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Everything posted by ibilly99

  1. Actually I'm following my own advice and decamping to warmer climes for 2 months when I come back the recession will be over and the coalition will just be a bad dream and finally that unsightly advertising on Londis wall will be finally gone.
  2. Heathrow and a plane to anywhere but here.
  3. In fact don't vote for anything is a good strategy ..why do folk bother - they say it is 75% females 14-24 (X Facor that is ).
  4. become a republican and declare independence from royalist tyranny before being sick with Quality Street spattered turkey...
  5. It's called capitalism supply and demand.
  6. She was released from a psychiatric hospital 2 days before .....
  7. Thanks James - East Dulwich can rest easy in their beds that slightly larger than normal advertising will be banished from non-descript 1970s blank walls.BTW I mentioned it to the Hog Roast folk on Saturday and they said they had never noticed it despite spending all day looking at it. Continual exposure to aromatic pork fumes have obviously clouded their otherwise sound judgements.
  8. Agree with your commentsthe pre-rap but the next piece pulled at my heart strings and tear ducts so I base my judgement on the tingle favor. And yes she is destined to be a great session Diva.
  9. No thanks he's another tax dodging Celt btw -stuck in my craw his Glastobury rendition of Jerusalem and yest it was on Sunday , Bloody Sunday to boot.
  10. Wheels within wheels of mediocrity welcome to previously Great Britain 2011 dancing at the edge of the Euro abyss !
  11. Get this man in he has form http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3221/2599916019_cb4a7e7958.jpg
  12. Just heard Misha's exit song on Sky Plus - best performance of the comp so far - I fear the second rate Spice Girls Little Mix are a show in now - what a farago.
  13. All this blood and soil nonsense and Culloden fixation reminds me of Northern Ireland and their dyed in the wool bigotry - welcome to civilisation and clement weather Katie - when the Scots have an army under their parliament's control I'll call you a nation till then you are a region of the UK. BTW legally it should be called the Scottish Excutive not the Scottish Government - correct language matters. Great Scotsmen No 1 - Sean Connery - tax exile and wife beater.
  14. I'm slightly concerned the Glazer Delmar advert of the right of the screen is a little too big - much prefer the tranquil karma of a slighlty off white right hand margin ... gotta love #FFFFFF
  15. Simples ... http://www.hearingbalance.com.au/storage/E031.jpg?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1285106755629
  16. Always winds up the Jocks calling their 'country' a region keep up the good work Marmora Man - the second div Scottish politicos stay up north of the border and spout their English hating rhetoric in their half bilion house of vanities whilst the 'can do' UK Scots come down to make their fame and fortune in the civilised South and the global international city of the world London. Katie welcome to civilisation we need the best Scots here.
  17. People nick the epitaths of war memorials now - scooters of relatively wealthy middle class kiddies seems almost tame in comparison.That said a Saudi Arabian approach seems to be in order here.
  18. The Simpsons is a much better cartoon though.
  19. Some terribly oversized advertising hoardings on the side of Londis assaulting the senses of all right minded yeoman of the botogh thouigh. Apart from that mint.
  20. Now utter rubbish but still glued to XFactor USA which wipes the floor with this barrel scrapings looking forward to seeing Jesy Nelson on Celebrity Fat Club in the near future.
  21. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-aE_pTlHkM8w/TWJCuodeK_I/AAAAAAAAAro/1-4kaCpGgAE/s1600/HarryHill_fight.jpg
  22. 26 years ED no burglaries touching wood with fingers crossed.
  23. If we all do this we will crash the economy - just as dangerous as the Occupy movement - I'm up for the challenge - I love a poor man's caaserole which is to use all the stuff in your fridge that is approaching it's throw out date. Also go to Lidl religiously - the quality and prices are unparalled and thronging with amazed middle class folk these days. Paradox of Thrift 500gb portable hard disk coming up for 30 quid this week.
  24. Hallelujah - he has truly risen fron the dead and blessed East Dulwich with his resurrection..... http://www.asianoffbeat.com/CrazyPictures/Santa-Cross.jpg
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