot of them wouldn?t know what to do if they were on the field. They?re the party who will always be in opposition so they?ll never have to take responsibility for decisions because they know they?ll never be able to implement them. Partner in a vc company http://cache.gawkerassets.com/assets/images/39/2010/08/500x_bono_ali_hewson_290810.jpg
  22. Are these guys from the Dulwich hood on DKH.
  23. http://andrexblogroll.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/bono.jpg Been a long time since we've all participated in a collective hate session on the pompous overblown hedge funding tax avoiding NOBO (hate him so much I can't bring myself even to speak his name) so I thought I'd kick it off with a reprise of my old slash video knocked up quickly to celebrate the previous thread outing. To NOBO lovers please note thread title - none of your whinging jangly guitarred messages of support - start your own bleeding thread. U2 is an original species... there are colours and feelings and emotional terrain that we occupy that is ours and ours alone. Bono
  24. There's probably a bigger issue here of how New Labour pumped up the NHS with borrowed cash and allowed savvy health officials to become sucessfull businesses - but good luck to Dr Gupta at least he is bringing healing to the nation unlike the banks which bring usury and misery.
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